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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Abortion is worse than racism

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYPH_j7ZXCk  (put this video on mute)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iu-t1n821M  (play this song in background in a separate tab)

perhaps this one too.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha7SeLRYL1E


and most importantly

and who was PIERCED for our transgressions (the unborn child who could live beyond one week on earth breathing doesn't deserve the same treatment)

HEALING IN THE HEART only comes from HIM.....it does NOT come from fearing the "disability conditions" of the womb.  We can only live life on earth from the womb.....to the tomb....  OUR GOD, who redeems ALSO provides (more than just money).

Ok.  So what is abortion, and what is a pregnancy that failed?  The difference in God's eyes is ALREADY written in the scripture.  In fact, Jewish culture ALREADY included these FACTS of life within their practices of embracing "life."  Essentially, the MIKVAH bath is a time where women go to reflect on their ability to "bring life" into this world (Eve, as the name implies, means mother of all living), but yet understanding that sometimes pregnancy does fail and the life to come into the world, may be hinged on nothing but returning back to the creator before breathing a breath of life (dependency of this reflection can differ from person to person).  The MIKVAH is the bath designed to CLEAN the SOUL of these sorts of impurities and misinterpretations of the gift of life by reflection and so forth.

Essentially a human life as conceived in the womb (every human life comes to earth through water), that could potentially live for over one week or more on earth (post birth) is considered a FULL LIFE in the womb as it is developing already.  Even if that FULL LIFE baby could make good or evil choices in their life while they are alive and breathing (there are still wicked unrepentant men and women on earth).  Jesus said to be "born again," implying return back to your creator and what brought you HERE to earth.

The church body itself SHOULD be defining when life begins, so that people who are "members" of that local group may KNOW what are the signs of life in the womb and after what describes how to handle this or that situation (use examples as illustrations).

