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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Universities need Moses and the Nativity story....


Moses was a social kind of guy.

Do you think that the "Egyptians" would have wanted to vaccinate the slaves of Egypt?  Certainly not.  But they WOULD want to use them as guinea pigs.

Whom in our society seems like the "lower class" jobs?  Do they deserve extra "straw-less" bricks to make for their labor?

When Moses SAW the suffering of HIS PEOPLE what did he do?   He knew whom among the crowds were his own "lineage" so to speak.

God struck the Egyptians with plagues.  But keep in mind, the "lower class servants" knew their place and time.  God himself protected them despite the ugliness of sin in Pharaoh's household and heart.  PRIDE was a big problem in Pharaoh's ways and means to accomplish things!

What is PRIDE you ask? On college campuses they say it is a "good thing" to have pride and some even glorify it.  PRIDE is "Flint, MI" water supply waiting to happen, complacency was the fruit.  PRIDE is driving on an icy road and not knowing if today would be YOUR last day on this earth. (The normal forces of nature are STILL here and NATURE itself is NOT the bad guy!) PRIDE is assumption about whom is whom among the social playing fields of life, but in reality its right under your nose (they didn't know the disabled person that was mocked was a close relative of xyz admired person....lets just say, ensure FAMILY MATTERS is in the equation.).  And of course PRIDE is assuming YOU can be "like God" and make sexuality choices, which God himself never designed (spreading STD'S, creating a violent hatred brigade at the wedding of "choice," producing extreme lofty beliefs about women's bodies in both pro-life and pro-choice conditions or other social themes etc etc).  PRIDE is assuming that JESUS' love for PETER and vice versa was some sort of sexual impurity thing, but JESUS himself used S & G as an illustrator, Peter was married to a wife as it is written in the scripture and JESUS himself said IF you love me--> keep the commandments.  Don't worry, GOD himself used DAVID....and DAVID is from RUTH (the Moabite) and the Moabites were from LOT....so YES, GOD can use "Flint, MI" people if you will!

Along came the book of Leviticus.  Things were spelled out clearly in the "social realms" we all face.  Sure, some people had higher incest rates of sexuality in those days of slavery. (Moses was the result of one of those relationships)


Now go to the Nativity Story.

I shouldn't have to say too much.

Elizabeth and Mary meeting each other.  The bible spelled it out for us that Moses and Korah were cousins.  It spelled it out again that Elizabeth and Mary were cousins.  6 months along for Elizabeth.  Was this a timing with the "feasts" of Israel?  Maybe, could be, but I don't see it listed as such.  God puts more emphasis on the sacrificial love (Passover time) than on the timing of birth according to scripture.  Its kinda like a baby can't save a man drowning, but a grown man that KNOWS how to swim and understands the CURRENTS, can actually save another man drowning.  Grown men CAN when they understand principles of LOVE vs. HATE save the drowning.  If Grown man can understand the fate of a drowning man, he can ALSO understand GOSPEL truths!

I don't have anything to say about the actual DATA that proves that vaccinations will make things EASIER for PREGNANT women.  I DOUBT it folks...... I really really really do.  Why?  I had a pregnancy during covd-19 era.  Lost and I understand the difficulty after 12 weeks along and what that means to the woman's body@!@!@!@

It was NOT easier for ELIZABETH and MARY?!@!!! what about women in ISRAEL today!  Does anyone remember the recent STRIKES on JERUSALEM?  Well, turns out I met FACE to FACE with a FRIEND who lived in ISRAEL.  SHE is over the age of 40 and EXPECTING right now!  She is AT the visible stage (which in ELIZABETH and MARY stage......visibility would have been possible at 6 months along....6 moons woman's bodies doesn't change from tribe to tribe on this earth!)

