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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Just going about this and that.....


What do you JUDGE about the "visible" slice of pie?????

Anyone want some R*********F Sugar Bush????

It starts with read it....that one book in the bible called HOSEA.......or did you "just see" Jose.......that looked like an immigrant who was illegally in this nation..... .....but MR.....RACOOOOOOOOOOOOON was SHOWING YOU HIS HANDS........aAAAAND the TREE of LIFE......

I don't even want to really think about those things....but just think about the REDEMPTION story.....from Mt. Zion..... (do the astronomy calculations....and turns out to be aligned with reality)

I do some interviews sometimes...

I see the STARS..... so I go in JENNIFER ANISTAN ..... STYLE........

She knows what it means to be a comfort to others......put it that way.  She uses the ELIZABETH of the bible style of Planning on OBEYING the COMMANDMENTS.....  put it that way.....hint hint.

5000 friends on facebook....and a few here and there in the cousin routine.....but WHO KNOWS.... I really can't always tell.....

The thing I do know is that a friend of a friend.....participated in at least one of his videos.....  This particular friend of OUR household...within close community range....within that community there was some violence going on (which would have affected the friend)... ....you know that "stuff" that shouldn't be in people's hearts.....in the first place.

I know where the plumbing and heating supply are located and who owns those stores...but if you don't know the owner (of those smiling faces)....then don't burn down the WHOLE house....say you CARE about the people in the HOME...and then try to save "one mouse".....

Its that simple.

As for me and my house we will serve the LORD!

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