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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Alternatives to medical supplies when supplies are low.....

Alternatives to "needing" medical supplies to fight this disease? Yes, I am speaking from EXPERIENCE of putting on PPE (suits for preventing spread of illness in patient to healthcare worker or vice versa)
1. Look in your supply of "toilet paper." Look in your supply of Bandanas on hand. Tape a piece of toilet paper into your bandana (not to the location that touches you mouth, but between cloth).....TADA.... a filter to block virus and disease from spreading. What about other filters? Vacuum bags? coffee filters? (not fully tested, but better to have a filter than nothing at all)
2. If you have "viva paper towels" on hand you can fold a sample of two sheets of towel in half. Put a piece of "toilet paper" (or kleenex or other medical grade baby wipe etc) between the viva paper towels. For the ties in the mask cut a long strip of "wax-plastic paper" (from cereal bags, wax paper, freezer paper on hand etc.). Tie in place or use hair clips (bobby pins, snapclip hair ties, rubber bands etc). For the nose piece that folds over the nose, use twisty ties rolled into a sarran wrap cover. Fold the mask to fit your face....use clips or tape to secure curves. (supply list: viva paper towels, kleenex or tp, wax paper strips, twisty ties, tape and/or hair clips, saran wrap option, etc)
3. For touching surfaces in public: use squares of newspaper, wax paper or even saran wrap (due to shortages of gloves in the store). Continue to wash hands after touching public surfaces. Continue to wash all clothing worn in public. Yes a person could use dollar tree style reusable rubber gloves in public but never put on gloves that were worn in the last 3 days without disinfection.
These are compliant with cdc guidelines with the fact of "medical supply" not available in some locations.
For those who are TRUELY interested .... we don't actually need all the plastic to stop this disease (as china sells plastic to us in USA). Fabric-grass-cordage (used by native american) can dispell a lot of issues with supply on hand on american soil. What is cordage? (cat-tail rolled up into string and woven)
Note: ALL items that were used should be either thrown after a day out in public or soaked in lysol or cleansing agent after use for 48+ hours then wash and dry in regular wash. For best results all items should dry in the sun under uv light.

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