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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Nobody notices the VALUE of the "morning star" until someone points it out to them!

 Once again, I'm just using a celeb "STAR" as an example.  Kinda like a person needs at least ONE dolphin that can do "tricks" in order to PROOVE that DOLPHINS actually have value and can do things within the ORDERS of creation that are beneficial for "entertainment" if you will, but in REALITY there is MORE than the EYE can see.....don't you SEE old Jonah?  We can't really USE private individuals as examples in our midst....but I KNOW who those would be among the CROWDS....basically, its like JESUS knew the PERSONAL life of the Disciples (he mentioned their final hour and how it would go on earth for them).  Its like there actually IS a cousin or two who knows so and so and they are cousins from "old Europe" and know things....about them.... but without THAT connection we wouldn't really know!  (C. Puth IS German.....but was born in AMERICA....catch the drift)

Oh Kay.... why am I using HIM ALL......the time as an example?  Answer: His Mother.  and His Father.

I notice some similar "themes" in features and conditions at hand.  (even an ancestry 23 and me report would barely be necessary knowing his last name is Puth-"er" reformation style)

Today, I'm talking about the VALUE of the MORNING STAR in the heavens.  MANY MANY MANY have TRIED to solve this riddle....but ONLY the WISE MEN who SAW the STAR in the EAST understand this condition!

Its called being born in the "signs of the times" of the VIRGIN in the heavens!

Sometimes Celebs would REVEAL their close relatives birthday's and some would not..... like I said.... its called being born in the time of the VIRGIN.

Go back to the Bible and find something called FALL FEASTS.

Now look-up (yes the bible tells people to LOOK UP...meaning study ASTRONOMY).... in the end times because your redemption draws nigh.

Woman's health has been here since ADAM and EVE.  How do I know?  Has Rachel of the bible had anything to say about HER condition.  Yes, she was involved with Jacob as his wife and she had "good looks" according to Jacob.  She perished at the "land slide" of what we call DANGER ZONE in the "blood functionality" of women.  This has not changed in the centuries!  Imagine the DANGER ZONES for any woman expecting after 12 weeks along!

Charlie's Mother was BORN in the SIGN of the VIRGIN so to speak.  And even more interesting is that this year it happened to fall in the same time frame as YOM KIPPUR.....the HOLIEST day in the JEWISH feast celebration.  The modern day Jewish calendar does NOT use the Qumran Calendar but the "timing" is similar (Its not much different than give or take within one month of fall-equinox.  Perhaps in JESUS' day certain groups used the QUMRAN calendar!)


Now STOP HERE.  Something has NOT changed since the time of JESUS.  ORDERS of CREATION being one!  Conditions of women being two! (Maternity Wards are in operation FOR a reason!  BLOOD is expended in the woman's body at HIGHER rates during pregnancy...and for SAFETY reasons....these need to be open!)   Jesus came through the line of DAVID...and even to this day Ancestry 23 and me tests will show "trails" of relationship in the human family, sometimes paper-related, and sometimes not.


NEW MOON prior to the next NEW MOON before the FALL FEASTS.  Conjunction Jupiter and Venus.

Next New Moon Prior to FALL FEASTS.  “Morning Star” is in Virgo constellation.  Conjunction of Regulus in Leo constellation.

5 days prior to FIRST FULL MOON in the Qumran Calendar cycle 3 (Why use Qumran Calendar Cycle 3?  If JESUS was on the cross in AD 31 and use Qumran Calendar Cycle 1 to understanding Passover time, then use calendar cycle 33 years prior) on the 7th month.  This would be the time of YOM TERUAH or FEAST of TRUMPETS.

Lunar Conjunction in Capricorn with the red-planet

***  “Morning Star” continues to remain in Constellation Virgo during the Fall Feasts ***

But notice the “close to conjunction” condition to the star Spica on DAY of ATTONEMENT.

“Morning Star” is aligned near the star SPICA on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) when using Qumran Calendar cycle 3 calculations.

Moon is centered exactly between the Gemini Twins constellations on DAY of ATTONEMENT.

Moon passed a conjunction with Jupiter in constellation LEO at the beginning of FEAST of TABERNACLES (Sukkot)


End of the FEASTS


Keep in MIND that the MENORAH has SEVEN LAMPS……at first people don’t notice this, but then when you REMIND them that there are 7 FULL MOONS between PASSOVER and the END of the FALL FEASTS……then the GEARS start to CLICK!

NOTICE how the QUMRAN CALENDAR does NOT change DAYS of the WEEK in FEASTS and HOLIDAYS!~@!!  the first day of the month ALWAYS falls in the 4th day of the week!