Basically, when MEN try their hardest with PRIDE to create a WHIRL WIND.....changes do NOT take place in the HEART.  Yes, I know that vaccinated people get covid.  I've worked with such individuals and saw patients (plural my friend) die.  It IS true that the BLOOD situations for pregnancy makes things difficult.  There IS a reason that GOD wanted to come to earth in a "social situation" (Elizabeth and Mary meeting face to face).  It is simply because he KNOWS the weaknesses in MEN (through illustrations of pregnancy).

Why is the CDC covering up data and not telling the TRUTH about the situations?  They don't want the bible verse that says **IF you love me...... KEEP the commandments**  The creator knows things my friend..... he EVEN knows that viruses spread more easily between human and animal among unclean animals!  Levitical things MATTER in various WAYS!  Hence the WAY we can know we found sinless sacrifice is ILLUSTRATION through LEVITICAL things!

I've seen and heard of IVY LEAGUE, SUMA CUM LAUDE, super smart individuals etc etc. come to their knees....when they have needs on this earth.  Its called YALE is a good place for education, but the enslaved outsiders see the character of man.  Its OK to get NEEDED education, but THINK about the NATIVITY story to make things CORRECTED in the HEART of man!  Else we need to "walk away" from the situation at hand (Moses knows his lineage so to speak).....  Yes, the "lower class" people were observing the situation of TERROR and got away because they KNEW the hearts were corrupted! (so and so related to so and so...and so and so is an in-law related to so and so)  All trails lead back to ISRAEL some how or another.

God is STILL illustrating for us his MERCY and not JUDGMENT:

Jacob himself had "pride" in a sense....what did God do?  He wrestled and Jacob's thigh was injured!

Speaking of pregnancy situations:

Wow. Ok. I've been there. The pregnancy loss thing after 12 weeks along! 3 times I had that happen. I self-induced through herbal remedy in one and I was ALREADY in 3rd trimester (didn't discover under observation until no fetal movement after 22 weeks.... I didn't notice until 26 weeks along with no ultra sound!). I've been in the ER 2 times because of these things. YES.....sometimes HOME REMEDY needs to be ALLOWED to prevent women themselves from dying. What about "bad water" situations... Like Flint, MI (the poor women) are more likely to suffer than all the other groups of women dear folks! I AM a pro-life person, in the GENERAL SENSE (the FACT remains that our FEATURES are given at conception....height....hair type etc). BUT yes.... I agree that not all people on this "wicked old earth" need to use a "nursing home" for their situation. Some do fine at home. The beginning of life should be left up to PRIVATE debate, not so much intervention from unknown sources who do not CARE for the woman. Outsiders do NOT care for the residents in "nursing homes" and same thing for women in the "pregnancy loss" or potential "under age 2 child loss" category....but yet they are genuinely and religiously pro-life.... Midwifery is STILL midwifery since the log-cabin days when life expectancy was only about 40-50 years old! I'm not a big fan of unnatural birth control methods.....but TRUTH is TRUTH in woman's bodies. HAIR can be cut...but WOMBS observably only operate in ONE foundational time condition. Reality is Reality. Its like the WEATHER...... if its bad....its bad. My belief is that IF the child under age 2 (as they used in Pharaoh's day) is going to die anyway, why keep the child "alive" so to speak. There IS a difference between the lack of survival of a under age 2 child and a child that was FORCED to undergo something of that nature (as MOSES was FORCED on the water). Basically, WHY make PARENTS suffer (excruciating medical bills) and why make WOMAN'S body suffer when they KNOW that the unborn "with a heart beat" is going to pass away before 1 week out of the womb! **1 week out of the womb is a LITTLE different than 2 years out of the womb.... BUT something similar goes on via the extreme neo-natal intensive care units**
Keep in mind that YES, I have seen pre-mature babies SURVIVE into old age and have children and grandchildren of their own. Pre-maturity depends on the STAGE of pregnancy!

Keep in mind that YES, children that had an injury at under age 2....even drowning incidents (as in Moses type situations) survive well into old age!

