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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The artist remembers.......

 A person really CANNOT be misrepresented...... Charlie's last name IS.....Puth....as in Martin Puth-er..... ..... a historical name of reference which CANNOT be understated in relationship with the ORIGINAL conditions of AMERICA in 1776..... MARTIN LUTHER had a part to play in this role of "the constitution," whether people see it that way or not..... it IS a FACT!


I don't hear of the last name Bach..... so much..... but I have heard of variations around.... in friends and watching for names here and there in the family, medical records and other sorts of names I see and hear on the billboards etc etc.  So that means EXACTLY as the name says it..... there IS a trail of who is who in the TRIBAL line.... so to speak.

This is the ORDER of whom is in our cousins and their ancestry background..... starting with the HIGHEST number of cousins.... (that means that we are NOT 100% european in our charts!) .... basically at about Nigerian and Ashkinazi Jewish theme on the list.....close cousins show about 1% of such ancestry... so some may or may not carry from the same ancestor...but YET....it is still there.

Here is the LOCATION of DWELLING.....among the cousins..... starting with the HIGHEST number of cousins..... (sorry about the SIZE....of this image.....do magnify it to see it better)

Charlie says...... in his video..... at about 20 seconds to 30 seconds....."the ARTIST remembers".....  Take notes....before reacting toooooo quickly because the COUSIN'S matter in location's on the earth of who is who on the family tree charts.  WHY?  social things.....my friend!  and sometimes there is "no evidence" for being related to so and so....but it IS apparent...when looking at COUSIN conditions.  There are ALWAYS the "cousin of a cousin" theme goin on....which doesn't show up on these charts (Puth is German.....our chart says a bunch of cousins in Germany).  LOCATION = what the types of "bob ross" paintings.....your family ancestors would have painted.  Did they put a "racoon" in the picture or not????  Lion's and Lambs......were clearly from the VIEWING point of ISRAEL.....just sayin.

I'm like I don't even know where the missing sister in the puzzle called ONE LIFE went..... oh there she is in the middle of it ALL.....saying loud and clear.....  "the artist remembers".....STUFF.  Humanity really isn't just one box of "stuffing".......  in a raggedy anne sort of way....we are interconnected one way or another....

Just IMAGINE the close cousins????  I'm guessing and I guess its NO disguise....because well....a MOTHER'S maiden name....is forever a MOTHER'S maiden name.  I notice these types of "drawings"....

put more cousins into the picture.....and this thing called.....oh yeah.... you are RIGHT..... they look exactly like they belong in the SAME family....but where are the "more asian eyes" coming from.

So think about it again.  ****I've worked in long term care and I SEE.....family photos.....before last breath!****  .... an old lady warm in her bed.... Titanic - Ending scene - YouTube  (oral story telling about family photos of the past.....just sayin)

COUSIN's....and COUNTRY of origin.  Now....if the USA cousin location was broken down into STATE region where cousin's were located....the people that are showing up on the charts with around 1% ancestry like the NIGERIAN and ASHKINAZI Jewish in their heritage would start to MAKE SENSE.... in the "mix" of ancestry.  (a person MAY need to actually TALK to older cousin "Mordechai" to get extended family information about 1% this or that on the charts because sometimes this feature shows up....and sometimes it does not on ANCESTRY 23 and me results.  As in....JESUS was from KING DAVID...and that was WAY more generations than just about 200 years prior to his arrival on the scene......aka.... King David with RED HAIR....and I'm sayin....I've seen it ALL)

Minnesota is a REAL place on the MAP..... especially considering the SAD events that occurred after George Floyd.....I kinda KNEW about the EVILS in man's heart........regarding "features" differences....well before GEORGE FLOYD incident!  GUARD the HEART.....my friend!  I've seen my husband's extended family too....

Keep in mind that MANY of these extended family COUSINS......live along the *AVE. of the ST's*.....due to family history records here and there.  I'd say between A and point B......coming and going from the MISI-SIPI river.

Take note the HIGHER percentage of NATIVE AMERICAN that we have in our household compared to OTHER EUROPEAN ancestry percentages.  That is around 5% ancestry!  That could mean WAY more than what the general public can even understand.....in words or languages!  Misi-Sipi river wasn't "nothin" on the charts of NAMING processes!  STUDY the origins of the NAMING of this river.  It goes back over 1000 years.....my friend! (Jesus was on the cross 2000 years ago!)  Racoon.....only exist in some locations on this planet with MR. RACOON having 5 fingers in EXACT precision on the CHARTS!  (Racoon's territory is LIMITED to what his CREATOR gave to HIM.....!!!!)

