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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Ethical Midwifery Association....

This is and idea for a group in memorium of generations which came before us.  YES, "douple ganger" twins (meaning that they look like they would be a part of a group that was excluded during eugenics experiment times) exist in my family, for various reasons and under different circumstances.  These individuals are found on the internet.  There ARE side-effects which come with understanding how the HEART works and how people NEED to be informed about this or that practice under the proper light.  I personally know that my own grandmother, has some minority heritage (and was born before WW2) though I am not fully aware or understand the implications of this through DNA records.  I also personally know that grandparent(s) and relatives which came before me worked as midwives/nurses.  Midwifery is "old fashioned" in some ways as some things simply do not change, but some things simply do change.  As a result, I PERSONALLY understand the effects of NEGATIVE STANDARDS in midwifery, vs. positive goals for the next generation.

To begin.....notice how JESUS himself was sacrificed on "skull hill"....meaning a person's id.....is associated with their face structure in some way or another.  Hence "douple ganger" = DNA possibility of resemblance.

Please view this video to help understand HOW people used midwifery practices in a corrupt way:

In many ways abortion is WORSE than RACISM.

(has some foul language)...... but Owen Benjamin talks about racism (errr um dishonest nonsense) he deals with.....due to people's failure to understand TRUTH.


1. To be informed of evil practices

which took place in eras and

conditions of genocide

2. Never use words that target a

people group as people who "breed

like rabbits" or other inflammatory


3. Never use or encourage DNA testing

or heritage testing on the parents of

the future children before performing

medical practices.  If heritage and

knowledge has already taken place,

allow the family to respectfully

choose not to use services or to use

services, if they are fearful of

dissenting opinions about their

heritage or race.  Respect that the

future child will infact have

different DNA than the biological

mother and father with different set

of relatives (ie grandparents,

cousins etc)

4. Allow women to decide if they

would like to practice a home-birth

freely.  Allow them to decide if they

would like to use medical services up

to birth of the child even for unborn

children who may not survive outside

the womb.

5. Never perform the shedding of

innocent blood via abortions when the

heartbeat is still functioning and

blood is flowing in the veins.

Natural means are only used when it

is determined that a miscarriage

could take place (under 22 weeks


6. Recognize that before genocides

have taken place unethical

"restrictions of relationships" were

a part of the practices.

7. Recognize that medical experiments

on fetal cells are deemed  to be

unnecessary treatments for true

medical practices (herbal natural

remedies are equally or more


8. Recognize that human populations

within 10th cousin range can have a

variety of DNA heritages, not just

one specific heritage.

9. Recognize that age of a woman with

a pregnancy doesn't mean that she is

incapable of bearing children.

10. Recognize that unplanned

pregnancy doesn't equal economic

burden for ever.

11. Recognize faith based initiatives

to prove the human dignity in the


12. Recognize that motherhood is a

healthy practice and preserves

woman's life.

13. Recognize that even children

conceived in incest can come through

as normal functioning individuals.

(commonly DNA of 1st cousin range to

5th cousin range could potentially

maintain life).  Not to encourage

cousin marriage though to prevent

unnecessary pregnancy childbearing


14. Every unborn human life that

could potentially breathe one week or

more outside of the womb should be


15. Every unborn human life that may

fail and not live past one week

outside of the womb should be

ethically treated.  No pain driven

methods of removal of the unborn

child from the womb, especially if

the heart is still beating.

16. Recognize that women who were

raped may not have the capability to

preserve life that is created in her

womb due to the horrors.

17. Recognize that women who were

raped may have the capability to

preserve life that is created in her

womb due to faith beliefs or


18. Recognize sex traffick victims as

capable of preserving life in the


19. Recognize sex addiction

practices as capable of preserving

life in the womb.

20.  Recognize infidelity practices

as capable of preserving life in the

womb.  Similar to open marriage

practices in some informed adults.

21. Promote the independent teaching

and restoration of the child from

birth to age 2 through basic

education for the mother and father.

22. Recognize the value in preserving

life for the women incapable of

making personal decisions (a coma,

severe accidents, brain tumor in

mother etc)

23. Put moral beliefs over the will

of politics and dissenting voices.

24. Allow and encourage the mother of

the future child to be to relax

(spa's and baths) and seek spiritual

nourishment (faith based support,

meditations of scripture or religious

documents, prayers)

25. Be informed of family values that

affect the future children to the 4th

generation and within 10th cousin


26. Be mindful of failed pregnancy

for women.  Up to one week of the

child outside of the womb.  Allow

proper ethical DNR practices which

never torment the child that failed

to survive.

27. No religious test is taken before

assistance in child bearing or

assistance with pregnancy that


28. No relationship test is taken

before assistance in childbearing or

assistance with pregnancy that


29. No income rating and success

after birth for the child is taken

before assistance in childbearing or

assistance with pregnancy that


30. Parents who do not wish to use

extreme medical technologies

(including vaccinations) but prefer

natural herbal treatments are given

equal treatment for midwifery


31. Be informed of unethical "womb

robberies" that have taken place in

human history where mother suffered

or died by a person who forcefully

removed a child from the womb.

32. Ethically explain how "unnatural

drugs" could diminish woman's choices

and abilities in child bearing or

function in her body.  Birth control

pills, patches, surrogacy,

infertility treatments, tube ties


33. Recognize that DNA manipulations

before conceptions have long lasting

effects and doing so creates problems

later in life.

34. Recognize that surrogacy and

sperm donations can have ethical

consequences.  (ie. a poorly informed

woman is used as a pawn for surrogacy


35. Recognize that extreme verbal

insults and bashing of patriarchy

doesn't benefit actual woman's

rights.  (no foul language or false

accusation of men)


The ethical treatment of "cats" found on a farm in the wilderness is pretty equivalent to the principles of midwifery in its simplicity.  The bible references JESUS as the LION of the tribe of JUDAH......Treat "cats" in a similar way (but with awareness that people can obviously make their own decisions if they can independently do things like eating, clothing etc. for the most part)

Play the video above on mute

Play the music in the background (I'm not sure what the video is about entirely, except the title....but the music is good)

ESSENTIALLY..... being EXTREME pro-choice (no one should exist if they have potential to breathe)....without pro-abundant-life that he gives is like putting a sticker on the BACK of everyone's shirt (no matter their heritage or background), including your own (stickers that say idiot, fool, creep, dumpy, lazy butt etc etc).....they and yourself may not know it....but the CREATOR SEES AND KNOWS IT IS THERE.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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