 (Noah's Ark symbol xyz/150) = representation since the time when Noah's Ark events took place.  In the Book of Genesis it speaks about the MONTH and DAY in which NOAH's ARK events took place. **Gen 7:24  And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days. **

R = Rest
F = FEAST (in this month its Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and, Feast of Tabernacles)

Squiggly Lines = Day in which a portion of Scripture should be read, or is represented in the mentioning of the Day and Month in the Scripture

(Lev 23:41, 1 K 8:2, 2 K 25:25, 1 Chr 27:10, 2 Chr 5:3, 2 Chr 31:7, Ez 3:1, Neh 7:73, Neh 8:14, Jer 28:17, Jer 41:1, Zech 7:5) Day mentioned *1: Lev 23:24, Num 29:1, Ez 3:6, Neh 8:2 - *10: Lev 16: 29, Lev 23:27, Lev 25:9, Num 29:7 - *15: Lev 23:34, Lev 23:39, Num 29:12, Ez 45:25 - *17: Gen 8:4 - *21: Hag 2:1 - *23: 2Chr 7:10

Basically Read these Chapters in the bible this Month - 7th Month (recall events which occurred in the bible):

Even if the mere mentioning paints a "picture story" about events this month, it will help supply information necessary about the ORDERS of the creation and his specific divisions (these things occurred historically and continue to this day).

LEVITICUS 23 -Mentions Feasts
1 Kings 8 - Ark Brought to the Temple and Solomon's Prayers
2 Kings 25 - Fall of the Captivity, Gedeliah Governor over Judah this month, Jehoichin released from Prison
1 Chronicles 27 - Listing of Military Divisions
2 Chronicles 5 -  Ark Brought to Temple by Solomon
2 Chronicles 31 - Hezekiah finished restoration, Organizes priests, Abundant giving to God
Ezra 3 - Rebuilding the Alter, people Gathered
Nehemiah 7 - List of Returned Exiles
Nehemiah 8 - Feast of Booths Celebrated, Ezra Reads the Law, Day is Holy declared
Jeremiah 28 - Hananiah the false prophet died
Jeremiah 41 - Gedaliah Murdered
Zechariah 7 - Call for Justice and Mercy

Day 1: Leviticus 23, Numbers 29, Ezra 3, Nehemiah 8 * Events: Feast of Trumpets, Rest
Day 10: Leviticus 16, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 25, Numbers 29 *Events: Day of Atonement, Rest, Noah's landing on the first day of the week following.
Day 15: Leviticus 23, Numbers 29, Ezekiel 45 *Events: Feast of Tabernacles, Rest
Day 17: Genesis 8 timeline event Ark rested on Mt. Ararat.
Day 21: Haggai 2 timeline event coming glory of the temple * Events end of Feast of Tabernacles
Day 22: *Events rest
Day 23: 2 Chron 7:10 *Events rest

NOTE: JESUS is NOT Charlie Puth and Charlie Puth is NOT JESUS, due to various factors involved, obviously..... BUT....there ARE similar conditions involved.  Kin-ship conditions remain and as I said before, PATTERNS (maternity ward conditions, nature patterns, even features on baby who will be adult begins at conception etc) have not CHANGED since the time of JESUS.  ISRAEL MATTERS and THE TEMPLE MATTERS (as illustrated multiple times in the seventh month in the bible) should summarize a LOT of these biblical events! **The Bible mentions there would be MANY false Christs in the last days.... I can SEE WHY with the technology events people LOOK for a "saviour" to save them from the HEARTACHE we FEEL because of SIN!**

Was Jesus BORN in the "7th biblical month"...... perhaps!  Consider the "star in the east" that the WISE MEN saw.  The TIMING of CONJUCTIONS was unique to AD -2 which could not be repeated unless given circumstances existed (which they do NOT  exist under astronomy calculations)  CLEARLY there were significant CONJUCTIONS occurring in the STARS ABOVE!  In Indigenous Native American language, the "morning star" is equivalent to the "woman's star."  The Mayan Calendar used the "bright star" to guide their calendar system (The temple was re-dedicated in the FALL in the biblical stories and continue to show the importance of the temple).  No WONDER they call it the WOMAN'S STAR in indigenous language and BRIGHT STAR..... the alignment in the FALL with the sign of the "virgin" and similar themes with rededication of the temple!  Order does exist between tribes, but it takes TRUTH to reveal the patterns in heroes and timelines!