As knew for a FACT, that oral story telling in and among family.  I'm no Rachel Dolezal....but I do notice how THE ARTIST....remembers.....things in the FAMILY TREE.

WHY in the WORLD does TORI KELLY look like she does?  Well....she will tell you.  Just look it up on CELEB heritage charts and chit chat.  When a cousin says there is 1% in OUR records......that CAN mean some things!  Basically its like some people take those ancestry tests and the siblings show slight variations at around the 1% marker!  Basically.....SOCIAL things are SHOWING up on the charts.....they ARE showing up for DINNER.

Anyone NOTICE how are results showed SUPER HIGH...... amounts of IRISH and NATIVE AMERICAN????  (older cousin "Mordechai" does MATTER......folks!......or they will NEVER understand "Black LIVES MATTER"....in REAL TIME and TALENT terms)

Basically, THE BRIDE.....cannot forget the GUESTS at the wedding....because well.....perhaps they are cousins and things like THAT......

Does location of DWELLING matter?????  ESPECIALLY when they say BLACK LIVES MATTER....but ignore the FAMILY MATTERS......part of the EQUATION!!!!!  YES YES YES......my friends!!!!

There WAS a reason I had 5000 friends on FACEBOOK......just sayin.  I've had "questions" asked about "are you Jewish" before......my blue eyes and height.....may give away the windstorm of change about Scandinavians and their conditions under the sun.....but when I pull the CHARLIE......slicking his hair back and covering up the "curly" mess.....with variations in the way to "wear your hair"......things may not look as "Scandinavian" any more......  Einstein was RIGHT about the "theory of Relative-ity"

I talk to a SCANDINAVIAN .....friend of our household ..... who happens to have grown up with my husband and pretty much KNOWS his family (like Puth......my last name is PRETTY much OBVIOUS as to origins......a person could EVEN look up the "name meaning" if they would like......  I just say its ALL about "point of view" and angles under the sun....what is YOUR tribal "point of view".....oh....Giraffes?  Polar Bears?  yeup....bingo was his name oh.....ancestry 23 and me NOAH.....reflections).  He happened to have attended PRINCETON university.  His straight hair and tall features.....are super apparent.  HIS family tree trail of SCANDINAVIAN happens to go back to the CIVIL WAR times....so HE would KNOW some things about SCANDINAVIANS during the time of the CIVIL war in AMERICA!!!!

I'm still thinkin bout' those clashes in Afghanistan    and I'm thinkin to my self.....have they considered "my servant Job".....and the origins of JERUSALEM......maybe THAT would fix some FAMILY TREE calculations just a bit!  Family Photos are ONLY here on this planet for ONE LIFE.......  JESUS showed us CLEARLY his LAND of origins and his ANCESTRY 23 and me charts.....just sayin.

****Friends I HAVE done my research at "puth-er" college.....a scandinavian community.....for the most part....... VERY FEW in that area actually have LEVANT.....cousins.....just sayin.... I REMEMBER.........THINGS......because I have a husband that is 5'11" tall.....****

Look at all those cousins and their features within 10th cousin range....

I sense the DARKNESS.....like MEGAN MARKLE (wedding)......sometimes.......  just like the RED-HAIR.....and african americans "chart".....

Did ANYONE notice how PETER HAD  a WIFE??????  ITS in THE.......BIBLE.....

This individual is on youtube somewhere......  do your research..... he speaks about MAPLE TREES.......breaking apart in WIND STORMS and GOSPEL things..... and I'm like yes.....it IS true MAPLE TREES change colors.....AND they break apart in WIND STORMS.  so THINK about those sorts of things.....under the SUN (as in....the SUN is NOT the largest STAR in our solar-system.....but the big dipper points to the NORTH STAR....and IT contains seven STARS)  We are ONLY under the SUN......for a TEMPORARY time FOLKS!!!!  Just like TREES.....JESUS knew things about their function and purpose.....

Pride (as in Levitical things are IGNORED or blasphemed.......because they FORGET that the bible is written in "farmer's Alamac" fashion....with PASSOVER always in the SPRING after a certain number of "moon phases.") is a BIG KILLER of family trees.....as I've noticed.....when the cousin of a cousin tries "talkin" with the people....but didn't ASK the BOSS for directions.......FIRST!!!!!  Mordechai KNEW this......story......a LONG time ago....VASHTI......was a "faintly.....driven".....FINE FEATURED....woman....in her DETAILED NAME!  Ethiopia was ACTUALLY mentioned in the WEDDING STORY of this BOOK.... (as in I have a INTERNET MACHINE......WAY BACK machine....that remembers the GUESTS .....and the GIFTS they give at the WEDDING....)