The stages of life definitions could go as follows:
1. Before conception.  Aspects of relationship and living arrangements which bring life into the world.  Perhaps define how to approach those in unusual relationship choices or conditions.  For example: BEFORE the child was conceived in the womb a rape occurred, or BEFORE the child was conceived in the womb a out of wedlock an adultery thing occurred (like David and Bathsheba) etc.  Jesus was given his DNA status BEFORE a conception.  The Jewish law has descriptions about timing of monthly cycles for woman and how to cleanse(mikvah).  The BEST and most REALISTIC method of stopping a pregnancy before it begins is simply NATURAL (timing the cycles) or FAITH BASED (barren womb conditions).
2. From conception to heartbeat.  At conception before heartbeat the developing child is given their DNA status.  That includes their family tree heritage (great.... grandparents) and cousins (how ever distant they may be 1st to 10th or more).  This also includes the life that "will not thrive" or end up in miscarriage.  This is a NATURAL OCCURRENCE and could happen in 25% of the conceptions.  In some cases a woman doesn't know that she has a conception and the pregnancy passes. Jesus' ancestry was filled with different types of DNA family members who did different things to bring about the conception of the children.  Some say a woman can "spiritually sense" a conception occurrence.
3. From heartbeat to 12 weeks.  At heartbeat the woman may start to feel the effects of the pregnancy.  This is the stage in life of the future child where MOST miscarriages occur.  These are entirely NATURAL for some women and situations.  There isn't ANYTHING that a medical professional can do to stop a miscarriage after it already occurs.  This occurs in about 20% of heartbeats to 12 weeks post conception.  EVERY PREGNANCY and SITUATION differs.  This is because TIME is the determining FACTOR in many things while going through life on earth.  The unborn is conceived at a different "time" than a sibling or a cousin, so TIME is the reality of why things may fail.  Some women cannot carry to term and may have a disorder.  Hence the barren woman is determined by these things.  THIS IS THE STAGE IN PREGNANCY where MANY WOMEN who are not convicted of their "sin issues" believe in FALSE IDEAS ABOUT ABORTIONS!  NEVER EVER TELL A WOMAN TO STOP A LIFE OUT OF CONVENIENCE.  DOING SO CAN RUIN FURTHER CHANCES OF BRINGING LIFE TO THIS EARTH.  MAJOR PSYCHOLOGICAL DAMAGE CAN OCCUR.  If that woman conceived and discovered pregnancy while she wasn't married, the reality is that it is BETTER to marry the man (bible says better to marry than to burn) who gave the conception if at all possible and if the feeling of love is there or entirely cut off the relationship and repent of sin issues at hand.  Abortion NEVER fixes racism or sin issues and makes things more "socially appropriate."  The social conditions for the different races and heritages are given by the creator AT CONCEPTION.  The thing that fixes "social conditions" is TIMING of CONCEPTION.  Abortion is NEVER necessary to save the life of a woman in this stage in pregnancy in nearly 99% or more cases.  A medical professional hospital may help women in cases where the miscarriage didn't come through naturally and she becomes septic.
4. From 12 weeks to 22-24 weeks.  From 12 weeks the unborn child looks fully human.  There are fingers, toes, eyes and ears.  Typically a miscarriage is LESS LIKELY in these stages of pregnancy.  However, this doesn't mean that miscarriage could never occur.  Because the "medical professional" cannot rescue a "heartbeat" in this stage of life it is considered "miscarriage" if the pregnancy fails to come to term.  Similar to stage 2 it is considered MURDER in biblical terminology if a HEARTBEAT is present but the parents remove the pregnancy out of convenience.  People who check for the disability of the future child and eliminate simply out of convenience of not wanting to care for a disabled child are MURDERING in the eyes of GOD.  Even if the unborn child is of a specific race or nationality it is WORSE to eliminate the disabled minority child out of convenience than it is to deal with racism while still disabled out of the womb.
5. From 24 weeks to birth.  This is the stage in pregnancy where the full "image" is stamped on the child developing.  An attempt to stop the beating heartbeat with human hands in the womb while the future child is developing is MURDER.  In severe racism issues and genocide issues, the developing child is sometimes FORCEFULLY REMOVED from a mother.  They are committing MURDER no matter what the "crowd" says about the development of life in the womb.  In this stage of pregnancy professional medical personnel and even some home birth midwives have the means and technology to rescue any pre-mature infant conditions.  Commonly before 30 weeks along it takes good medical skills and techniques to rescue an unborn child if an ultrasound detected some sort of disability.  If a woman DOESN'T seek medical assistance or ultrasound technology she IS NOT MURDERING her unborn child.  It is her choice to avoid professional care if she feels it will not benefit the situation.  If a pregnancy fails (heartbeat isn't detected or severe abnormality making unborn child unlikely to live beyond one week out of the womb) in this stage of the pregnancy, which it is less likely for the most healthy, but it could still occur, it is NOT MURDER of the unborn if a woman decides to stop a pregnancy as needed to restore her body back to health and to allow the unborn child to pass away naturally.  Still-borns, though sad, are a part of the natural orders of bringing life to earth.  King David of the bible had a still-born child.  A home birth or hospital situation will differ on when the life of the child will survive.  Home birth can have equal understanding of how to deal with survival of the child out of the womb, where some believe in using EVERY SINGLE medical technology to preserve life, some homebirth situations allow woman to decide NOT to use every single medical technology.  Survival past birth stage is highly likely in the most healthy of situations.
6. From birth to one week out of the womb.  Similar to the situations at birth, parents who choose to allow the child to pass away naturally are NOT murdering their unborn (now born) child if they know that child simply will not thrive in life.  No drownings, no poking, no prodding, no breaking of neck or limbs EVER occurs in a person who knows a child will pass away naturally.  RACISM occurred in Exodus 1-2.  But the HEBREW WOMEN knew how to keep their children ALIVE instead of doing what Pharaoh wanted them to do.  Essentially, the Pharaoh at the time wanted to commit a sort of FORCED ABORTION of EARLY LIFE termination of the new born baby.  He had RACISM in his heart.
7. From one week out of the womb to two years old.  This is the stage in life where a child learns WHOM he or she can trust with their life.  Yes, accidents occur.  Yes, some medical technologies are NOT safe for the child.  The people who TRULY CARE will stay with that child and will not want the child to suffer pain in their life.  Even the pain of racism can be felt when the child is not loved in this stage of their life.  It is more painful to eliminate the child under two simply out of convenience of racism hatred, just as it is while the child is developing in the womb.
8. Two years after birth to 12 and then 30 years old.  Basically, the life of JESUS illustrates this principle.  12 he was fully aware, yet he still needed his parents guidance and protection.  At 30 he was fully spiritually aware and ready to fulfill his father's will.  Unfortunately the SIN of the world was too heavy a burden and he was taken from this earth to heaven to be with his father.  Spiritual rebirth happens when a person is "born again.".....be full water baptized....

