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Monday, January 11, 2021

Letter to the Computer Science Educator......

Click Here for part 1 (other letter to address these issue)

Dear educators of tomorrow's professional computer (and communication/related free speech) world,

****This letter is NOT edited to perfection, but is in OUTLINE or NOTES format**** 

Sarah of the bible gave birth at the age of.....


Oh Kay.....

We need to look at "these things" on the internet a little bit better.

1. What is the title of your college?  What "by proper definition" did Martin Luther do?

2. What does ELCA stand for?  Will the last letter stand the test of time?

3. When women "have conception" are all occurrences "created equal"?  Biblically speaking: Was the timing and conditions conception for Sarah's womb = to the timing and conditions of conception for Ruth's womb =  to the timing and conditions for Mary's womb ??????  What about the "fruits".....born alive or "still born" each occurrence and a generation or two later....or within proper scripture definitions for (Jesus had brothers and sisters??)

Note: I am NOT a super expert on computer science, but I DO face real people FACE to FACE and acquired COVID because I DO NOT live behind a "zoom screen" all day....and rightly so.


This is an e-mail letter I wrote PERSONALLY to some folks in my family....sure it has its flavors of "mispellings"...but FAMILY would accept you for mispellings here and there.....aka the KJV wasn't exactly "perfect" but "imperfect" men CAN find proper interpretations.  Illustrations prove a point just as parables.

******** (BELOW THIS LINE)**********

I'm not interested in a political grab bag.....filled with holes...but, to be aware of the situations at hand.  

YES, evidence can be uncovered....deep under the roots of the "red-wood tree" so to speak....MANY YEARS later.  The rings are THERE.  TRUTH is THERE.


You: I need bread.....

Govt': No......that incites violence.

This is the aftershock of social media deciding what "free speech" is acceptable in the middle of the REAL VIOLENCE.

What is REAL and what is FAKE?  

Look at your hands; what did you decide to do with your hands?.....What does a goose do from time to time?  What does a rooster do? (don't they speak....what things they need to say???)  Are your hands even real?  Is a goose even real?  Is a rooster even real?  ........when one doesn't know the creator....they will miss "the ark" and start attacking the REAL folks in the creator's plan.

Pay attention in "life class".....its not as easy to follow THE GOSPEL as we would like it to be.  Patient brigade is all I can say...that is THE option available.....the ONLY .....REAL option.

I already know many people can't even use social media...but no one hears about them....the poor, the outcast (cough cough), too weak to speak, strangers to understanding things and how they work, no access..... etc etc. 

How many times have social media sites created outcasts.....because people are simply speaking about "bread"?

Note: This isn't saying that everyone currently using social media....even more encryptic sites (like youtube) are wrong or bad, some rarely log in or keep up with their "friend tag" thing.  It's like going to the library for information.  Yes, there are a lot of good books there, good stories left and right.  But something inside says that by reading the good stuff on the website....but then ignoring the brother who is saying "I need bread".....is a way of closing the door...and locking one's self away from REALITY.  Basically, it's like LOCKING yourself (or the library locks you in and FORCES you to read and digest this or that book) in the library...but OUTSIDE of the library is where the people are saying....and literally needing someone stronger and more capable of giving them BREAD....that is ALL they needed in the first place.  The "books" themselves do NOT feed the REAL people.  It takes REAL people with actions to do something about it.  I don't know about you....but it is OK to share a recipe on social media for bread....but it is ENJOYABLE to go to a REAL FEAST...with "real bread"....where one can smell the aroma.  SO who baked that bread?

What IS REAL....ISREAL.  The origins of BREAD.  So the social media sites are going to fix Nuclear Weapon issues on our planet by "creating outcasts"..... and "encouraging it" .... so it goes when someone has an account but didn't even KNOW there was a "gathering" in D.C...... they were just at home figuring out how the REAL bread machine works....they simply didn't want it to break down....so it could work properly and do what it was supposed to do in the first place.  Basically, don't point fingers at the "mechanic" trying to fix the machine.


If things like "this" are not resolved...the result.... a woman gets on social media site....states: I'm expecting next Fall.....

Two Weeks later she states: I'm going through a miscarriage......  The social media giant's solution to this "issue".... : That is a form of violence....you are BANNED from this platform and deserve no voice.'

*Note: They FREQUENTLY call pro-life groups....violent groups.

If they do it to the least of these...they will eventually do it to YOU....(maybe you ended up with a loved one with dementia?  Maybe the next victim is a woman in distress when she was domestically abused in a "religious household"? Maybe someone almost died in a car-accident....clearly not all cars are violent...but someone has to blame someone...and the "car company" has to protect ITS image.....but the victim deserves no voice.....

The end of the VIDEO:


If "the people" do not lift each other up....despite opposition in value, opinion and experiences....."the people" end up destroying each other.

True wisdom.....begins with heart change,


************(above this line)*****************

Notice the Miscarriage statement I was making above in my family letter.....now go back to the QUESTIONS I listed at the top (lets just say I add a link to the top of this letter if I was taking the time to do so....to prove a point and bring about the "flavor" of the day for the emotions wished to be expressed)  Question number 3 NEEDS to be PROPERLY ADDRESSED .....in accordance to the REALITIES implied in the constitution and as referenced by Martin Luther King Jr.  *We hold these truths that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL*

Ok.  I am going to stop here. 

Now remember the answers to the three questions.  It is VERY EASY to understand WHY definitions matter.....consider these things when reflecting on question 1. #walkaway,  question 2. America's business or no business for this denomination to exist in the next generation (that means if the word America doesn't exist, then......) in addition to #walkaway ....will they choose to be like Saul or Paul? Will they be a HOLY body or a confused body of believers? 3. consider the personal family letter and talk about "miscarriage" on any particular social media site

Ok.  I am going to continue with the ORIGINAL letter I sent to other ***** Professors in my next e-mail.  This will explain my "alumni conditions" and type of family influences....

Signed with HOPE for a better tomorrow,

Laura Spilde

PS.  Here are some videos to consider (yes the free speech thing is STILL working for this man...despite the issues he has literally faced....his LIFE was put in danger and FBI had to come to the rescue)


Maybe if a person takes the time to consider the COST he paid for OUR SIN....things could resolve.....

Illustration in a "secular format" to give way to the reality of the COST....  

Illustration....book of Hosea of the bible.... (video on mute) .... who is the destroyer? Demagogues in political world....destroying the neighbor instead of listening to reality.

video in background

Don't let THIS be the solution because we let DEMAGOGUES take control.....Historically.....they called it the Salem Witch Trials.....

Don't let Demagogues convince you that SMALL moments in YOUR life do not matter....  ALL LIFE ....in ALL ITS MOMENTS......THROUGH TIME matters..... (video on mute)

background song

background song 2

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