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Monday, January 11, 2021

Are you paying attention? Mark Zuckerberg banned the "walkaway" movement.....

 Are you paying attention?

Mark Zuckerberg....banned the "walkaway" movement from his platform????  Yes, political things COULD in fact apply to the spiritual conditions of our hearts and minds.  It will depend on the situation at hand.

Um....WHAT does the bible say about that.....????

Do you notice in the videos on the capital invasion that it was BROTHER against BROTHER???  Some of the trump mob were STOPPING the BAD.....trump rioters....(I don't know whom they were but I hope for full "social behavior" id will be revealed and NOT beat around the bush. When one stops the other...then the leader isn't the guy to blame per-say...(except for improper reasoning and protection under the rule of "mobs create issues and safety risks")...... I know that even if MEN don't reveal the truth about these individuals, God himself KNOWS the character from within.  Essentially, not all people who work at McDonalds steal from the workplace....but some do take a few too many burgers...... DO NOT BLAME OR FIRE ALL THE WORKERS BECAUSE OF ONE BAD APPLE.

Does Mark Zuckerberg NOTICE what kind of DAMAGE he will do to the SOUL of America??? (The USA military started in 1775...though Native Indigenous tribes, enslaved persons and other minorities had their upheavals too...but eventually were needed to fight battles against evil)  If this continues.....hiding the TRUTH of situations will promote EVIL instead of GOOD.  Jesus said AND demonstrated the necessity to WALK AWAY.....

Start with the basics.....

*The wise men WALKED AWAY from King Herod.......

*Mary and Joseph WALKED AWAY from trial to protect their child born in a Manger......

*Jesus told the woman caught in adultery to WALK AWAY from sin.....

*Jesus told the woman at the well with multiple husbands to WALK AWAY from trusting in "those men" and follow after his eternal well spring of life, where one would never thirst.

*The prodigal son WALKED AWAY from his old lifestyle.

*Jesus told the disciples to WALK AWAY from their "old job" and become his disciples (learn from his ways).

*When Jesus was rejected by the crowds in Nazareth in Luke 4 he solved the situation by WALKING AWAY

*John the Baptist told people to WALK AWAY from their failure to repent of sin.

*Saul was told to WALK AWAY from his own enslavement to violence towards believers in Jesus and instead spread the gospel.

There really is no distinction between old and new when looking at things from proper prespective

*Noah was told to WALK AWAY from the people filled with wickedness and build the Ark.

*Abram was told to WALK AWAY from thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house to follow after a Covenant promise

*Jacob was told to WALK AWAY from home for a time because Esau, his brother, was going to get angry with him.

*The children of Israel were told to WALK AWAY from the conditions of Egypt and leave it behind, as God led them out of there.

*The children of Israel were told many times to WALK AWAY from sin and idolatry.  Those found worshiping the Golden Calf would be judged.

*David WALKED AWAY from the notion to commit an act of hatred towards Saul when he was sleeping.

*Jonah WALKED AWAY from the idea that he should avoid fulfilling God's will after he was swallowed by a whale.

*Ruth WALKED AWAY from the bad conditions of her Moabite home and chose to follow through with Naomi's plan.

Finally: Lot WALKED AWAY from the conditions of Sodom and Gomorrah

Perhaps this could be a reflection of "reverse racism"...the replacement bible for the people?  Maybe Robin D'Angelo's "White Fragility"....the bad guys?  White Jewish people AND mixed race people/families (hidden darker tones) ...... the production?  Fruits of creating a "new idea" with socialized Atheism as the solution to the world's problems.  Basically.....New World Order....as the goal in mind.

Maybe this video is saying that when people become BORED...they will start to redefine things AGAINST biblical orders (and even basic nature) of interpretation.  Example, A-event in the bible didn't before B-event, so it would be impossible for "Moses" to lead the Israelites at the point of his birth.

The fruits of AVOIDING proper interpretation of what it means to "Walkaway"?  Along with the boredom factor?