THE.....artist......REMEMBERS!!!!  keep levitical things.....in MIND..... just sayin.  LEVANT....things.....they matter.

I notice some things about the modern day.....celebs.....Yes, there ARE fine and handsome people....that continues to be the case on this planet.... but HOW does a person HANDLE that condition under the SUN?

Madonna said THIS.....

And John the Baptist was beheaded by the WORDS of such a woman.....as Madonna was speaking....

But Queen Esther said what????  and had WHAT types of features under the sun....the temporary sun?

THe people who said....I wonder WHY that man is 5'11"......still have a LOT to learn about this and that under the sun......don't be surprised when a SCHOOL TEACHER (even professors and others that work....with those at different.....careers with the under age 21 populations)  does this or that under the sun....  just sayin....I STILL notice....  what a man DOES with the information across the screen...and radar.....matters.....  Just sayin.... I know....my husband's "womb records"...... some people get those kind of "surprises" on their ancestry 23 and me charts.  It really isn't funny.....its a broken.....maple tree of sorts.....even historical issues....found at the Library. (hmmmm.... I wonder why the book of Leviticus matters.....)

There is ONLY one.....John chapter 3 in the bible.....  The ER doctor SAID .....so..... DRUGS....in the mind.....creates....the worst of the WIND STORMS.....that ruins the branches of the MAPLE TREE. "With all due respect miss.... I'm not the one hangin off the back of the ship."  ***Jesus wasn't the one hanging off the back of the ship.......Queen Esther......well....without QUEEN ESTHER....where would humanity be????? Afghanistan parables are a brewing.......yet.....AGAIN...because of LACK of ACCESS to THE TRUTH.  Bathsheba's husband.....what happened.....friends?

only wisdom available....is to TRUST....the one......who......walked with ADAM and EVE in the GARDEN.....BEFORE....the fall.....not AFTER.....

When you are bored.....and want some more birthday party bashes.....just watch.....Megan Markle stories....

Birthday Party suits.....only come ONCE in a LIFETIME.....

I totally GET IT....when someone walks up to me in Public......EYE...and ASKS....heritage....Charlie Puth said so a while back....in family tree timeline....

When Jesus was on the cross....he wasn't just at "the beach".....he was STRIPPED of ALL ...... meaning that his clothing was SOLD.......by LOT..... (the hat on this man is sayin things....)
***The bible itself already mentioned the things that happened to DINAH....and TAMAR......drugs in the modern era....does even more damage to "the maple tree"***

I too have a stepbrother-in-law and extended cousin-in-laws here and there under the sun.  Police Lives Matter too......along with their family life!  just sayin....

At 3:41 in the video....would you use your Mother's name as a "curse word" in life.... if they ONLY knew that NIGERIA actually does exist and that the NIGER river is a REAL PLACE!!!!! just sayin!!!  BLOOD is THICKER than water!!!  In the whirl wind of the Afghanistan man's mind......Isreal isn't a REAL place on the map.....nor is Nigeria a "curse word"....but in the MIND of GOD......IS-REAL....isreal and NIGERIA is a place with the NIGER river....

THE ARTIST REMEMBERS!!!!  (so study Levitical things folks!)


Background "noise" from BEFORE.....a WEDDING......  maybe so and so knew so and so in this temporary life.....  as I've learned things about WEALTH.....here and there...and the LOCATIONS where OBAMA walked across STAGE....."Puth-er" college.......just sayin.

(video on mute)....celeb features (height weight etc) are actually REAL.....I know....been there in the FAMILY TREE thing as well as I remember the STORIES that a room mate was sharing....a  while back about HER family story!....for a while....and talked with ROOM MATE about this or that....  (just like Dr. Mike....on youtube.... I know that people see the face..... and I'm like it comes from the FIELD of DREAMS.....FIELD of DREAMS).

EVERY dementia patient is ALWAYS 20.....years old..... just sayin...there IS love for family beyond.....limitations.... HUMAN limitations.