I believe the biblical CHOOSE LIFE and CHOOSE ABUNDANT LIFE in JESUS....not FORCE LIFE (as in allow rape and incest situations to conditionally be considered "ok" or lust-like.....encouragement via extreme pornography of woman's bodies)

Just like female bodies....yes.....a woman married to a healthcare professional....who is male.....needs to sometimes care for other male bodies (even prostate cancer patient's under age 40). My view is that the govt' should be on JESUS' shoulders and PETER is PETER of the bible (he had a wife)....let marriage agenda advocates re-live the reality that LOT came out of S & G (the place where BIG BROTHER actively moves in BAD WAYS and woman's bodies are MISTREATED).

When a person has close relatives who are "Nazareth" to YOUR social family-tree situation (aka close family = incest risks here and there).... Lev 11 practiced in local community and WE know names and faces..... consider this FACT:  (incest pregnancies in cousins **or a half-uncle once removed**  types of distances etc etc) it only DOUBLES the chance of negative outcome.  Basically, its better to have relationships with those who are 5th cousin or more in distance (Mordechai KNEW he was related to ESTHER.....oral story telling? chit chat? personal experience?).  Moses comes from extreme close relationship.  LEVITICAL THINGS matter.

YES.... these things apply to MOSES-like situations. SURE..... they had "drowning" as practice in Pharaoh's day.... did you KNOW that prior to increased access for disabled people from the victorian era (lets just say a child under age 2 drown and had medical complications that would surface for the rest of their life) people would LITERALLY DROWN any child with severe disability~@!! Even up to age 12~!~!! Any child with an anomaly up to age 2 in a modern sense would have their life in QUESTION range (tubes all over the place? extreme neo-natal care) etc etc. YES, some children DO live beyond the "given time frame" so to speak. YES, govt' money is needed to SURVIVE these situations! MONEY has a lot to say about these situations..... but MOSES was ENSLAVED!

Keep in mind DARK HAIR features and SKIN TONE features are in our family tree....and possibilities in our household in next generation (just look at Grandpa and uncle....)

In the medical terminology we don't "physically drown" patients.... we say DNR..... meaning.... the HEART BEAT should not be resuscitated in the terms Do Not Resuscitate.

Oh.... yeah.... CURLY hair and 5'11" features are there....tooo..... how these things and celeb-look-alike things get passed around?

*I know who sends in those ancestry tests and whom is close cousin so to speak.....family things here and there.....dark hair....features....with wave in the hair....maybe a more BIPOC condition here and there.....maybe something LEvant??? maybe not.... don't have all the ZOOM WEDDINGS calculated folks.....sorry....same with brother-in-law conditions* No one LIKES a ZOOM WEDDING....or a ZOOM WEDDING SHOWER......

There are also those who do not send in those things....and I've seen the super CURLS....there too....There is a BETTER CITY beyond this EARTH. Big Brother doesn't CARE about the BIG CITY.

With a LAST NAME like PUTH.....you CAN'T miss the FACT that..... that is a "puth-er" style German last name....

The story of JOSEPH....of the bible....still matters.....

*video above on mute*.....  *video below as background song*

What city of GOD?  The one who CREATED ADAM and EVE in the beginning....wrote about it!

What does EINSTEIN say about all of this?

****There is a Princeton.....friend ....whom my husband and I both know.....has some things to say about this and that under the ONE SUN....we are GIVEN  he (the friend that went to PRINCETON) was THERE at our wedding dear folks****

Keep things in REALITY.....  OLD-ADAM tries his hardest to make things work..... but OLD-ADAM never really CARED.

MORNING STAR......stays in the SAME time frame as it has ALWAYS shared with HUMANITY.  EVERY 24 years (same ASTRONOMICAL POSITION in the HEAVENS every 24 years except for the astronomical procession)..... to be EXACT.....  Native Americans refer to it as WOMAN'S STAR.....

In some ways.....people need more than just ZOOM WEDDINGS....so they can SOLVE issues....in FAMILY LIFE.....