*Wrong seems right and right seems wrong.....how?  When the Trump Rioters were NOT listening to TRUMP when he said to stand and PEACEFULLY GATHER outside the capital....the rioters did the OPPOSITE.  But here is the KEY element.  MONTHS before this event....the media was saying THEY (BLM activists) were "non-violent" peaceful people (Mark Zuckerberg continues to display his right to allow these individuals to gather online)....while they were invading various private and public properties.  So HOW can the media now properly interpret that situation?  The rioters were NOT listening.....vs. the people gathering (the majority) were listening during the Capital invasion.  The BLM activists were supposedly peaceful the whole time (yes, MORE people died during those protests, than any other event)

*When a man works as a maintenance man at a local healthcare facility, he occasionally wears a #walkaway hat, button, memorabilia or other things.  Lets just make up "a man" and say that this maintenance man has over 20% Native American ancestry.  He knows the tribe of his own ancestry.  He knows the story behind both major parties in the USA (both have bad records on how they treated Native Tribes by the way....along with religious groups and how they treated tribes...some good, some bad situations for issues of religion).  So when things are redefined to such an extent that gravity doesn't exist in the hospital anymore.....because it was "redefined" that way....then the maintenance man should no longer FIX any lifting devices used to restore GRAVITY for the people who need such services.  Basically what is the definition of gravity and what is the proper PULL on the person to ensure safety?  Electrical outlets are redefined as no-longer necessary to keep Oxygen machines up and running.  Anytime an Oxygen machine is around and has a plug-in it no longer should be plugged into the outlets because the maintenance man shouldn't fix those outlets.  In essence, YES, native tribes DID speak a different language other than English, so word definitions were NOT as clear as DAY.  BUT abundance of REALITY will prove that necessary ELEMENTS apply to ALL who are CREATED EQUAL.  Equivalent value for Equivalent needs.....conditions of gravity and O2 apply to all people Equally.

Those ae a couple of examples of WHY it is necessary to KNOW the "source" of interpretation or else....a two year old can perform heart surgery and cross the road filled with busy semi traffic safely...... a woman who was raped should only say that she appreciated it (aka there is a reason Lot left S & G, there is a reason people have to confront religious group problems).....men can never get tired after working 80 hour weeks ..... higher taxes would always be enjoyable especially if it creates homelessness and no way to pay for necessary health services or basic plumbing.....and so forth.

In summary, the #walkaway political movement has NOTHING to do with the political riots at the capital building.  Zuckerberg, take note.  I'm also not pointing fingers at Republicans OR Democrats in the situation.  I AM pointing fingers at those who .... well, red-line error their account of men's misdeeds before the heavenly throne.  Inanimate objects damages (the machines, recording devices, cameras)?  Record damages?  Or an attack on the soul....the STORY of America? (people DIED because of FAILURE to reveal TRUTH)  Oral Story Telling at its best definition....since BEFORE 1776.

BEWARE....this COULD be the fruit of FAKE encouragement of "training" disguised as something "good."  OK class....its time to learn how to change the toilet paper.  This class costs you at LEAST one-year's worth of your income as well as an additional 50,000 loaves (cost of living equivalent to the average loaf of bread number of loaves).  This is a REQUIRED 60 hour class.  ANY caught giving excuses MUST directly GO TO JAIL (think monopoly of my time and money game).....  *****Unfortunately even a DEMENTIA patient can see the FRUIT of this type of labor....but "lawmakers" cannot ;( *****

In summary, the children of Israel were TAXED (task masters) by the Egyptians ...... which would be a form of SLAVERY to the point of breaking....their banks.....despite the realities at hand.  What did MOSES do?  He told the Israelites to #WALK AWAY

****A person who says to the boy who DIDN'T steal the apple...but YOU did......simply because you SAW that other boy do it, is a person who doesn't understand justice.  The only fruit of impeachment I see is the "lack of safety concern" for the mob in the area as well as proper protection of the Capital building (keep in mind it WAS leftists who want to entirely remove police systems and structures, yet MEN still grow up to be STRONG).  Saying he should be impeached because he ENCOURAGED the riots is wrong and very discouraging at heart!****perhaps this is the eventual result of the fruit of his PRIDE (he was wealthy and filled with mockery and never really WORKED with REAL people on the front-line)

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