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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Cold Weather or COLD heart?????

People have VERY cold hearts these days when they will NOT HEAR the truth. Today the temp outside my window is -23 F......COLDER than ALASKA. Now.....in the "movie" Frozen( an appealing moving movie for any 7 year old).....Norwegian grown woman is shown....and she is a "strong" woman. BUT if that Norwegian woman doesn't know her full spectrum of DNA and heritage.....then she would have to go backwards in time and recall who "raised her" when she was seven years old and DIDN'T put her out in the COLD weather....because family members were in-fact given access to the gospel. The case happened to be in the VIKING DAYS that people committed an act of letting the "disabled babies" suffer out in the FROZEN weather to "abort" their responsibility to care for the children they deemed not "strong enough" to be VIKINGS. Further understanding will reveal that in the "cold climates" of even Russia.....people who were PERSECUTED for the GOSPEL were hung upside down in COLD CASTLES in the middle of the WIND and COLD WINTER.

Every woman in SAMI villages of far-north was a "midwife" because they don't depend on "the system" but rather on NATURE surrounding them. Yes, failed body conditions occur, so proper measures are taken to adjust, but REALITY is there to PRESERVE the TRIBE.

The cold-heart problems come from lacking the "warm heart" of redemption. Going "backwards" away from Christian biblical thinking is a COLD-heart-choice.....if you ask REAL women of strength and dignity.

Surely a WISE man told me that when SARAH died (according to the scripture)....she was 100, 20 and 7 years old as written in the scripture. Being SEVEN years old, means that she wouldn't have committed the ACT of giving her children to "mo-lech" for her own "selfish gain." Seven year olds don't have their own children to raise......for obvious reasons. They are simply there to observe and hold their siblings or other children and to TAKE CARE of those who are not their own.

Some people do NOT understand that the heart can get COLD if is is not WARMED by REDEMPTION:


First BORN children (conceived first) are OFTEN the first ones eliminated by the COLD HEART.....via covering up sexual impurity choices even among "professional people" (doctors, phd., lawyers, professors etc..)

Think about the FACTS that your great-grandmother, grandmother, mother etc etc were ONCE a first born too.

the TRULY WISE people of this world understand that JESUS is in fact SEVEN years old when he did this to the Temple.....

how to overcome something with godly intellectual understanding.....

Further commenting:

an old woman 80 years from now sits in a nursing home. She once worked as an "abortionist" and then the WHOLE TRUTH comes out of her MOUTH about how she treated other women and unborn children. She will enter eternity and get her "worldly gain" just punishment, UNLESS she repents of those acts. I've worked in nursing home and I took care of a ww2 veteran....so I know that things come out of the mouths of the "elderly" and health care workers can only say a certain amount to the general public about what is revealed. My husband's grandpa's brother died in ww2 by the way as a drafted veteran. ie. Nazi commit crime in their "20's" they will REMEMBER the evils they did to others, as well as the victims remember the evils


Emotional intelligence is like being "seven years old" and returning to that state of understanding humanity.....from seven year old "logic".... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNyw-InubuM Jesus showed us his "seven year old" emotional intelligence. EVERY SINGLE SEVEN YEAR OLD on planet earth understands that when a woman has a pregnancy and it is clearly visible in the "mother's womb" that she should come home with a baby if no "adult hands" put their "murder weapons" to the test. Jesus said clearly, "Mat 4:7  Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. " and the rest of the chapter 4 in Matt. When a person KNOWS the laws of GOD.....so to speak, they will be BEST to TRUST in JESUS and what he said to SATAN. Do NOT TEMPT the LORD thy GOD.....because we humanity are "made in his image"......even douple ganger celeb-look-alike conditions are found to this day, which are CREATED in a woman's womb....... .....sure the bible says ESAU came out RED.....but there conditions STARTED in the womb. If it is WRONG to murder a seven year old child based on the reality that they "look like they will become adults one day". Then it is WRONG to murder a child that is in the womb conceived and bears the image of the almighty (by DNA evidence) by using the forces of human hands to commit the crime. Natural passing and still born does happen, but that is WITHOUT human hands to commit the crimes. Cain murdered Able by using his HANDS to commit the crime. Able didn't die natural causes. If Able had issues in the womb of Eve, then he would pass away "suddenly" then EVE would be given the "herbal treatment" to overcome that issue......from what was available in nature. BUT the reality is that CAIN used his HANDS to murder his brother......with another element of nature....a COLD HEART rose up to murder the innocent because his countenance fell.

there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with "talent" or admitting that this or that is TRULY the case......so use mind and heart in the RIGHT WAY....take the blinders off.....to see clearly.

Use wise man conditions appropriately.....


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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