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Saturday, January 28, 2023

conversion table for calendars!

 How MANY solar/lunar eclipse occur in the MONTHs of ABIB and/or FALL FEASTS?  between AD 31 to MODERN ERA?  

24 year calculator (farmer's almanac).... basic math of SAME moon phase + astronomical position + planetary astronomical position of "scar in side" planet + astronomical position of "morning star" + possible astronomical position of "red planet"

3 years = 1092 days

24 years + 3 years = 27 years

24 years = 8736 days (+21 leap days)

divided by 20 days calendar ---> 1.05 extra days

28 years = 10192 (+28 leap days)= 10220 days

10220 / 20 days = 511!  a whole number! QUMRAN CALENDAR (147 year --> 12+12+13 moons --> 364 days + 7 days leap every 7 years + 7 days leap every 28 years) divided into a MAYAN CALENDAR!

Friday, January 27, 2023

Timelines of the HEAVENS point to things on this earth

 I believe we need to teach people that GOD... the creator SEES every condition of BLOOD and BY BLOOD this or that in the womb.  The ultrasounds will reveal the dates in the womb.... BY BLOOD and one can do the math backwards.  there are very RARE conditions where the ultrasound can't detect correct number of weeks.

do ALLLL pregnancies make it to full term or even past one month out side the "womb" environment?  Not always especially pregnancy under "7 moons" in length.  Survival strength isn't really there until AFTER "7 moons" in the womb.

unfortunately we live in a sin-driven world.  infidelity?  incest?  rape? are THESE excuses to terminate?  no if the woman's body under "7 moons" didn't go septic or disease state (one man's sin issue can BE repeanted of...but shouldn't be REPEATED over and over again).  Jesus own ancestry has these things in them.... david = infidelity, abe and sarah of the bible were "related" as was Ruth the moabite through Lot = incest, Cannanite woman was "Taken" via JUDAH... and JESUS is of the TRIBE of Judah.....

many women who are "african american" and in certain cases also "native american" trace their roots through ancestry account and FIND the slave account ANCESTRY.... via "white man" ancestry. ----> rape problems of history and possibly even incest and infidelity.

I've heard of Near Death Experience people SEEEEINg the "other side" and a close family "Still born" or "miscarriage" revealed through their near death experience.    So its the BLOOOOOD that counts and HE knows all HAIRS on the HEAD ---> "acharai mot" section of the bible reveals JESUS' own BLOOD coordination.....

Is there an OVERPOPULATION conditions while temporarily using this earth?  Answer is just this: KORAH.... was SWALLOWED by the earth.... as the ONE who CREATED.... knows the HEART.  the problem isn't the numbers at the stop-signs (meaning something works, something can't work).  A VICTIM of a crash because someone DOESN't THINK about the FACTS of the STOP SIGN..... "aka the LAW of the TORAH account" is a victim (male or female could be victims of male or female conditions at hand).


the TIMELINE of the ACCOUNT of NOAH and the accounts that led to the formation of ISRAEL are ACTUALLY coordinated to TODAY's farmer's almanac.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6-FoyK_W3s&t=4s  

WICKED men try to CONTROL the heavens!

Do this math.  April 20 there will BE a "solar eclipse" and also OCT 14... https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/eclipses/2023/oct-14-annular/overview/  and https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/2023

OK.  so ALLLL men can CALCULATE "time for pregnancy"  no man is an Island no matter the ANCESTRY 23 and me results.  "7 moons" applies to all men.  TIDES and themes of that sort from all nations = WATER QUALITY in the WOMAN nature matters.

-----> year 2023 - year 31 ad = 1992 years between.  1992 / 24 = the PATTERN in the heavens that REPEATS REPEATS REPEATS!  aka the SAME farmer's almanac for the MOON PHASE, astronomical position of moon(minus astro procession), MORNING STAR LOCATION astronomical position among the constelations, JUPITER (scar side planet) astronomical position among constelations.....!!#@!@#@!

How does this relate to the QUMRAN CALENDAR?  147 = years of Jacob.  its a FRACTION movement... 12 moons + 12 moons + 13 moons... repeat repeat repeat patterns.  147/24 = 6.125 ... 


Thursday, January 19, 2023

Notice the Trends....