Somedays.....we don't see the reality....because we are TOO busy to pay attention to the GARDEN tomb.....but in reality....it has a LOT to do with humanity is.....to this day....even in the MODERN TECH era....so watch out before the cancel OneREPUBLIC.....tooooooo

Video on mute....

because ONLY some family KNOW where "alopecia" arrived on the scene.....due to this or that conditions in "grandma".....  King David.....had red-hair....folks.  Don't be "french toast"....

video in the background....

I've seen and heard many things related to medical issues in ADAM's race.........and themes...but it IS the STORY....that CHANGES the HEART!  Because he (Jesus) is the GOOD physician....


My story-line.....involves.....a trip to "Puth-er" college.....

A trip can only last once...... if women are not WISE about things....  ER STORIES....  cousin so and so.....here and there..... under the sun....and just because someone else is a sibling.....does NOT mean they SHARE the SAME story...... on this planet.  A MAN'S ear drums can ONLY accept a certain amount of DECIBLES in the EAR..... on this TEMPORARY EARTH.  This or that "breaks" my ear drums......this or that "breaks" the heart of the BRIDE.....just sayin.  Was that person attached "by blood" to that relative or NOT????  It all depends on what types of things work this or that way.... PRAYER does help with Tumours.....they say.  A person needs to understand WHY......maternity ward things matter.....meaning FAMILY MATTERS.....just sayin.

They can TRY to re-edit the whole medical theme chart....and I'm sitting here.....like Josh Groban is STILL 5'11".....that means this or that is STILL going through his "book of family tree records"..... so to speak.......LOUDLY!

REally really check the STORY LINE of King David and what it is ACTUALLY sayin.....  because JESUS.....actually IS the good PHYSICIAN

EVERY human is designed with a internal "video camera" (dementia patient sold themselves on this one)......  that REMEMBERS.....like the internet "way back" machine (it WILL recall things of MOSES.....if CORRECTED...in the RIGHT WAY!.....following JESUS....is like....following MOSES....80+ year old moses in the wilderness....)

video on mute....

*The history records of what was said and unsaid!*

Background song below....

***The OLDER person.....who remembers 9-11-2001.....and they HAD to learn it as HISTORY.....meaning I remember helping with the medical issues of WW1......veterans.....before LAST BREATH***  Family tree record books......are usually the OLDER one in the FAMILY.... the OLDEST knows things......  Passover time...... the OLDEST....was taken out of the "picture" of the people who had not put the BLOOD on the DOORPOST!  Mordechai....was OLDER....  Not ALL of us came over on SHIPS (or had pleasant rides).....ANCESTRY 23 and me records....just sayin.

just beyond the river bend....there is an EVEN better LANDSCAPE....but get to know the painter....

I've heard a story about a friend......whom I grew up with that is no longer on this earth.  She had a SPEICIFIC face feature....that COULD NOT be ignored....because wellllllll she had a tumour as a young child....and I REMEMBER her GOING through those treatments!!!

The HOLY SPIRIT must have led me to visit her before.....last breath.  Because DAY BEFORE.... I felt "a loneliness" without that friend....  imagine being liberated from the SCARS.....on one's face!!!!  Jesus had scars in Psalm 22.....it is described EXACTLY!!!!

If your ancestry chart says....your ancestors knew MR. RACOON as MR. RACOON....then THAT is it folks....one HAND.....comes from the CREATOR and his drawings! PERFECT by design.... Maple Trees have COLORS...and they show us when the WIND blew too.....hard.....

I'm thinking about the fact that there IS such thing as GENERATIONAL Post-Traumatic Stress disorder....and it has been proven to exist.  The BRIDE....may carry this condition.....and not even notice it.....even though she looks so BEAUTIFUL in the photos!

I'm thinking that way because I notice that the book of love involved the wedding guests and the facts of LIFE.... (a history record is permanent damage in the HEART....if not aware of things....in FINE details.....Charlies Puth's hair style)

Real people say that family tree stories ACTUALLY do.....matter....so don't drool over JOSH GROBAN....tooo much....he is ONLY 5'11"...and his talent does involve PIANO keys...with hands of the correct proportion.... I can GUESS the hand size....because I have a husband....who plays piano too.....  and they said.... I KNOW....the spirit....like it was yesterday.....when we left.....Egypt......and Turkey in the same feature conditions which remain....in the MIXED landscape....family tree photos........without need for a ZOOM meeting....because there IS a better meeting.....place for a WEDDING....

(so and so in the family tree had an OVER the RAINBOW features......type of thing...goin on....)

who knew how important.....weddings actually were.....  only those who were there would understand... the GUESTS...

