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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Signs of the TIMES.....


If you see a man with the name "David" with the look of someone who didn't come from Russia.....he would be my husband's brother.....now don't steal the BOWL that my AUNT gave to me for my wedding.....it IS made of WOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!  Her son JOSHUA......will pour out all the wrath ..... a racooon explaining things like a lion..... with HANDS of MERCY.....  THOSE hands play that one and only SONG......its THE ..... ahem..... R*********F song........from THE ROOT of the TREE outward!@!!@#@$#!@#%$#@#E@#SD  I see maple TREES........

The names Aliyah, Chaim....hmmmm something.....aint it.....but if you don't know....

so and so and so and so.....at the END of the day....you may miss the BOAT....and not arrive at the PROPER shore...without COUSIN ELIZABETH explaining....the importance of the COMMANDMENTS....

Background song....

They tell us a bit about their family.....it could be like Ruth.....Elizabeth.....John the Baptist or others......we don't really know.....UNLESS we KNOW the FATHER.... (one of those TREE of LIFE data charts)

Note to self, Ray Comfort is still with us....there IS a RAY from a SON.....and he STILL gives COMFORT.....so consider things WISELY!


The FACE of that ......dude singing.....THE SCAR shows he was in an ER at one time.....

Elizabeth of the BIBLE was RIGHT!


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Songs of Love and Hope