 I notice a trend. Extreme marriage ideas from the LEFT (calling the shots on Homophobia and trans issues, age gap extremes like under 18 with doubled age or vice versa 80+ with the more than 20 year gap when one isn't even 55+, incest marriages, excess infidelity which isn't even group marriage, rape promotions, extreme abortions (meaning non-assistance with miscarriages or woman's health problem, cutting off information that life begins with BLOOD first, disbelieving in preserving 6 month in the womb or more pregnancy) within marriages that have ability to bring forth children etc etc) = extreme thieving and murder in those areas. the far-left also likes to claim that Elizabeth War-in-"side" is the ONLY one with Native American ID in this country and deserves ALL CLAPS for sounding the alarms on racism.... themes like that..... these extremes about one's own blood and DNA as a "freedom from tripping or harming others, by virtue of blood only" is a far-left fooolery campaign. ***note on DNA ancestry 23 and me results: VULNERABLE PEOPLE and institutions exist. THE WORKER needs to PROTECT all DATA from these vulnerable people or it simply ISN'T a place of SAFETY for these vulnerable people***

Jesus is right about Luke 20 of the bible.... because HE is sinless and man is man! he is NOT saying in that bible portion that a woman can never MARRY the actual FULL biological brother of the former husband "after the DEATH" or something of the FIRST HUSBAND.... he is saying that their BELIEF in marriage is their goal and THAT is corruption!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Its not looking GOOD as much as they WISH

 Why Saving Kids Is Bad Business in America | NYT Opinion - YouTube  (laura and Mr B. S. are not type "A" perfect.... but cash cow looks obvious at first and think before you leap.... meaning yes, some bio parent, adoptive parent etc etc have flaws failures etc etc.)

why is it that the "celeb business" TARGETS younger generation aka categorize under age 5, under age 12, under age 18-21, then jump up to the 35+ year old woman who has experiences, studied, heard about or what ever etc etc.... 

at an impressionable AGE.... a child has a hard time understanding the full conditions of WW2 and even Russia or other target areas in the GLOBE to this day... big brother systems china and North Korea, sad stories of terror, famine throughout Africa etc etc.

Answer is: MOSES..... was at age under the impressionable condition.  helpless when "facing water".... then the one who CREATED water.... did the miraculous in various ways.  There IS an enemy on this earth..... "earthy or whatnot".... what about that one "singer" errrr ummmmm Green Planet girl Greta Thurnberg....... Young children remember "pieces" of information but can only piece TOGETHER the sort of story (like a 9-11 topic and its origins) YEARS after...... Hence, PEARL HARBOUR is only in the minds of THOSE.... who were "alive".....at the TIME!

the CHILDREN of ISAREL had to LEARN the value of "matrix order"..... some quite YOUNG in their arrival......

Friday, January 13, 2023

The dangers of the MODERN SOCIETY

the OTTO biography of WHOM they said?  anne frank?  King David?  say what about Absalom in the WINDOW of TIME?

but the ROCK doesn't make sense until people are aware that far-left causes are too good to be true (kinda like an OB department that is OUT of REACH when a woman is bleeding and they have LOCKED DOORS....on THEIR version of a CASTLE) .... because.... well "the mayans" and Sodom and Gomorah are from history lessons..... for a REASON......  ----> the answer ----> THE HEART has wickedness!

there IS a reason the ACHARAI MOT section of the bible says what it says.... along with the statement "life of the flesh is in the blood" ---?  the blood of the lamb... and JESUS and JOHN were CLOSE relative by BLOOD.  Levitical themes swirl around..... but the ACHARAI MOT section also says.... "in-law" trails are not allowed..... hmmmm go further into research..... the book of RUTH is all about IN-LAW .... this isn't an invention in TIME... its just IN-law.... meaning heart to heart.

Harvard Offers Course To Learn About LGBTQ Infants, Sparking Outrage - YouTube  (personally I do NOT agree about the "born that way" condition for sexuality conditions.... only that BROTHERLY LOVE and SISTERLY LOVE is supposed to be there via sermon on the mt parables and orders of creation.  the REBELLION is in the HEART.  For some reason John the Baptist was right on target about "marriage" and WHY was he beheaded!  clues clues clues  why did JESUS have to flee to EGYPT...when he was ONLY a BABE!~##@#)


