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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Mr. Raccoon..... TEACHER of the people who know not the TRUTH....


Watch this raccoon.

Note how the Indigenous populations would understand the "Benjamite" territory where JESUS was sacrificed, mirror- ly (douple ganger twin styles) by attitudes and actions of Raccoon as a people.

*HANDS of raccoon match people proportions (unlike APE hands which are off center in the thumb) ---> review foot prints of Leviticus 11<--  Ancient Hebrews could NOT see all foot prints and animal behaviours on the entire globe.... so HOW do we KNOW scripture is scripture?  DESCRIPTIONS as CORRECT~!!!!@#!~!@

*Raccoon walking upright

*Raccoon face and the face of man are proportionate to each other.

*Mr. Raccoon may be smart enough to WASH his own hands of this THEME of stealing from THE CAT of CATS (the lion of the tribe of Judah)

There are a TON of videos on Charlie.... he definitely has WHITE TONE to his features.... BUT who can tell the WHOLE SPECTRUM on the FACE?  ONLY the CREATOR can tell us THAT! --> Jesus ancestry was WRITTEN DOWN..... well past 14 generations.....

He is considered a KEN-DOLL by humanity comments and descriptions in the internet landscape.... as well as scripture evidence----> pointing people to the KEN and BARBIE conditions....among MAN (basically   RACHEL of the bible as the beauty queen: .... JOSEPH of the bible....BENJAMIN of the bible)

The BIBLE talks about SINGING about the FEATURES of MAN!

the BIBLE language in ORIGINAL HEBREW includes FEATURES of MAN!

AND NOAH..... called the ANIMALS to the ARK.....

WASHING HANDS of this evidence?

PROTEIN on the HAIR...... well SAMPSON of the BIBLE...... let that be a lesson in TIME.... because PROTEIN on the ANIMAL HAIR can drive the SAME CAR through the wilderness and HUMANITY can discover WHAT ANIMAL was THERE..... among the SAMPSON CROWD! ----> VACCUUM DUST itself DEFINITELY can tell us the HAIR-IT-GAGE crowds as they travel and come and go from ISRAEL or other tribes of the EARTH!!!!  keep wisdom in MIND!  Get a GOOD sociological TRUTH education!

The FAMILY TREE shows up on the CREATOR'S charts in HEAVEN!

JESUS knows animals too!

Put TRUST in the one who created and redeems....even from historical elements from NIGERIA and other sources from EAST ASIA!

find all the ANIMAL things in the GOSPEL account:

*Lamb etc etc...

(CAMELS are proportionate to .... well AGE of MAN (woman).....standing UPRIGHT and PROPER account for WEDDING GARMENT CONDITIONS and ABILITY---> strength)


What strength is there left on the earth?

LEVITICAL LAWS are necessary ELEMENTS in fulfilling his will in our lives.  Why?  Because without LAW (inclusive of the support for ISRAEL & Mt. Zion) we would not KNOW the TRUTH about SIN.

"Woke" doesn't work for territorial conditions of YESHUA!

Even if someone's eyes haven't been fully opened to SCRIPTURE..... they could STILL be used as a condition of WISDOM and INSTRUCTION in the CORRECT measurements of MAN and the CREATOR'S CONDITIONS on this earth! (Solomon's themes basically.... aka the two women with the babe that died and the babe that lived types of stories!)

A person should NOT worship man (features and talents and things of that sort).... because ABSOLOM was....well.... he was JUDGED.  SAMPSON TOO!  BUT.... Abigail, Esther and others were USED for his glory!

FACEBOOK accounts and things of that SORTED OUT NATURE (I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with connecting.....  there is something wrong with people who believe that DONKEY used in scripture was actually a DUCK)


Oh no.... the FAMILY TABLE is broken.....

ITS the DOG'S FAULT.... that's what OLD ADAM always tries to say..... FEATURIFIC.... in various ways and styles..... on this earth......  The creator just says....to adam.... what SIZE was the DOG!  and then he asks was mr. Whip-poor-will (aka the whipped man.....poor man..... did his will) the REPLACEMENT for (yes in HEBREW LANGUAGE) in the GARDEN so that OLD-ADAM wouldn't go LO.......


The bible NEVER tells us to forage lies about and against BROTHERLY LOVE.... no.... JESUS practiced this and MEN (bible belief or not from various tribes in the earth) practice this.  (ie. Read John 10-12--->Lazarus raised from dead, whom were Jesus' friends?---->expand that to 5000+ territory of love for humanity)

The bible tells us HIS sustaining power is only found through the redemption on the cross, so ALL MEN are guilty before the FATHER CREATOR REDEEMER of man!  Intellectual CROWDS wouldn't even have the ability to CREATE that type of redemption!  


how to get FULL PICTURE of whom JESUS happens to be?


if it says that SARAH and ABE were like that.... then THEY were like that!

If it says that BENJAMIN was a WOLF in Genesis....then....he's a WOLF (variation of DOG)

If it says such and such in song of songs... then THAT is how JESUS behaves and wants us to behave in sexuality topics.... no questions or "quote on quote" listed "ideas" that are "out there" as far as sexual identity is concerned!  ---> HE .... stood on SOLMON'S PORCH (John 10-12 is his behaviour and actions between male and female and other "big screen" color things)

If it says that, the ear.... of JESUS did this or that... then THAT is what he heard and HOW he responded....

Its like ALL PROPHETS and STORIES can ILLUSTRATE a 4-D model....  we CAN get some glimpses via.... trails and history realms.... but only at the HUMAN level.... not at the GOD-MAN direct level (aka the number of hairs on the head)

******some trails in features ARE similar.... BUT the FULL story is ONLY revealed and GIVEN PROMISE through the REDEEMER!*******

DO NOT put trust in MAN to fix things of this TEMPORARY WORLD!

I have a child whom is taller than my husband right now.... I'm not going to reveal ALL THESE things.... in one day... because.... people should PAY ATTENTION to NEEDS around the globe in terms of HIS ENDURING PROMISE!  LEVEL HEAD..... totally given to HIS GLORY.... not to the WILL of FLESH, WORLDLINESS, TEMPORARY ELEMENTS and IDOLS, etc etc.




value and relationships is his ART WORK....

how to BETTER incorporate VALUES into your paintings!

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Songs of Love and Hope