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Thursday, May 13, 2021

PAUL.......in ACTS 26


I just can't even understand TERROR people.....but SAUL was a TERRORIST!..... Moses himself.....murdered an Egyptian!

Yes, I have a "day of birth" (those who know me personally.....know what I am saying) as anyone alive with a "face" has that condition on this earth as we speak.....

Even Jewish people don't know who is fully "Jewish" (especially if they are speaking from Ashkinazi family background and they are having trouble discerning "mixed" ancestry conditions....among other European people) by face-features alone....

(one could "possibly notice" a difference between common European and Jewish features by "hair types" but even then.....that really doesn't reveal full features....eye structures vary)

Key Verses:

I verily thought with myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

***He didn't believe he should actually ACT on the behaviours and ACTIONs that Jesus taught***

10 Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them.

***He went to AUTHORITY figures.....political leaders of the day!***

11 And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.

***He persecuted the first FOLLOWERS of JESUS of NAZARETH in the SYNAGOGUES!  NOT....in the CHURCHES...... they STARTED in SYNAGOGUES!***

14 And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

***JESUS specifically spoke to SAUL in HEBREW LANGUAGE!  Note that the ENTIRE SCRIPTURE only has 22 mentioning of the word HALLOWED....no more....no less.... there are only 22 letters in the Hebrew Alphabet, besides the vowel emphasis marks***

31 And when they were gone aside, they talked between themselves, saying, This man doeth nothing worthy of death or of bonds.

32 Then said Agrippa unto Festus, This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Caesar.

***The authority figures do NOT want to reveal that the innocence of PAUL existed.....because of the cause of CHRIST***

Some people "think" they are the ONLY ONE....but I have facts.....family tree records...... YOU and YOUR FAMILY (blood ties and connections are immutable dear friends) are ..... ahem.... NOT the only one.....  sorrow only comes from people who misinterpret "history" and "scripture" as far as the eye can see (Saul himself of the bible misinterpreted things folks!  And he was terrorizing in Synagogues..... just sayin!).....medically and culture-wise that is.  4 different ways from a household to connect to so and so out of a LEV 11 town (explain things even more with Laura Ingalls Wilder range of hearing....50 mile radius....no ancient man could possibly write those works of enlightenment about the DESIGN of animals or HUMANITY unless revealed from ABOVE) ......ought to reveal a few things about who is who on the FACE (features) on this earth.....  Nigerian or say what???

speaking of Hebrew language..... those who KNOW....this..... KNOW this as a way truth and life..... until the end of time (heaven and earth may pass away kinda thing)


Walking the WALK....despite the "lawlessness" surrounding......isn't EASY folks!

A side note of what ER doctors may or may not encounter.....but NO ONE should EVER encounter these things....

When a person NOTICES domestic violence (as in the case of terror environments).... it is LITERALLY domestic violence.  ER doctor wisdom..... a man's hands do not deserve to be x y and z just because they put a few tunes on a piano....  just sayin.

If you need a CLEAR example that some people have NO IDEA how CONTROLING they are on the INSIDE.....  nothing screams "control freak" with terror-supremacist intensions more than.....x y and z...some people ACTUALLY work in HEALTHCARE and got the VIRUS naturally....and DEALT the heavy blows of dealing with corrupted health issues people have.  Getting into "med-school" is just HALF the battle....internal STUPIDITY is literally unfolding (I watch the videos on med-school admissions folks)!  Terror has its origins...... IGNORANCE of the ACTUAL TRUTH! (Anomaly and his friendly Syrian looking face.....call it what you want....its the WAY it is folks....even he discusses that with a SYRIAN on a video)

NOTE: USA people....indigenous heritage or otherwise HAVE to deal with the problems in the middle east....whether we want to or not..... why?  FAMILY TREE connections and featureific things.....and the WATER exists here in USA (and elsewhere in AMERICAS.....LATINO culture of all things)

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