Close relatives to 2nd cousin range.....just sayin.... we've over 100+ individuals involved....

same with....oh you didn't KNOW that great-grandma.....liked to read THAT book.....???  (she needs some attention....not just the FOLLY attention....  Hosea style renditions)

**chit chat in the ancestry 23 and me results??  yeup so and so will reveal the CITY where family members exist**

David LYNN could tell when the people at the WEDDING were LOST......because they MISINTERPRETED ..... the MATRON of HONOUR!!!!

The groom was 5'11"......

video on mute..... (celeb look alike....just SAYIN)....  symbolic of Megan Markle wedding...

BACKGROUND.....song.....  of course.....our ancestors could NOT remove the NORTH STAR (astronomical procession....just sayin).... so WHY do people ATTEMPT to remove the FOUNDATIONS for the WEDDING SUPPER to take place!


Don't let HATRED rule in the HEART of man.....  because you NEVER KNOW what your NEIGHBOR deals with here or there....

Just "hit-me-with-the-truth".....

"Puppets" started in the womb....  but AFTER that.....WHO is in CONTROL (who CONTROLS the HEAVENS???)..... when the WOMB doesn't allow the FULLNESS of the FOOL to TAKE OVER!  (education isn't ALWAYS where its at folks....just sayin).  Same with RELATIONSHIP....until the AGE of ABE and SARAH....there IS a reason ABE....hiding... SARAH from the on-loookers in EGYPT..... BEAUTY here and there in the "family tree" so to speak...

Oh Kay....so people who are BIPOC in this country should RETURN to "their natural land" and start speaking indigenous languages again?  The people who named "Misi -Sipi" river need to return to interpreting through those languages and those alone (just sayin... I KNOW culture things....of Scandinavians.... I continue, to this day, to HEAR elderly people and my self say UFF DA)....similar themes from British Isles....Culture context incorporated into languages and practices.

I say.... BABA (indigenous for father)...(means the SAME as ABBA in Hebrew).... good luck hun.  Height is GIVEN in the WOMB!  It is DIFFICULT to "bake bread" from your indigenous roots....IF you no longer SPEAK that language!  (Many latino people SPEAK SPANISH which is EASY to translate into ENGLISH....not their indigenous languages)  Sorry, but the people of MISI-SIPI region are RELATED in some ways to the LATINO populations!

Oh....my the blond hair-blue eyed thing as ALL are alike.  I just say, not so my friend.  Not so. (African American with skin tone....have been known to have blue eyes.  People with Blonde Hair have indigenous people features.... I definitely know these things.....)

Is the Paris Hilton Taylor Swift....theme .....the ONLY one with blonde hair and blue eyes..... hmmm....(I'm not here to judge such characters of 5'8"-5'9" stature....as I share that theme under the sun I've seen some SHORTER ones of male conditions around...... just sayin!!!!!  WW2 veterans are STILL here.....  Let alone the person who says that blonde-hair.....blue-eyes....means that person "doesn't" understand hatred towards Jewish ancestry conditions???  Wow.... themes under the sun... need restoration to REALITY!

The woman speaking in that ..... happened to have some connections to IOWA..... I'm like Field of Dreams and Misi-Sipi river...... is like a RAVEN..... that was there the WHOLE TIME.  Speaking about NOAH's ARK.


The solution?

videos on mute:

because the one who SPEAKS at the wedding.......SPEAKS from EXPERIENCE....being MARRIED to an ETHIOPIAN (the servant that surrounded IVY LEAGUE YALE).....

the SAME SONG..... but the CORRDINATIONS in the HEAVENS of the ANCESTORS (and what they saw) of the SINGERS.... DIFFERS only SLIGHTLY..... (bride vs. matron of honour's children......think WISELY my friend!)


The mother of MOSES..... knew of these things.....she could WEAVE.......and allow the HOLY SPIRIT to GUIDE on the WATERS.....

the SAME song of SONGS...... to say the LEAST.....

