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Friday, January 27, 2023

Timelines of the HEAVENS point to things on this earth

 I believe we need to teach people that GOD... the creator SEES every condition of BLOOD and BY BLOOD this or that in the womb.  The ultrasounds will reveal the dates in the womb.... BY BLOOD and one can do the math backwards.  there are very RARE conditions where the ultrasound can't detect correct number of weeks.

do ALLLL pregnancies make it to full term or even past one month out side the "womb" environment?  Not always especially pregnancy under "7 moons" in length.  Survival strength isn't really there until AFTER "7 moons" in the womb.

unfortunately we live in a sin-driven world.  infidelity?  incest?  rape? are THESE excuses to terminate?  no if the woman's body under "7 moons" didn't go septic or disease state (one man's sin issue can BE repeanted of...but shouldn't be REPEATED over and over again).  Jesus own ancestry has these things in them.... david = infidelity, abe and sarah of the bible were "related" as was Ruth the moabite through Lot = incest, Cannanite woman was "Taken" via JUDAH... and JESUS is of the TRIBE of Judah.....

many women who are "african american" and in certain cases also "native american" trace their roots through ancestry account and FIND the slave account ANCESTRY.... via "white man" ancestry. ----> rape problems of history and possibly even incest and infidelity.

I've heard of Near Death Experience people SEEEEINg the "other side" and a close family "Still born" or "miscarriage" revealed through their near death experience.    So its the BLOOOOOD that counts and HE knows all HAIRS on the HEAD ---> "acharai mot" section of the bible reveals JESUS' own BLOOD coordination.....

Is there an OVERPOPULATION conditions while temporarily using this earth?  Answer is just this: KORAH.... was SWALLOWED by the earth.... as the ONE who CREATED.... knows the HEART.  the problem isn't the numbers at the stop-signs (meaning something works, something can't work).  A VICTIM of a crash because someone DOESN't THINK about the FACTS of the STOP SIGN..... "aka the LAW of the TORAH account" is a victim (male or female could be victims of male or female conditions at hand).


the TIMELINE of the ACCOUNT of NOAH and the accounts that led to the formation of ISRAEL are ACTUALLY coordinated to TODAY's farmer's almanac.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6-FoyK_W3s&t=4s  

WICKED men try to CONTROL the heavens!

Do this math.  April 20 there will BE a "solar eclipse" and also OCT 14... https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/eclipses/2023/oct-14-annular/overview/  and https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/2023

OK.  so ALLLL men can CALCULATE "time for pregnancy"  no man is an Island no matter the ANCESTRY 23 and me results.  "7 moons" applies to all men.  TIDES and themes of that sort from all nations = WATER QUALITY in the WOMAN nature matters.

-----> year 2023 - year 31 ad = 1992 years between.  1992 / 24 = the PATTERN in the heavens that REPEATS REPEATS REPEATS!  aka the SAME farmer's almanac for the MOON PHASE, astronomical position of moon(minus astro procession), MORNING STAR LOCATION astronomical position among the constelations, JUPITER (scar side planet) astronomical position among constelations.....!!#@!@#@!

How does this relate to the QUMRAN CALENDAR?  147 = years of Jacob.  its a FRACTION movement... 12 moons + 12 moons + 13 moons... repeat repeat repeat patterns.  147/24 = 6.125 ... 


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