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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Reality check for the "educated"

So..... (some scrap note perspective on the schools....and educational systems shutting down....grammar structures....never mind...but mind-on them instead) .... we need biblical- moral guidance in the age of "modernization"....but the gopher continues to tear - up the soil.

We needed to "weed out" the wheat and the weeds....from the "weeks" spent in confinement before Cornell College in Ithica NY could be reopened.  Ruth Gainsberg was seeing (her own history and educated reality since 1918 plague and beyond) who is going to be gaining the face mask reward and who is not.,,.... as a righteous judge among "we the people"

Un-for-tune-lately (tune late to tell) the people lost their ring tone and adequacy in determining whom would be qualified to assist those who need it most in their gopher-it ability.

The prof. decided to ask the students to write down what they did while in Quarantine like a gopher....for example: What did you do during your time in quarantine like a gopher in hiding beneath the soil....as we are all going to return to the soil and those who died surely did and gophers love their soil-containing environment and friends who died too young?

Roots come from somewhere....don't they?  Gopher wood was used in Noah's ark story?


but left unchecked while in quarantine.....they will do more damage to the structure of society than functional "make a difference."  In the family and beyond......ancestry@# and me....or incestry @# and me??  EVERY GOPHER TEACHES US THESE THINGS!!!!!@@@!!!!  GOPHER WOOD WAS USED ON THE ARK!!!!

Gen 6:14  Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.


Yes, some state that they posted angry videos....due to balkan heritage and NOT sweedish family roots in the soil.  Though we really can't tell from a far-away vantage point.

While others noted that the bridal shop channel had to "shut down business" and they started posting "face mask tutorials" due to the fact that WEDDINGS CANNOT TAKE PLACE without literal "air" given to OLD ADAM and be renewed in mind body and breathing techniques to that of NEW ADAM (audrey assad was telling us something all along).  HEnce the need for "new adam" that cares about others instead of selfish pursuits.


As a fruit of this discussion and lack of free speech in China....whistle-blowing discussion was made to properly speak to the masses on correct terms to prevent further spread of this disease.... to in fact mask the most vulnerable in society (GOOD SAMARITAN STORY OF THE BIBLE and parables of the bible were right on....while Darwin let the weakest suffer their fate of drowning)

Results.....many lives were saved from this die-sease that leads to the victim drowning in their own weakened bodily state....simply because masks were Sweeden (Sewen) and created from various household materials to and for the weak individuals in the area.

Who will be fooled and who will be wise in this ear-a of so much inadequate understanding of the importance of morality whispered in so many ears that "Taylor Swift" has the ultimate solution (which lightly says all bible thumpers are druggies opposed to sexual moral understatements hidden in hormonal reality for humanity)....with congruent ties to education?  Mensa qualified or not....take the horse...and make it work righteously in the eyes of thy creator. or perish and push the narrative by living in intense heat and judgment on a "beach" with those palls found at Taylor Swift concert and defiantly not Charlie Puth (Seatle special Olympics concert.....hmmmmm....figure that one out)

Now its time to listen to Ben Shapiro and Nabeel Quereshi....once again.... because roots are in the soil folks...and people don't need to be a part of that....so soon...... 40+ is too young to perish (John 3:16) .... I've already double checked the reality of who was "not" Ben Shapiro during WW@..... tune in to the reality that thy creator saw them "dancing" on the beach and soooooo sooo close in contact with each other....and invincible too....while the neighbors were not.  Jared Kushner and his pals were aware that polynomial terms are needed to solve issues...but heart change is better.  Take note folks.  Noah's ark is a true story.... the victims.... DROWN.

Life is a "beach" until one remembers who created.....the PEACH tree.....under divine placement and laws of "get real"  The older peach tree.....shadows the younger.... Tell me the Charlie Puth..... its time to tune in the right direction folks.

put these videos on mute (represents the older generation as WISER AND TEACHING YOUNGER).  Moses being age 80-120 years old in leadership of Israel:



Background song.....

What is that book, REMNANT EDUCATION all about any way?  ITs really not "for sale"....it is about THE KINGDOM



Now if the healthcare community was asking for "more condoms" to protect against STD's would people jump on board to donate such supplies and give into the supposition that hormonal inadequacies in the human race are necessary to protect?
The truth is the truth.
FACE FEATURES are more important to protect (hence they are DESPERATE FOR SUPPLIES) than "lower self" needs (hormonal or otherwise.....ahem Taylor Swift and her latest OLD ADAM is a good guy type videos while biblical thinking isn't).... when it concerns the weaknesses GOD SEES (and is TRULY merciful) in humanity.
Just my two -makes sense- to thy creator (but not to OLD ADAM)....in JUDGMENT and REALITY.

 yes there are under lying issues that cause these things... but never the less God's word stands... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y2KsU_dhwI&t=863s


I don't see any social distance needs in this video.... Rocking Horse or otherwise....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFyR23-HuS4

I don't see any social distance needs in this video.... Rocking Horse or otherwise....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFyR23-HuS4

He is a stranger to all of us until REALITY HITS....

@3 live in a corrupted world folks..... Daylight savings time or not.... eternity awaits.... minute by minute.... hours by hour...

big bang theory is a "show" but reality is reality...

uhmmmmmm the king of kings came from the MOABITES....



Fix things by actually LOOKING for the solution.... don't play the mockery fiddle....it won't do anything .....beneficial for society...

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