Now back to the two videos above, Hans Zimmer is Jewish.  Many things have happened to Jewish people in their life.  Many sad things have happened to other minority groups.  The conception child to two years past birth can feel the pains and hurts of this life just like anyone else.  To remove a child out of convenience does NOT solve the issue of hate in people's hearts.  They need to accept the reality of the facts of life.  The other video is a "general picture" of what a douple ganger boys may appear like in real life.  They look like typical american teenage boys who are simply putting on a funny video show.  The lyrics of the song happens to mention "heart beat" to reference the FACT that LOVE itself requires a HEARTBEAT to survive (even in a secular sense).  However, THEY TOO may have racial issues that people don't see because one cannot tell the FULL DNA HERITAGE of these boys just by looking at their skin tone (.  They could have this or that cousin who has this or that skin tone and face structure.  One cannot make the HEIGHT change (DNA at conception gave the height) any more than the reality of whom a person is related to or the situations they go through from age conception to age 12.  Jesus was filled with KNOWLEDGE of the spirit by age 12 as he talked with the leaders in the temple!  FORTUNATELY JESUS WAS GIVEN HUMBLE PARENTS WHO LISTENED TO GOD'S VOICE and favored HIS WISDOM over WORLDLY WISDOM.  They chose life even though the pregnancy was out of wedlock.  They moved to Egypt in time of danger and then returned to live in Nazareth.  Later he met his, at least second cousin and his brothers in various stages in his ministry.  Did JESUS go to the "finest school."?  Did he play the "finest piano tune"? Not really, he simply "got the basics of life" from his humble parents.  SURE he was the "son of David" and then "Solomon" so he had the ability in his DNA to do those things, but because of the will he had to fulfill, he did what his father asked him to do, even overcoming internal (issues of Jewish beliefs towards outsiders) and external (issues of outsider Roman or other beliefs towards Jewish people) racism issues......from conception to death and resurrection.  In essence he fulfilled ALL that was needed!

Now here is the issue, as the bible says that RACHEL died in child-bearing, then does that mean that ALL LIFE is meant to be here forever?  No.  We are meant to display our "talents" as God would have us to perform them.  Be HUMBLE and be REAL as humanly possible while we are here a short time and our spirits return back to our creator and redeemer.  TAKE TIME and put forth the RIGHT EFFORT TO RESTORE BROKEN LIVES for those you love and then the rest of the pieces fall into place.

Unfortunately our college campuses do NOT AGREE with this belief.  They believe that the "easy way out" fixes these issues......but that is a complete LIE!

When does life begin for this tree (aka. family tree....tree huggers in the family?)?  The answer is simple......it begins at the CENTER!  So CENTER your life on the CREATOR and REDEEMER to fulfill all that is promised for the KINGDOM!

someone was trying to "redefine" the definition of brother.....


unfortunately there are articles that go around assuming that ALL PARENTS were enslaved in the SAME WAY.... but reality is that some PARENTS WERE MURDERED while the children were taken....aka boarding school era of the USA.....which had similar nature to effects of Holocaust....

Then there is the fear of the "bad guy".....as the father of the child.....

The reality is that JESUS knows how to "treat you better".... so use wisdom and resources from HIM.  (Talk with other MALES in your family.....ie fathers, uncles, cousins, brothers etc. preferably over the age of 20 etc. BEFORE letting a "bad guy" touch you....to prevent unwanted relationships)


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Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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Songs of Love and Hope