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Thursday, May 7, 2020

White Liberal Christians.....do not LOVE the JEws and muslims???

Jesus is the ultimate example of love.

We who are followers of Jesus.....EXPOSE the DARKNESS...

David Wood exposes the darkness of Muhammed.... (and other media issues at hand....)

all without harassing the "basic traditions" that have neutral elements (head scarf, woman at home, fasting as it is practiced, middle eastern heritage etc.)

Jews have a problem sometimes.  Jesus (yeshua in hebrew) himself knew this.  LUST.

What is a "white liberal"?  Meaning the foundational heritage is "white" and the elements of faith come from "White People" (Russian? German? Protestant, Catholic etc.)  Jewish people have "white tones" but are considered Ashkinazi in general respect.  In actuality, many Protestants and Catholics would not actually agree with their "liberal tone" if they heard the words of the founders......on a youtube channel today.....(except in the cases of misinterpretations of various conditions of history....which led to ww2 etc)

Basically, White Liberal Christians will cater to Linda Sarsour......all the while ignoring actual victims of sex-trafficking in Muslim countries.....and among Jewish people.  

information keeps people aware....

People who grew up around folks with heritage from "the Levant" even if not known as a child, would know that social events take place in extended family homes.  Hence the bible has *laws* about sexuality for various reasons.  

Yes, Palestinian Christians exist.  Arab Christians exist.  Other people from ancient times have a sort of Christian faith among Muslims, Coptic Christian, Greek Orthodox etc.  Pay attention to the social figures at hand.

Anyway.  People who are fearful of TRUTH....don't admire the way, the truth and the life.

A way to put it is that they are "intellectual" about things of God but cater to the darkness simply by giving people who are actually "working" with things of God a stamp of "phobia".....while Christ himself worked with things of the Father....at all times and in all places.

Love is patient, Love is kind......

Not boastful.....

Let not the left hand know what the right hand is doing.......

Listen before its too late....

Secular song...but has a point....Hosea (betrayal)

Side note: this is perspective of things like this from an actual orthodox Jew (practicing).  Its kind of a similar notion that "all men and religious values" are bad....as is common in left leaning circles.


more perspective.....

just live despite errors.... in understanding cultures...


stuck in the middle.....

just being real..... Queen Esther....was beautiful....and the story takes place in Iran.

Re read the book of ISAIAH...... red is written within the black and white words.....

hmmmm.... the script..... commonly associated with all talk ....no action.

and consideration for all things medical

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