didn't JESUS himself say it would be better for a mill-stone to be hung around some people's necks and that Capernaum was WORSE than Sodom and Gommorah..... then that means that LOT and his daughters had the ability to KEEP his gender role from BIRTH onward....because he is the father of the MOABITES...... through INCEST..... hmmm go figure it out..... but they don't WANT TO.... its to hard to SOLVE "bible puzzles" these days... in the intellectual elite clubs.... WHY DO YOU HIDE YOURSELF? when these things are around! (Psa 10:1)  Why standest thou afar off, O LORD? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? (Psa 10:2)  The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined. (Psa 10:3)  For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth. (Psa 10:4)  The wicked, through the **pride of his countenance**, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts. (Psa 10:5)  His ways are always grievous; thy judgments are far above out of his sight: as for all his enemies, he puffeth at them. (Psa 10:6)  He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved: for I shall never be in adversity. (Psa 10:7)  His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under his tongue is mischief and vanity. (Psa 10:8)  He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages: in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor. (Psa 10:9)  He lieth in wait secretly as a lion in his den: he lieth in wait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him into his net. (Psa 10:10)  He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones. (Psa 10:11)  He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it. (Psa 10:12)  Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thine hand: forget not the humble. (Psa 10:13)  Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? he hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. (Psa 10:14)  Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless. (Psa 10:15)  Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil man: seek out his wickedness till thou find none. (Psa 10:16)  The LORD is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out of his land. (Psa 10:17)  LORD, thou hast heard the desire of the humble: thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt cause thine ear to hear: (Psa 10:18)  To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that the man of the earth may no more oppress.

an infant hasn't even decided if a cow can moo or not. This is a repetition of AMORITE foundations..... of the bible.... Am-I-RIGHT ... they say to the creator of the universe? NO! He says.... and the creator is a HE..... as illustrated in the bible with the word ABBA for the word FATHER in HEBREW language..... Harvard degrees once taught legitimate things.... but they've pushed ALL topics except opposition to "critical race theory" and opposition to the "LGBTQ+ agenda things with reflection on S & G and how JESUS dealt with it and Christian thinking as bad guy" and opposing view on the "origins of human race" and oppositions to the IDEAS that man can "live on mars and move there permanently" and opposition to the "hatred for Israel" and opposition of "ben shapiro themes when the opposing side comes up with things" and opposition of "Elizabeth War-in "side" as a corrective Lense of woman's healthcare and no-fee-woman's pregnancy clinics especially for Indigenous American ancestry 23 and me results" and opposition to "migration issues related to illegals when they are actually quite corrupted" etc etc.....

The baby boomer era is not here any more.... the Kardashians tirelessly attempt to FOOOOOOOL the masses. Whose FOOOOT did just doubting THOMAS ask to SEEEEEE!

the wicked and the fool met up one day.... and the fool said to the "red man" I see stars but I don't really KNOW.....while the wicked said I see no NEED to ***understand*** that THIS IS THE NIGHT SKY!

PS. Anne Frank was born in what year? The oldest person in Iowa lived to be what age? so How old?

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Red-Flags month

 Happy Red-Flags month:

-> Incest unless you are a bible character

-> In-law interest

-> That is an aunt or an uncle

->Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam (there is no Eve.... only the DUMB don't know that ADAM has a SHIN bone)

-> That is a parrot, yes it talks, but seriously get a life

-> That one isn't even born yet its only been in the womb for under 20 weeks!  Ultra-sounds actually DO calculate "weeks along" since BLOOD formation, so the anti-hero or what ever of the story in the book of EXODUS.... didn't like the particular GENDER if you know what you know.  (do the math 36 months + 6 months and if full health... +3 months....SINCE BLOOOOOOD FORMATION)  If Elizabeth and Zacharias of the bible could TELL things without an Ultrasound.... hmmmm just hmmm.

-> That one can't tell you if the sun rises in the east or not

-> His middle NAME is "Nero" and her interest is trying to rhyme with "hero" of the ancient stories of History

-> Learned Italian one day but forgot that so and so from Italy didn't actually create "the boot" shape of the land and "the shin bone" on Adam (go back up to ADAM, ADAM ADAM comment if you are still lost and colorful)

-> not concerned and purposefully doing that trick when driving down an icy road and your only Niece and Nephew are in the back of the vehicle under age 21

-> hates the color of Pearls in the month of June for some odd reason (Don't ask me personally all the astronomy themes and interest in Diamonds and Pearls ... that origin)

-> Dirt and Screen time.  Does anyone know what time it is and how far away that "interest" happens to be and whom that actually happens to be?  unless its watching a buldozer clearly clearing the DIRT away.....why is the name "BATH"-sheba in the story of David and Bathsheba?  sometimes you don't need to know!

