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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Its not looking GOOD as much as they WISH

 Why Saving Kids Is Bad Business in America | NYT Opinion - YouTube  (laura and Mr B. S. are not type "A" perfect.... but cash cow looks obvious at first and think before you leap.... meaning yes, some bio parent, adoptive parent etc etc have flaws failures etc etc.)

why is it that the "celeb business" TARGETS younger generation aka categorize under age 5, under age 12, under age 18-21, then jump up to the 35+ year old woman who has experiences, studied, heard about or what ever etc etc.... 

at an impressionable AGE.... a child has a hard time understanding the full conditions of WW2 and even Russia or other target areas in the GLOBE to this day... big brother systems china and North Korea, sad stories of terror, famine throughout Africa etc etc.

Answer is: MOSES..... was at age under the impressionable condition.  helpless when "facing water".... then the one who CREATED water.... did the miraculous in various ways.  There IS an enemy on this earth..... "earthy or whatnot".... what about that one "singer" errrr ummmmm Green Planet girl Greta Thurnberg....... Young children remember "pieces" of information but can only piece TOGETHER the sort of story (like a 9-11 topic and its origins) YEARS after...... Hence, PEARL HARBOUR is only in the minds of THOSE.... who were "alive".....at the TIME!

the CHILDREN of ISAREL had to LEARN the value of "matrix order"..... some quite YOUNG in their arrival......

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