The background song:


through the winter rain.....maternity conditions (sometimes issues in groom) of the bride and groom.....  weakness......

PRIDE never TAUGHT a man how to RESCUE the OTHER man DROWNING in the WATER..... just saying..... where did JOSEPH end up?...... THINK ABOUT IT my friends!  (handsome features.....are something that man.....and sometimes woman as fair features..... paris hilton style.....sometimes cannot choose)

ER stories my friend.  Face SCARED up in Puth-er situations.....

Does Psalm 119 STILL apply to the teaching methods?

Yes..... put this video on mute below.....video above in background.... ALEPH-BET is included in the ALPHABET things....

reflections.... Remember JESUS attending SYNAGOGUES without NEGATIVE EMOTIVE or ENERGY!

Jesus was NOT against MOSES.  Paul himself PREACHED on SABBATH and into the EVENING the next day!

Time start: about 50:00 to 30:00


And THEY.....said WE were the NAZI's.... I said to my self.... hmmm Mordechai knew it all along.... ancestry 23 and me things are AROUND....but TRUTH is TRUTH.... didn't those NAZI's have a big brother problem??  big tech cancel culture brothers....and those at CNN...... take some SPECIAL PERSON kind of notes....

video on mute above.....

second video on mute..... (big brother....does NOT have any solutions for COVID 19.... S & G.... had a BIG BROTHER problem.... just sayin)

Keep that FAMILY HISTORY LINEAGE folder.......you KNOW that BLUE ONE that mentions "Puth-er" somewhere in there hidden in YOUR HOME.....away from PHARAOH..... HIDDEN from these types of folks.... as Marcus Rogers correctly ID's.

background song:

its really really tough to figure out how they decided to end slavery on American land (because YES....people of non-white conditions ALSO enslaved each other).... but one CANNOT illustrate these things without Moses and Levitical things!  Just sayin.  Women's health operates in the "same order in the court" since the ancient day!

BEWARE in these LAST DAYS......  the people who WANT POWER over medical records....want to HIDE the FACTS about how BROTHER JOSPEH was TREATED!!!!!!   Its MORE than "racism" involved folks....there is something in TARGETING the "red states" and the "poor brothers" among us!

(it is EASY to manipulate through computers and media companies!....but it is HARD to manipulate via "turtle slow" data....basically the THINGS that the "homeless man" Lazarus actually SEES with his own two eyes....when the people enter the ER doors)

It is TRUE that the ones who "big V" are DYING.....not the "un big V"....that die (but some do....just like anyone else)

The FRUITS of all of this MANIPULATION of data!!!!!  BUYER BEWARE!  TOXIC relationships across and IN party driven lines!!!  WITHIN FAMILY LIFE!!!!  (ugly big brother from S & G.....TRIES to manipulate EVERYTHING under the sun)


Keep Wedding Showers and Wedding memories ALIVE in these evil days.....

A hand-made LACE bed sheet, pillow case set...... made by Great Grandma A**** V*******D has GREAT MEANING


How to protect your LOVED ONE (when in the state of vulnerability....as we ALL share on this planet at ANY TIME)....  in the case of "big brother" manipulating data.... anything from healthcare info to political data to water supply data for the city....

KEEP RECORDS SEPARATE and IN PAPER-BACK BOOK STYLE in fire-proof casing!  Think elder-care with addition of "paper-records" and "paper trails."  Yes, Dementia cases have been here SINCE the time I first worked as a CNA when I was RIGHT at the age of 16 (the time when 9-11 struck on American Soil)....but in THOSE DAYS.... PAPER RECORDS were KEPT!!!!  (every toileting schedule....was ON PAPER).  Just like the ways that "hidden clues" and "trails" were put in the "dust of the earth" to help people find ways to escape slavery!  (a few sticks in the ground in certain areas to help passengers find proper footing on the trail)

Smart Phones are NOT really THAT kind of "smart".... if you know what I mean!


