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Friday, August 20, 2021

Do NOT trust "trans-xyz" identity people....

 I'm NOT talking about people who are born "intersex" or people that have "hormone issues" where they develop NATURALLY differently than the others around them and may need hormone therapy.  Yes, there are unusual AGE stage changes that CAN occur which cause extreme height or weight variations out of the ordinary.  Every now and then I see various males who are SHORTER than me (I'm at Paris Hilton and Taylor Swift height....and occasional features....but I'm NOT them....because based on Ancestry 23 and me styles and results.....MY cousins are.....NOT their cousins, basically.....but we COULD share some cousins here or there.)

I am LITERALLY talking about people who are "trans-xyz" people.

In King David's house, Tamar was good looking or attractive enough to be RAPED.....it is CLEARLY identified THAT way.  King David had RED HAIR.  It is CLEARLY identified that way.  (what does the Red-Hair have to do with anything.....I'll explain below)

Was Tamar given a "hormone therapy" so that she would become more attractive in a different MALE to FEMALE version of her self?  NO!

Would she (Tamar) have identified her-self as "male" would this have prevented this evil from happening to her?  According to the STATS......of the conditions of Sodom and Gomorrah and the way they treated......ANYONE and EVERYONE.....  NO.....no and NO.....she would simply be considered a "female" to mistreat like "meat".....  that is that.   The scripture is written DOWN....for a REASON...for a SEASON!!!   RUTH of the bible is IDENTIFIED as MOABITE...which is of ancestry of LOT whom came out of S & G....but the MOABITES were never really a "good people."  Basically, by identification.....RUTH came before King David arrived on the scene...and had DIFFERENT memories....than TAMAR.....who came AFTER!!!  Don't play generational "trans-xyz"......fools die for lack of PROPER WISDOM!  (if so and so is your AUNT and is older than you....then they (or she....get the culture coordinated folks....)  older...if so and so is your COUSIN and they (he or she....culture sometimes plays a role in definitions...or its just description differences) are younger than your youngest child....then they are younger......things like that!)

I looked at the FOOT PRINTS in the soil the other day and I noticed, "the trail" of the particular animal in the mud.  It turns out a RABBIT went through our yard.  Then the next day it was a RACOON.  If the ANIMAL world can properly ID themselves....then HUMANS can by DNA relevence.....do a better job.  Just sayin.

How do I KNOW these things are true.  I went to a community I grew up around when I was a child.  A person who knew me BEFORE I was even past the age of 5, could CLEARLY ID.....who I was.....based on my basic FEMALE face....  (I DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER LIFE.......as my STORYLINE proooooves it.....  I've been in the ER for MATERNITY ward issues!!!!)

I brought my FEMALE face forward....and I knew what I know.  And people who KNEW who I was can clearly ID whom I happen to be.  Features stay with a person from birth to final breath....when all things are considered.... 120 years old is given to man.

THEIR personal ethnic or culture background....is THEIRS and they know who knows whom on the "baseball diamond"..... basically if ya ain't in the Major League Baseball diamond playing "the game".....ya just ain't there!@@!@!!!

Jesus was IDENTIFIED with VARIATIONS....but he was NOT identified as "trans-xyz" (meaning sinless and sin-filled......or with Moses and against Moses)......... JESUS of NAZARETH...... Lion of the Tribe of Judah...... man who sang at Mt. of Olives "Mar_14:26  And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives."  ..... great physician etc.

Its kinda like a MAN can be identified as an MIT graduate and a worker at the food pantry and a local computer designer.....but he CANNOT say he is a Thief and a worker at a local bank.....and a Rapist and a helper of women in the ER...... and an animal rights activist and a remover of endangered Elephants in Africa.....

Basically "trans-xyz" people are mockers of their own creator.  YES.....males and females can have "variations" in voices in the choir.....but they CANNOT be a part of the choir if they MOCK the choir director!  Jesus WAS already IDENTIFIED as one who grew up in NAZARETH......  (Mordechai and Haman......didn't get along in the bible folks.....think about it!   The maternity ward......is STILL speaking from FAMILY TREE stories and travels people take!)

TEACH your children to respect the FACTS of life.  MOSES.....led the children of ISRAEL through the wilderness.....and MOSES was "aged" as the scripture states.  MOSES' appearance didn't CHANGE through time and he remained AS IS from the time of his ARRIVAL on the scene (remember now....PHARAOH....wasn't interested in removing females....he was interested in DROWNING HEBREW BOYS!!!!).....

The HEAVENS declare the GLORY of GOD...... if your ancestors....were "northern-lights"-seeing people.....then that is what they were for over a 1000 years.  DEAL WITH IT.....  If they were not....but lived in a different region of the globe....invested time in EGYPT if you will then that is what they were!  YES.....ANCIENT FEATURES......reflect into the SAME thing that comes upon ALL GENERATIONS...and GENERATIONS to come (curly hair?  more nose? Asian eyes? etc etc).....

Anne Frank clearly had a story and she DESERVES the HONOUR in what she wrote.  YES..... I've also read the biography of Ruth B. Ginsberg (I agree with certain portions of the woman's rights things that she was promoting....but not all.....because a woman's strength needs the FATHER in the home....no orphanages for certain households.....is better!)

Speaking of RACIAL issues and identity.  White CAN be black and black CAN be white....  FAMILY LIFE will speak for itself....as WE as people are KINSHIP connected in one way or another....or we would NOT make it to full-grown adult-hood!

Here are a couple examples:

Trails of FAMILY TREE tears....started at the TOWN near the TOWER of BABEL my friend.....just LISTEN to the TRUTH.....and let the shattered pieces fall into place!!!!  Other-WISE....Charlie PUTH....will remind you of a FEW SCARS.....SACRED scars where ever they may be.....  Vashti took her "children" with her in the bible......friends...  Jesus WANTS to be YOUR friend!  A person LITERALLY cannot LIE to the HEAVENLY father...why??? because in the beginning .....HE CREATED....fair features on ADAM'S RACE....(mr. Whipporwhill sings it all the time)  if ya didn't grow up in Nazareth.....then ya didn't....  Afghanistan folks.....ought to know that by now....but...well....the STORY LINE is moving FORWARD and NOT backwards!!!

What happens when people eat TOOOOOOOO much "hot"...... on their sexuality diet......  Its like toooooo much sugar and ONLY sugar!

this video can explain!!!!

People can ALWAYS....change their heart!!!!  Hormones are not a TOY!!!!

THERE is NOTHING NEW.....under the SUN!!!!!  (if grandpa looked like .....that....then......that....is that!)

So.....Jesus asked the man....did you GROW up in the Garden and hear the sound of Mr. Whipporwhill or not?  If they pull the "trans-xyz" grow-up in totally different location when it was never THAT location....thing on ya......tell them that the ORDERS of CREATION are STILL.....speaking to ADAM and EVE!!!!  Some in human-race have heard this sound for over 1000 years!!!!

don't shake your FIST at Mr. Whipporwhill.....there ARE....warning signs about the coming JUDGMENT!

video above......in background.....video below on mute: represents 70 AD....temple in Jerusalem.....

Pride leads to DESTRUCTION.....folks....its in the BIBLE....for a REASON.....

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