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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The 99 year old woman that lived in a shoe

She had 99 years on her life it is true.

Her marriage began when she was 12 past the age of 2.

Her first husband followed everything in his book.  He gave her everything even children to raise on earth and in heaven too.

Her life of motherhood went like this for a very real possibility if given the opportunity to survive from varoius countries we don't really know:

Age 14 = pregnancy lost, development failed later past 20 weeks (she needed assistance)

Age 15 = Twins, one twin died at one day after birth.

Age 16 = pregnancy lost (naturally passed)

Age 17 = Husband went away for "training" they drafted him for something he didn't want to attend.

Age 20 = Husband returned.  Pregnancy and full term baby.

*****  She is now full adult at 21 and already has 2 children just under the age of 5 and 1/2.  She independently attained her GED and college degree.  She could qualify to attend professional/post-grad school if she wanted to...but chose otherwise.*****

Age 21 = Normal pregnancy.  One full term.

Age 22 = Normal pregnancy. One full term.

Age 23 = Twins again.  Both survived full term.

Age 24 = Pregnancy loss after 22 weeks. (she needed to stop the pregnancy)

Age 25 = Normal pregnancy . One full term.

****** She is now age 25.  She had 9 pregnancy.  She only needed assistance for 2 pregnancy.  Equals 20% of the time.  She now has 7 children.  She managed the home well and she can handle her children. ******

Age 26 = Husband died in accident.

Age 27 = Married again.  Pregnancy one full term.

Age 28 = Pregnancy one full term.

Age 29 = Pregnancy loss at under 20 weeks.  (needed assistance)

Age 30 = Pregnancy one full term.

****between 25-30 equals 4 pregnancy with 1/4 needing assistance.  She now has 10 children at the age of 30.****

Age 31 = Pregnancy twins, full term.

Age 32 = Pregnancy one full term.

Age 33 = no events

Age 34 = no events

Age 35 = Pregnancy one full term.

Age 36 = Pregnancy one full term with disability.

Age 37 = Pregnancy one nearly full term but still born.  (needed assistance to stop)

Age 38 = no events

Age 39 = no events

Age 40 = Pregnancy full term, distressing birth

Age 41 menopause starting

Age 42 = Pregnancy full term, slightly distressing

Age 43 = full menopause.

Between age 30-43 *maternity history* = 7 children with one still born = 16% of the time needing to stop pregnancy.

Her oldest children started marrying and moving on to build their own homes when she was 33 years old.  The children in need of her care was around 10-12 children at most in her home.


In summary of her "maternity conditions"

*20% of all pregnancy failed or needed assistance.

*of all the maternity years available to her she needed assistance, 5 out of 29 years she had "available" for pregnancy ended up needing assistance or she would have been in distress.  That = 17% of the time.

*The woman lives to be 99 years old.  Only 5 of her 99 years on earth needed pregnancy assistance.  That equates to 5% of her years on earth needing assistance by stopping pregnancy.

......BE REAL.  Don't be fooled by extreme pro-life people who claim to care about "unborn women" while denying the mother the right to life when she needs special care for her body conditions.  Don't be fooled by extreme pro-choice people who claim that women who are given the opportunity of pregnancy and have many children actually WANT to abort the "Beating heart beat."

Of course, a person would assume that a large family is ALWAYS going to have economic burden, but reality is that each family can "make it work" if they are wise with resources given to them on earth.  Food, clothing etc.


something a "poor unborn daughter" will write to "the world" in the modern era.... because 
"the world' has the solution (only perhaps 5% of a woman's lifespan in normal lifestyle and pregnancy woman...would actually need any sort of pregnancy termination 
services....still born, miscarriages etc.)::::::Ok. I am NOT made of money. I do subscribe to various "e-mails" and get various feeds of information on this and that (I read about various sides of the coin). But unfortunately I simply CANNOT give money to EVERY SINGLE person or organization that needs it. IT is NOT realistic. It is NOT gospel truth. The thing people simply need is gospel. I've already explained the logic of this and that, beyond that.....it is more likely that a poor man will enter heaven as the camel fits through the eye of a needle....clearly we can ALL SEE this EVIDENCE and POSSIBILITY. The gospel message, itself is NOT approved by this world. The only thing we can do with it is study and physically/spiritually/prayerfully help those whom we can....while the world falls apart. .... essentially "the world" and its beliefs will NEVER believe that SARAH was a woman too in her old age.....and she gave birth in her "old age"....the world would say....Sarah herself should have been aborted....so that we wouldn't have to "deal with" abrahamic religious beliefs....... so the sense of judgment begins with????


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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