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Friday, March 20, 2020

Home-educators need to "get real" about the impact of the Corona virus...

1. Consider the poor members of the home-school community.  There are plenty of places in the USA where housing is 10 times the annual wage earnings of an individual.  People simply have grown used to living beyond their means in certain areas.  (Think New York, San Francisco and areas around Hollywood).  The dream appears "ok" but inside the people in those areas are aching.  Imagine trying to teach a chemistry lab in a camper.....filled with ALL the other books and supplies needed.  What if there are 5 children in one camper plus two parents.  Comfort level = non-existent when they cannot even LEAVE their own "home".....because of the virus.  Domestic Violence is a possibility for these families.

2. Home-educators can no longer visit "public areas" that were once available to the general public year round.  Natural Landscape areas, Historic National Monuments, Wild-life resource areas, Public Libraries and so much more.  If it has a "public restroom," then it is probably closed for the Corona-virus.  As a result, children will go stir-crazy.

3. Some grandparents or relatives can absolutely NOT be visited.  They are too fragile.  They have previously gone through a severe illness.  They have other issues at hand.

4. Some home school families already have previous conditions which limit immunity.  Imagine the effect on a family of 10 children in a house and one of the children has an immunity issue.  The impact of controlling the children and ensuring proper cleanliness could be a nightmare!  The most at risk child has "no other place" to go because the only home they know is the one they grew up within, but now the other children aged 8-12 have a hard time understanding where to place their hands before they leave the home to get a gallon of milk.  If the children cannot pick up on proper cleanliness and mock the parents, then the impact is that much harder.

5. Economic impact.  Yes, it will be there.  Perhaps the main income earner in the home owned a restaurant.  That industry is shot while on shut down.  Where will income come from during lock down?

6. Some home school families are "locked" in big-cities where virus' spread faster.  They have no knowledge of "living off the grid" or anything of that sort.  Sadly they will feel the most pressure from government systems.

7.  The pressure to immunize is even greater now than ever before.  The belief in man-made medicine is even greater now than ever before.  Very few people accept biblical truth in these last days, because they put so much hope in man.  But man is clearly weak and needs heavenly father's ok or it will not mean anything.

8.  Public and private schooled children who are not as well behaved will blindly believe that home-education is some sort of game and absolutely sucks because there is "nothing to do" when school is not in session.  It is true that some children absolutely could NEVER home-educate due to behaviour issues in the home or otherwise.  They need something to do.

9.  Homeschoolers cannot go to "other social activities" such as sports, music, faith or other large group functions.  This is not a normal way of life and isolation is definitely not a human function.  Social distancing is ok to eliminate disease as quarantine was practiced in the bible, but complete isolation and over reaching govt' control is not good on the social life of home-educated children.  What about very important events?  Weddings?  Sadly Funerals?  The normal process of life is disrupted entirely.

10. Pregnancy in the homeschool family.  Need I say more.  Medical care might be needed in the hospital if a homebirth is going to occur.  Even if a home-birth occurs, many still need something from already busy medical staff.  (Note: children under the age of 5 are immune compromised so they could suffer from this illness along with mother in the conditions of the disease)

In summary, the corona-virus is NOT GOOD on the moral fabric of society.  Yes, we need to take precautions as evidence is EVERYWHERE that this is a bad virus that kills vulnerable individuals, both young and old.  Be an example.  If you are a godly family, consider other's well being and put self in their shoes.

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