-> assuming that Paris Hilton is actually 5'2" when she is actually 5'8" and there are other's like her that ate from the SAME TREE in OSLO.... don't be 0-SLOW like a turtle and assume the Hebrew Word for TOILET happens... to some but not all.  diamond trails do things.

-> Mr and Mrs Racoon was warning you... the "hit and run" theme has been around for a while.... If that Adam did that one time, don't expect better the next time around.  Get a smaller vehicle and more humble interests in life.

-> Infrastructure needs come first... go back up to the ICY ROAD champion.  If they don't know queen Vashti yet... they probably forgot that the KING in the Story of ESTHER has access to the IFRASTRUCTURE BILLS and HIGHWAYS and BYWAYS.  (aka interesting how Adam and Eve forgot the bill at the "finish line" when maternity ward physicians couldn't arrive at the scene)

-> When they say Who is Queen Esther and you are Jewish?  or have close family with that condition in some way or another..... I don't know WHY its annoying, but Folks from ISRAEL do ask other "anishin??" ARE YOU JEWISH..... ahem.... too.


Happy Red-Flags month (for next month.... in the color RED around): -> Incest unless you are a bible character (yes, even LOT of the bible) -> In-law interest -> That is an aunt or an uncle ->Adam, Adam, Adam, Adam (there is no Eve.... only the DUMB don't know that ADAM has a SHIN bone and it isn't colored RED) -> That is a parrot, yes it talks, but seriously get a life -> That one isn't even born yet its only been in the womb for under 20 weeks! Ultra-sounds actually DO calculate "weeks along" since BLOOD formation, so the anti-hero or what ever of the story in the book of EXODUS.... didn't like the particular GENDER if you know what you know. -> That one can't tell you if the sun rises in the east or not -> That one claims to have an IVY LEAGUE degree but can't yet tell you how many moons exist when someone says 6 months along in time and if a woman's womb turns round (particularly their own mother's or close female relative). They have yet to solve when in the timeline of phases the full moon rises in the EAST. -> His middle NAME is "Nero" and her (there is NOTHING wrong "her" in this sentence) interest is trying to rhyme with "hero" of the ancient stories of History -> Learned Italian one day but forgot that so and so from Italy didn't actually create "the boot" shape of the land and "the shin bone" on Adam (go back up to ADAM, ADAM ADAM comment if you are still lost and colorful). I protest that one instance in time....for some odd reason and season through history lessons. What is an "ACHARAI Mot".... maybe you should ask the shoulders of Martin Luther or something? -> not concerned and purposefully doing that trick when driving down an icy road and your only Niece and Nephew are in the back of the vehicle under age 21 -> hates the color of Pearls in the month of June for some odd reason (Don't ask me personally all the astronomy themes and interest in Diamonds and Pearls ... that origin). There WERE diamonds and pearls on the Titanic.... ya know. -> Dirt and Screen time. Does anyone know what time it is and how far away that "interest" happens to be and whom that actually happens to be? unless its watching a buldozer clearly clearing the DIRT away.....why is the name "BATH"-sheba in the story of David and Bathsheba? sometimes you don't need to know! -> assuming that Paris Hilton is actually 5'2" when she is actually 5'8" and there are other's like her that ate from the SAME TREE in OSLO.... don't be 0-SLOW like a turtle and assume the Hebrew Word for TOILET happens... to some but not all. diamond trails do things. -> Mr and Mrs Racoon was warning you... the "hit and run" theme has been around for a while.... If that Adam did that one time, don't expect better the next time around. Get a smaller vehicle and more humble interests in life. -> Infrastructure needs come first... go back up to the ICY ROAD champion. If they don't know queen Vashti yet... they probably forgot that the KING in the Story of ESTHER has access to the IFRASTRUCTURE BILLS and HIGHWAYS and BYWAYS. (aka interesting how Adam and Eve forgot the bill at the "finish line" when maternity ward physicians couldn't arrive at the scene) -> When they say Who is Queen Esther and you are Jewish? or have close family with that condition in some way or another..... I don't know WHY its annoying, but Folks from ISRAEL do ask other "anishin??" ARE YOU JEWISH..... ahem.... too. Kinda like the interesting Month when Puriim is celebrated and you know that one doesn't know.

-> a person that doesn't agree that if the man or woman has a SHIN bone.... they MUST also have a THIGH BONE.

-> that one doesn't believe that Dogs Bite and sometimes leave significant scaring.....since when?  Garden of Eden or something?  re-read Psalm 22 or something to get a GRIP on think about it.... things.

Songs of Love and Hope