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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The false teachers who mislead on church fellowship and maternity issues......

Heretic - - > Denies the divine nature of biblical doctrines

Charlatan - -> Easy to use and manipulate without understanding of what Jesus says

False Prophet - - > Supersedes the bible or replaces the bible (cult or speaks beyond what we find in the bible)

Abuser - - > Sexuality, verbal, psychological abuse, lets the perverted continue in their sin.  Finds accusation.  (ensure that children know how to protect themselves from these types of people in faith groups like using resources which teach principles: https://www.intoxicatedonlife.com/)

Divider - - > Instead of one voice focused on one man who leads us, many different people fight over little things, encouragement merciless behaviour

Speculator - - > Something beyond what is humble, makes something more "entertaining" when it is not necessary to study those things.

The Tickler - - > Gives people over to their own sin.  Doesn't discuss actual sin issues addressed in the bible.

Often POLITICAL THEMES seem to be the culprit.  Medical issues of the "congregation" or racial divisions or wealth differences which are not examined according to the word, but are given over to the "worldly thinking."  The pro-life vs. pro-choice issue is basic.  The bible in the beginning says to "be fruitful and multiply".....but the conditions of having a "still born child" are likely in certain situations.  The TRUTH is that the LAW itself says to "choose life," as even the story in Exodus 1-2 is a prime example as Jewish people "choose life" before the midwife arrives.  Any other interpretation is an attempt to make humanity itself, including the JEWISH PEOPLE and the miracle conception of ISAAC, into something that the WORLD wants people to believe (becoming a heretic) instead of what GOD himself wants people to believe.  Today, medical issues vary in maternity issues....anything from still-borns to surrogate parenting and things in between.  Godly people, choose life.  When necessary adoption (like queen Esther).

Other times "ritual" or "holiday themes" seems to bother people, instead of understanding things as they are, even in biblical culture.  The message should STILL work for anyone despite the culture the gospel is presented within.


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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