Its all in the OLDER COUSIN.....matrix....scripture records.....reveal the NAZARETH effect......who grew up with so and so....and BIRTHDAY records on this earth are PERMANENT....

Instead of "All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten".....is ALL I really need to know I learned in the story of NOELLE......  Birthday bash.....party!!!!  I can't remember who was the older cousin....was it MAry or Elizabeth....they said....you should have PAID ATTENTION a little better in CLASS!!!!!  PSalm 119.....walks in STYLE....these days.

I could use VIN DIESEL as an example of family tree things....but take note....he doesn't have any hair...and HAIR TYPES can say a lot of things here and there.  We are NOT just a bunch of diesel engine....."scrap metal"....if you will.

Note to self: do NOT read the book called "White Fragility" and take EVERY word seriously.  YOU ..... will end up damaging the ONES she claims to CARE ABOUT!!!!!  word of warning especially when working with vulnerable children and adults!~!!!@!!@#@!@#!@#@!~!!!!  Older cousin Elizabeth.....and MAry.....were DEFINITELY cousins!!!  (Robin Diangelo.....she stated in her book that it doesn't, and I quote on quote....kid you not, it doesn't "MATTER" that you were cousins and close ones at that!......cough cough)  Just sayin.....I'm thinking about ER work situations and how TRAFFICKERS are on the PROWL.....folks.


This stuff is NOT a joke......  Native culture isn't a JOKE.....really....seriously....same with Nigerian and Ashkinazi Jewish....


in the covid 19 era.....TRUE.....blood......immunity DOES MATTER....folks.  Vaccines do not stop wickedness in the heart....  those who understand the GOSPEL...in line with TRUTH....are not the victims but the victors.....over the EVILS of this world.

Background song....

the REAL.....STORY.....matters.....its not just "religion" class...

Family PHOTOS>>>>>>>> can speak VOLUMES!!!

Planned Parenthood......Margaret Sanger.....would be rolling in HER GRAVE....if she only knew....the value of that FUTURE......"charlie puth"......photo!  In the middle of the storm of the "woman's body" that has its temperaments in the maternity ward!  Eve.....bears the burden....of "family photos".....  in EVERY generation......and ONLY the few.....remain.....listening......where ARE the CORRIE TEN BOOM'S who understand?..... the Lion and the Lamb......in the order of creation.....of eden!

The password....says clearly.....whom is "mordechai"....don't tell them.....my friend....they don't listen....unless they actually STUDY things correctly!  ***some should even LOOK at the title on their records....which says which college they attended.....Harvard....wasn't just some "joke" in time......Last names as a "pun".....of similarity.....  ***

video on mute....below....

background song....

but some ACTUALLY HEAR.....the TRUTH.... (hint: start with the first five books of the bible)

some people BETTER start listening to old 80+ year old Moses better in class....you know and I know that a Dementia patient is always "20 years old"......forever....in their mind..... (I'm not sayin that charlie...is going to have Dementia...but remember now....Sarah of the bible.....Rebekkah....of the bible....and Rachel of the bible....all had "fine features"....)

Background song... because cousins are cousins.....forever and ever.....  I could tell by the things they SAID....that GRANDPA......SAID...and the language he spoke....and the types of animals he talked about.....  Location......ahem......MATTERS......  BEWARE....about WHICH type of COLLEGE you send your children tooooooooo...... my friends..... because TIME is running SHORT.  There are MULTITUDES of languages in AFRICA.....said the SHEEP to the GOAT!  Do sheep carry curly hair....check mark YES.....do Goats carry curly hair....chick-fillet mark.....NO....except they are given that design (Rachel Dolezal tried pulling that stunt)!


Anti-Israel sentiments......since the time of the GREEKS....and JESUS....himself celebrated the "feast of dedication" in John 10......I've noticed some trends from those who don't like Jerusalem and the people who live on their indigenous territory (after all whom named JERUSALEM...and whom named the MISI-SIPI river....and called that animal a "moose" over there....surely it wasn't the Chinese)

I'm thinkin wisely my friends..... Photo cropped and everything!

Where do the cousins of that man live????  The questions we ALL have sometimes under the sun!  Now the TRUTH.....is revealed about what it means to make AMERICA......*as in "MR. RACOON" and his pals and family live here*.....GREAT.....again (dementia patient style).

Kinda like this one:

I'm overjoyed and my children get to encourage me to be a part of the Communist careers!

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Songs of Love and Hope