Who is my neighbor (ya never know it could be a person from xyz cousin's wedding or something like that)....as they asked JESUS.....  if ya do not know..... then DO-NUT ask at 3:05..... and then GO HOME and check your OWN records....about this or that....you MAY discover the PUTH-ER.  The STORY.....of BREAD and John Legend.....isn't JUST a LEGEND.  Elizabeth Warren would have LOVED to have family tree legends from the FIELD of DREAMS local municipalities and Kevin Costner.....story lines....

Yes, I've been to a funeral in Minneapolis......just sayin.... NORTHERN LIGHTS.....are ACTAULLY in the NORTH.... and Jesus lived to be "about 30" so the timeline is SPECIFIC.....folks.

My husband is 5'11" and has Hazel eyes....puzzles are puzzles.  Yes, Charlie picks up CELEBRITY status....but the HOPE is in the SIMPLE things of this life.....this one life...

Even the NAMES on the chart have SOMETHING to SAY.......LOUD and CLEAR!!!!!

Background song.....  the little elements in ONE LIFE.....as I only have one.....the NAMES  please....because even I COULDN'T CHOOSE....... the BIRTHDAY of parent and location of birth.....

***Charlie SHOWED us his own Mother's birthday......seems that it is NEXT to the DAY of ATTONEMENT.....on the CHARTS****  WELCOME all ye who are in the "virgo" category!  9-11.....

EVERY 24 years....the "repeating pattern" of the MORNING STAR......

background video on mute below.....

Think about it.....would YOU want to re-write your own "Nazareth" condition and get away with it....despite what THEY say...... (Where were you born and raised.....where was your loved one born and raised??)

Time change and travel.....but JESUS (who reverenced Moses) travels in RIGHTEOUSNESS and TRUTH....

There IS a reason ..... JESUS was considered the LIGHT OF THE WORLD......in the CHAPTER where he CELEBRATED...... "feast of dedication".....Hannukah....  And I kept saying Levitical things MATTER.

another video on mute..... with background songs above.... for DAY of ATTONEMENT...

**friend of a friend video......**

The HOLY SPIRIT....comforter is the SAME....as YESTERDAY....the STORY LINE is the SAME as YESTERDAY.....

The EXACT TIME of YOM KIPPUR.....may have changed since the time of JESUS.....but it is NOT far away from the original "time frame" so to speak.  FALL FEASTS....are in the FALL.... and its not THAT kind of difficult to determine the "moon phase" in which to celebrate such feasts....  Qumran people may have differed slightly from the "others" in Jerusalem area....

There remains 7 FULL MOONS between PASSOVER TIME (after the Spring Equinox) and end of FALL FEASTS.... (7 moons....and 7 candles on the MENORAH..... since the TIME of CREATION....folks.... no man can SEE without SUN and MOON in the heavens!)


Without MOSES...there would be no explanation behind the MASK of those with RED-HAIR on our planet.....turns out....only some regions of the globe can proclaim such inheritance....inclusive of King David.....there is NO such thing as a FAKE creator....

Paul preaching led all the way to the IBERIAN PENINSULA...and right up the ROAD was the BRITISH ISLES.....

Be dressed in WHITE....

I don't know about the WHITE LIGHT at the end....but HE KNOWS.....about THAT..... ahem....

How do I know.....because I KNOW....that so and so was the manager of so and so.....when they worked at McDonalds!!!!!  And it just happened to be when the HE SEES......beyond the GRAVE!!!!!

Mean while.....in the "mix" of this and that....Noah's ark WASN'T built in one day after all.... AGE will prove this to be TRUE!

It was SIMPLE MATH the WHOLE TIME..... (seven FULL MOONS between PASSOVER and end of FALL FEASTS).... and the Morning Star Astronomical position repeats every 24 years.....in coordination with the moon's Astronomical position....

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Songs of Love and Hope