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Friday, April 6, 2018

Are you worse than Hitler? (abortion debate)

What qualities did Hitler have?

What evil things did Hitler have?

What qualities do you have?

What evil things do you do?

Are you sure you are free from your sin?

Lets check.

Hitler did not believe in the "10 commandments."

He believed that it was ok to distort the bible to protect his own political strategies.  (maybe a father/mother of an unborn child are trying to protect their social image in someway......-sinners will be found out-....even happened that King David was CAUGHT!???)

He assumed that he could "control" what type of person was fit to live.  (If he didn't like a facial or racial feature in someone down to the shape of their nose, and color of their curl in their hair.....he assumed it would be better to remove them from the earth)

Among people that were already breathing but yet their heart was beating.  He assumed to control the "movements" and "Behaviors" in a disrespectful way among those whom he didn't like, in concentration camps.  (He hated people of different cultures and religious values.....they were forced to do things against their will or desire.)


Among people that were yet to be born.  He did assume the role of promoting "abortion" among those who he deemed unfit.

So if a Jewish woman (or even a woman who doesn't know she is Jewish) has a child in the womb with a beating heart beat and that heart beat is likely to survive past 1 week after birth but yet......

If that child has a ear-deformity in the womb.  Is that child fit for life, simply because he or she has an ear deformity?  Remember the mother of the child (assuming no surrogacy) is Jewish (or maybe the father of the child didn't know he was Jewish).

So should someone purposefully terminate the life of that child?

Why?  Even promoting an abortion after a case of rape?  Or mistaken incest (someone accidentally married their 5th cousin????)

Jesus himself HEALED a man "BORN blind"..... so that man had a deformity.....but JESUS still came through the "difficult pregnancies."  (Jesus himself is a product of MANY of the -unfit pregnancies-....including infidelity!!!!)

There are ways that seem right unto men, but the end there of is death.  Just something to think about.

Would promoting birth control-pills also be a form of anti-semetism?  Maybe.  Depending on the person to person social issues at stake.  It is hard to "relearn" family values and raising many children, if their heart is not "into" raising a family.  Believe me, our CREATOR taught YOU and EVERYONE you love that is alive today how to "eat" "sleep" "clothe" and find "clean water".....so the creator wants to give the NEXT GENERATION the blessings you were offered.  The creator even has enough redeeming power to show you how to LOVE YOUR SPOUSE and/or any broken family/social issues at hand (more bible study + Knowledge/Wisdom = Success).

Essentially, if you believe in "pregnancy termination" for any case (except the life of the mother is in severe danger....like the unborn child has passed away naturally) then you are just as bad as HITLER.  (why?).  Because the explanations above (some people do and do not know their Jewish and/or minority heritage)

The heart is deceitful and wicked.  Need redeeming power to raise children in the fear of the LORD.

*If you are having social issues, consider Natural Family Planning as a better resource than jumping on board with wayward hearts in regards to dignity for human life.  Even if a pregnancy does come in difficult circumstances consider relatives, faith-based friends and in-laws for assistance in raising children to meet the needs that they need.  Pregnancy is not about YOU (or any political scheme).....it is about the CREATOR.  (the government doesn't own your body.......your CREATOR owns your body!)

(For women who are POOR or WITHOUT proper maternity health insurance.......try www.unassistedchildbirth.com, www.birthjunkie.com or resources that are more natural in health choices)


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills (my grammar in this blog is not always filled with pristine quality) in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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