Once again does this apply to today and ISRAEL?  Answer: Genesis 3-4 speaks about EVE and her children.  YES, in pregnancy there is SORROW in bringing forth.....failed pregnancy.....hatred towards "the woman" because of the "features" in a child--> ancestry conditions, lineage conditions.... etc etc.  ISRAEL itself STILL has haters surrounding it while the women inside bear and raise children!

BUT JESUS overcomes..... 

I recently met with a friend of our family who "Grew up" in Israel....so .... so and so knows so and so.... (and then the names in Genesis 4).... despite xy and z....  HER perspective slightly differs from those who grew up "along the Mississippi river."  She is above the age of 40 and expecting.  I grew up going to a local... "petting zoo" and other Animal culture things, familiar to the "Mississippi river" area.  The NAMES given from ISRAEL and slightly different and the spirit is slightly different from LEVANT background.

Background speech....


The time of JESUS' arrival.....it seems EVE STILL has to put up with things!!!! under the SUN.... Israel matters..... folks....put THINGS into perspective (no man chooses his own mother....and his own BIRTH LOCATION and his own DATE of BIRTH....under the SIGNS in the heavens!)

Background song.....

put above video on loop and mute....for the fun....

And then they FINALLY humbled themselves (as in the Day of Atonement wasn't clear enough) and admitted they couldn't CREATE all things and individuals in the family tree and make things go THEIR way!


God places HIGH JUDGMENTS on places where it is: a. difficult to bear and raise a child b. difficult for women to keep a child in the womb and to keep her-self alive c. folly beliefs and actions d. other types of sin issues **violence? sickness on woman's body? extreme folly in relationship? false theology that creates havoc and opposition to scripture (anti-Israel sentiment for example)?

John 3 shows us that ONLY JESUS can offer TRUE redemption and TRUE education.

play this video on MUTE....below.  YES....people born (even middle eastern heritage people) in 1920 COULD still be alive and RECALL events....


How do we know that JESUS would have been born in the FALL FEASTS time of the year without astronomy knowledge?


Luk_1:36  And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.

Luk_1:26  And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

COURSE of ABIA (Abijah) is mentioned:

Luk_1:5  There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.

1Ch_24:10  The seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah,

How to Interpret the PRIESTLY CYCLE:

I believe they MAY have used a sort of QUMRAN CALENDAR to divide the PRIESTLY CYCLE.....

So calculations differ from the link given.

USING the Qumran Calendar 3rd cycle as possible time of JESUS' birth, calculate BACK to the "beginning" of the 1st month in the 2nd cycle to find the "course of Abijah."  This is about 82 weeks from the "priestly courses" to end of the 7th month Holidays in the 3rd Cycle.  There should be a total of 12 + 7 full moons in that time frame.

Keep in mind that the conception of JOHN the BAPTIST probably occurred around the time of the PENTECOST

Luk 1:23  And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. 

****Basically READ 1 Chronicles 24 and how KING DAVID divided the "times" for the priests****

Full Moon Time for the First Month in Cycle 3.  This is seven moons PRIROR to the 7th month events.

12 moons before 3rd Cycle

Possible FIRST DAY of the FIRST MONTH before the “course of ABIJAH.”  Count 8 weeks + One Week for PASSOVER.

Note: Venus is in CONJUNCTION with the NEW MOON!

Calendar Layout for the Conception of John the Baptist and Jesus using QUMRAN CALENDAR as illustration (Click to Enlarge as needed):

Key: The first set of numbers = the Priestly WEEKLY CYCLE.  1-8 are listed and then an A.  A =  Abia, or Ablijah.  John conceived AFTER Zacharias was completed.  This was possibly during the P = Pentecost time of the month in the 3rd Month on the Qumran Calendar cycle.

1-9 are listed NEAR the week of the FULL moon to indicate the MONTH time for ELIZABETH.  The 6th Month occurs in the 9th Month on the Qumran Calendar Cycle.  Of course JESUS would be conceived in the 6th month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, so it could be possible that JESUS was conceived during the “feast of dedication.”  (These details are not exclusively given…..we can only “guess months”)

Numbers in (1) parentheses before John’s birth are given for the months along in JESUS’ conception and existence in MARY’s womb.

The END of the 9th month from time of Conception occurs in the 7th month of the Qumran Calendar.  It is possible that JESUS was born at ANY time a FEAST DAY occurred in the 7th month.  This is NOT listed EXCLUSIVELY in the bible, so GOD himself really didn’t want “man” to focus on this event in particular but to focus on the HOLY NATURE of GOD instead.

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