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Saturday, May 15, 2021

Love for the Brethren.....

 He grew up Catholic.....as he says in his video (Charlie Below).  I appreciate his musical talent.....hence the themes of following up on this celeb.  I agree with the theme of Mary and Elizabeth....Joseph and Zacharias.... the Nativity STORY (though I do believe things in history distorted them selves so the details are not as they ought to be...but NATURAL ORDERS still do exist...as in a FACE is developed at 6 weeks in the womb...history SHOWS up in the MUSEUMS and FACE FEATURES!)

I too grew up around Catholic figures in our family tree.  But I have more "Protestant" influences, so I know those themes in history.  I even studied WAY BACK to the Waldenses times.....

If a Brother is CAUGHT in sin and idolatry....do we "throw rocks" and start to "preach" repentance.....or do we SHOW them the way to go.  Celebs come in ALL SHAPES and SIZES.  As a person who has worked in healthcare.... I KNOW for a fact that people in the 80+ range need help.  There is NO WAY around that.....  Car-Accidents do NOT discriminate based on age-status-features-beliefs etc. !!!!  Jonah of the bible couldn't even escape THAT whale.....historically!

I personally do not feel COMPLETELY worried about the "Ellen D. Generous" people of this world.  I DO worry about those who TAKE AWAY the TRUTH from the PEOPLE..... That means that the WARNING SIGNS that come from the bible are a. mocked or b. considered as "fairy tales" instead of heart changing AND historical evidence (think clearly about the themes in the bible of worship of Moloch while the people sacrificed babies under age 2....woman's bodies still find danger zones at 12-42 weeks along folks to this day!).  Furthermore, the "Ellen D. Generous" types of celebs may NEVER get into trouble with "the law" like in the case with Josh Duggar....but they very well could, especially when "the law/torah" of the bible is mocked so severely that they ACT in accordance to the problems of Sodom and Gomorrah (dehumanizing conditions of genocide....based on glorification of pornography industry.....types of things.....women were clearly "treated like meat" in S & G as described directly from the scripture!).  Consider WISELY the modern day TERROR environments of the middle east..... may the people CLEARLY see that the MODESTY of women doesn't prevent or stop such TREATMENT of women and children....but JESUS' fixes the heart of deception (self glorification and false worship) on a foundation of ultimate TRUTH.  Jesus CLEARLY taught "Love your ENEMIES" and "Love the BRETHREN" and "Love your neighbor as yourself"..... things like that.  Side note: Nazi of WW@ acted exactly like S & G was a good place in that they treated "women like meat" especially women with fair-features...... I had 5000 friends on facebook..... Israel dwelling and non-Israel dwelling....I pretty much KNOW what people are saying when they say "fair features".... My husband KNOWS.....I would get comments like that from people dwelling in the Middle East...... ER WORK will reveal things too....

Consider Wisely the aspects of Luke chapter 7

Listen to the various THEMES that she is talking about when she is reading this bible passage.....

Keep in MIND that GOD sees!  Even to this DAY!

****Note: there are extended family and situations where folks in the family were "all over the place"....as in they lauded folly in their actions and it led to x y and z.  I STILL care for them..... its basically a "love for the Brethren" type of thing.... themes that are in the bible.  No children hurt....is just that....no children hurt.  Socially risky behaviour is just that, socially risky....don't sell one's self for nothing basically.*****


Here and there...... just hold on to the TRUTH..... the puzzle pieces are there.... put them together.

Its the binding glue of LOVE.....

A heart that CARED.....lets just say.... Luke 7 wasn't really for "nothin".....talking to extended family even up to nth cousins and things (the things they go through....or a different social situation in the family tree....their grandmother/grandfather??)....sometimes we can "see things"...but sometimes we CANNOT "see things".... do you KNOW the GOD WHO SEES!!!??!@??!?!?@?!?@?

Leave that NASTY GOSSIP on the side of the road and don't return to "it"..... Basically the themes of whom STEPHEN of the bible was talking to....was just that..... confronting the corrupted leaders of THAT particular day....and SAUL of the bible.... "didn't get it" until he encountered JESUS of NAZARETH (note the word NAZARETH....means that SOCIAL theme of whom he GREW UP around!  THOSE.......ahem..... LEVANT BOYS!!!! ... Lev 11 doesn't mention "Mr. Racoon"....just sayin.)

Lets just say....those child-hood themes of throwing rocks in the "sewer pipe" wasn't fer nothin.  Medical School Admission advice.....

I've family related to LEV 11 town..... from our household (in-laws and things like that).... 4 different ways....especially if draw a circle up to a Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum....and then draw a giant OVAL around NE IOWA.....especially connections to the Field of DREAMS....the JOSEPH and the coat of MANY COLOURS......theme of skin tones type of DREAM!


I can't "figure out" all things human behaviour...but I KNOW people need safety......

Video on mute above....

video song below....

And people need people..... Particularly people with HISTORY TIES....to Africa-Mixed-to-Middle East.... (Jesus of NAZARETH.....think about it)

Or else COLD sets in the HEART...and that is NOT FUN.....

Background song....

Curly Wavy hair????? features???  Palestinian.....have THAT theme sometimes too.... its a LEVANT thing....

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Songs of Love and Hope