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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Common Educational mishaps:

Common Educational mishaps:

1. LGBT persons deserve more rights than the general population: No not realistic. Nero was a real man with no self control and clearly opposed to "brotherly love" (compassion for people of same gender....especially people who followed the clearly male.......ahem for lack of a better word....Jewish friend YESHUA...not from Tel Aviv). A proper biblical historian will remind people that Ruth was a descendant of the Moabites who was descendat of Lot.  For those who say never say never, then when we go into THY ER and enter THY ICU (as in "I see you" says the Almighty) we can make a few guesses behind that infidelity, infertility and improper psychological distresses my friend.....higher rates of suicide aren't always from outsiders.....insiders matter too.  Can anyone else smell the "mandatory abuse" reporter scenarios goin on?

2. Minority or persecuted heritage groups never commit acts of crime against others: No not realistic.  Even though Jewish people and/or other non-white groups were the target in WW2, they can have issues such as racism towards others, terror issues, domestic issues just as the rest of the population

3. Math isn't going to benefit anyone in the future: What?  Even biblical interpretations say to use "just balances."  It isn't right to sell a loaf of bread without proper accounting practices.

4. All technology is going to benefit the good of humanity: Ok, when man himself invented water, he needed to pay for the copy right laws, the property right laws, the certification license, the health insurance premium, the legal expenses, the "light bill" etc etc.  Um.  Water is not a thing to mess with, its a human right folks and the proper chemistry hasn't changed in 2000 years.....hey even Jesus turned water into DRINKABLE wine.

5. There is no need to preserve the environment: Jesus will return in 1 year they say.  I'm going to sit this one out when they say that eagles can raise their young a live to adulthood on one month's salary.

6. xyz extremes in education will fix the ethical problems in humanity: Do you mean boarding schools or do you mean early child hood development at the age of 1 month old.  Whom ever came up with the idea that "latch key" children sent to a playground with lots of criminal intent, must have missed a calculation or two.

7. Ivy League education means you will never get a divorce: Call me when you actually read the bible.  King David knew something about infidelity.  When did that one special feminist named Jezabel ever get a proper hold on how to treat Elijah?  I don't know, but outward appearances are not always inward appearances as a famous elitist once quoted.....all men are created equal and eventually succumb to the powers of the grave.

8. The ground you stand on will never give away: Do you mean earth quakes or do you mean Alzheimers and dementia.  You can live in a mansion one day and be sending in calls to have the foundation checked the next.  Beware of "always" and "never" statements.  Even family life itself is never a guarantee....it takes work to keep an extended family in contact with each other....not just running away from the lawyers in the family to fix every detail in wording.

9. Islamophobia isn't real vs. Muslims are always right: Ok. When you have FINALLY given ear to the time and energy it takes to teach a person how to read and visualized a planet where EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE is disgusted with pedophiles....you will finally see the big pictures at hand and the blood shed that exists to this day.

10. You cannot get a Highschool or IVY LEAGUE diploma at the age of 105: Ask Moses what he thinks about this.  Until thought of others actually occurs, people will not wake up to the reality that famous historians are often quite old.

I could go into more....such as Ray Comfort's 180' movie and how so and so from such and such womb will never amount to anything GREAT....when it is all about the king of kings.....and his heritage background (talk about being an ancestor of prostitutes and LGBT activists).....anyone else notice how the down syndrome child that was developing in the womb actually had a mind and heart to rescue and preserve the life of the elderly 101 year old grandma????.....after all, she only needed someone to give her a regular glass of water and some one to talk to.  I went into the wilderness one day and noticed all the dandelions.....wild-edible foods they are....and there happens to be multitude of herbal remedies my midwife know it all you.....a descendant of EVE from the garden of Eden.

Ok.  Can anyone spell "educational institution"?  Good now we know where the funding goes my friend.  A 2000$ a year education was quite a good price pre-WW2..... lest one ignores the beating heart at the local venue of aged-persons.  Beware, lest you find your self in the same brigade walking down the road waving flags in support of this or that character under the sun (aka. nothing new under the sun).

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