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Thursday, August 19, 2021

The vaccine....and its LACK of legal accountability....

 I'm not going to say toooooo much here....as I KNOW that dementia cases exist...and they are "always 20 years old"....

but put these two videos together...and think WISELY about it.  No murderer WANTS legal protection for their victim!!!  The stats about LEGALITY.....speaks for itself!!!!!

Were the "Gas chambers" designed to protect the GERMANS and/or the JEWISH people.....(do proper research about NAtive Americans and African americans to put the "paper trails" of racism together...answer to the one who created the HEAVENS....not just a "Gregorian calendar").  What about the "bombs" in Palestinian territory.....were those bombs designed to protect the actual citizens of Palestinian territory or simply to attack Jerusalem, as well as put Palestinian children as victims!  DO proper research!...... Afghanistan didn't happen overnight folks!..... ROTTEN APPLES....ROTTEN APPLES.....from HISTORY.....repeating itself!!!  (note: its NOT the headscarves....and the middle east people in their cousin conditions - paper trails.....reveal kinship connections- just like all of us, we are against...its the EVILS inside the HEART.....)

MAN-MADE things on this earth......are NOT always meant for GOOD....but are designed to put evil into man's heart!  The sacred nature of the creator is PERFECT.....no man is an island....and can "Create" the apple to properly fit into the hand of a man in correct proportions.  (mr. raccoon....has correct hand prints of man-like-features proportions and stands upright!)

Vehicles, axes, shovels and so forth were ALL designed to do GOOD on this earth, by man.  BUT man acts upon the works of CAIN and does evil instead of GOOD in certain situations!!!!

I'm not going to say the vaccine is entirely laced with evil.....but there IS a problem with the HEART of the TRAIN ENGINEER that doesn't want legal protections for the PASSENGERS!!!!  Kind of like "cookies" at the bake sale that are KINDA shady, and the MEDIA is happily reporting on this "fine" business.

Not ALL things in pharmaceutical companies are out there to GET.....people....because woman's health is something that, well.....some women would NOT be here without protections of the WOMB and what goes on there..... just sayin.


Biden and Hitler are looking awful similar these days.....

copy and paste......Poland had a COMMUNISM problem....and confiscated PROPERTY!  So....what does that make BIDEN in terms of HOW he interacts with CHINA....(and the indigenous populations.....here in America!!!)

As Corrie Ten Boom was sayin......take care of the "dementia patient" first....as the bible says to do that Sermon on the Mt. theme......and the REST will fall into place.....

Some people simply need to understand Hurricane Fran....


older cousin...... Elizabeth....REMEMBERS things....that younger cousin......MARY......couldn't really remember that well...

Its ALL a game of PUTH or DARE......(Martin Puth-er style.....walks in like a MAGNET of expression.....Jesus himself said: "HE....is the way the PUTH and the life.....no man comes to the FATHER but by me.....")  Joseph was considered HANDSOME (Potiphar.......tried her hardest to slay the dragon.....without considering the servant JOB from the bible....in the middle of it ALL....she TRIED to claim that there was TRANS-phobia-xyz in the MATRIX.....but it was ACTUALLY HER darndest desire to be someone like "Rachel Dolezal" who had a HARD time telling like it is.....)....as was Absolom.....in the bible.

WHY WHY WHY.....in the world does he continue to play PUTH or DARE....it sounds like he plays this game MULTIPLE times!!!

WHEN we share......GERMAN cousins.....maybe....here or there under the sun!!!!  kinship trails are kinship trails......some are good....some are NOT so good.  Because the 100+ year old man....STILL speaks German to his dog....


Didn't the west "employ" certain politicians who said that people couldn't leave their home or face a fine without a mask? How in the WORLD can "western" people even fix things when they won't admit TRUTH about their own issues!
RT59 minutes ago
The return of the Taliban has left the women of Afghanistan in a state of limbo, with over 20 years of progress that could be snatched away overnight, as the Taliban decides just how modern their new ideology is in relation to the role women play in society. Professor Vrinda Narain looks at the future of women under Taliban rule, and what the West can do to protect this vulnerable group. WATCH: https://youtu.be/jf0bgs9pr6o
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