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Friday, June 10, 2022

Problems in the "NORWEGIAN" HEART and MIND

 Problems in the "NORWEGIAN" HEART and MIND:

this applies to ANY TRIBAL REALM in FULL REALITY because the CREATOR REDEEMER....choooooose languages and nations....not MAN himself! (TRUST PSALM 23) White man did NOT choose to call ANISH-I(xyz) people....!!!  CREATOR redeemer did THAT HOSEA 2:1 (ammi = ANNI = ANISH-I(xyz))  MAN himself didn't CHOOSE the features for SHEM, HAM and JAPETH!

Proverbs 6:16-19

*proud looks (my OWN ideas about HOW to build things BETTER, ALWAYS solves human issues?  No use of the BLOOD of the LAMB to solve problems?  No use of MOSES accounts to solve problems?  Ignoring ELIJAH storyline? The titanic eventually SANK.  Intense perversion which is IGNORING GOD'S IDEAS about what PERVERSION actually is! never created a more holy environment for the most vulnerable people!)

*lying toungue (watch out for those who claim to prepare a table of goodness for "the family" but didn't know the close relative was listening to the conversation..... SLAVERY didn't BUILD a better nation.....  only GOD's word frees the man to the fullest EXTENT!)

*hands that shed innocent blood (from any nation...but START with TOPICS of ISRAEL!--> people that don't allow TRAVEL and COMMUNICATION to and from are a part of the HANDS that shed ISRAELI blood! etc.... extremes in the pro-life and pro-choice without THINKING about SITUATIONS!  EXTEME is not accepting FAILURES in PREGNANCY and birth to 1 week breathing out of womb, EXTREME is assuming LIFE itself doesn't begin at "life of the flesh is in the blood" ACHARAI MOT)

*devising wicked imaginations (things displayed with the EYES!  SOME DESERVE PRISON/ETERNAL FIRE time for such EVIL-->COMMANDMENTS-LESS elements in the SANDS!  sickening portrayals of women's bodies as "my body my choice" while hating the women who NEED maternity ward help in 12+ weeks along pregnancy! intense desire for worshiping and admiring the "spooky/death cult" things etc)

*swift in running to mischief (making things harder than they need to be, canceling the "weak man" and the "little man" with value of "little events" (Omer count = value little EVENTS) from your presence, catering to the political class without thinking about their evils)

*a false witness that speaketh lies (If Elizabeth Warren isn't actually a FULL FEATURES and a CLOSE family of NATIVE AMERICAN indigenous roots, then her witness of these things is only in her OWN mind as being of NATIVE ROOTS.  --> BUYER of ancestry tests BEWARE!... PAPER TRAILS, TRIALS, STORYLINES and FEATURES are a DIFFERENT CAN of WORMS than just speculative political interests! <--  FAMILY stories are DEEPER than one-drop rule in post WW2 ERA my friend!  in WW2 history, people of one-drop did damage to the vulnerable people in their midst!  WE each COULD have "one drop" -->shem<-- ancestry WAY BACK from the TRIBAL movements post NOAH accounts!  NOAH's day NOAH's day in the elements of the HEART!  DARWIN EVOLUTION could CARE LESS!)

*he that soweth discord among brethren (they threw more and more intense rocks-->mockery, scorn, belittling etc<-- at the good samaritan and they didn't know it....because they thought they were THROUGH with REALITY...but REALITY is HERE to STAY.... GRAVITY....PULLS.... ROCKS are on this EARTH..... ANY FULL BLOOD NORWEGIAN KNOWS fact of COLD WEATHER = WILDERNESS of EGYPT AREA DEATH MARCH!  INTELLECTUAL GIFT is OK....but it is USELESS and BECOMES LITERAL WICKEDNESS when INTENSE HATE of GOD's WORD/ THE EVIDENCE of the CREATOR...... EXITS!)


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