Qumran Calendar
**speculative calculation only, this information is long**
some differ depending on interpretation and method used, this may sound
complicated at first, but it coordinates with basic astronomy features
(Equinox, Farmer’s Almanac, Eclipse Data etc).
SIGNS must point to the CREATOR of the “circular figures” in the sky Gen
25 “Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage
of lentils” (circular lentils on earth)
Rules: ALL 5 planets visible from Jerusalem (Mercury, Venus,
Jupiter, Mars, Saturn) which may have biblical names and Hebrew Astronomy
features. -4085 Apr 19 (4/19/-4085)
Gregorian Time, Biblical interpretation when Jesus was on cross “the sun was
darkened” “sixth hour to ninth hour” (noon to three pm, and New Moon is located
in the LAMB astronomical position) Luke 23:44-45 31 Apr 10 (4/10/0031); There
are 294 years per full Calendric cycle; Astronomical Precession leads to
understanding Astronomical Position of bodies (sun, moon, stars/constellations,
planets) study through stellarium and other resources. WHY ALL FIVE PLANETS (and not others?)
moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn) Revelation 22 = A sign
Hebrew Calendar Year: Gregorian - -4085 = 2020— -4085 = 6105
Qumran Calendar Rotation number (research available when
ask): 6105 / 7 = 872.14 à 872/7 = 124.57 124 fits into 294 years. Divisions are -4085, -4085+872, -4085 +872*2,
-4085 +872*3, -4085 + 872*4,
(possible calculations…may need adjusting) -4085 + 872*5, 4085
+ 872*6 = -4085, -3213, -2341, -1469, -597, 275, 1147 (calibrate astronomy
features in each year)… Result for year 1147? By the year 31 (Calendar cycle 1
is used to bring about Passover being on the 14th of Abib, a Full
Moon to begin year) 14 full calendric cycles pass by the year 31. 17 Calendric cycles pass before the year
1147. The year 913 the calendric cycle
begins again. 2020-913 = 1107…… 1107 /294
results = 3 full calendric cycles. 913 +
294 *3 = 1795. 2020 – 1795 = 225. By the
year 2020 spring Equinox 225 Years on the Calendric sign will have passed. Result: After the Spring Equinox in the year
2020, The Calendar cycle 226 is put into play.
This uses Calendar cycle 1. A
full moon was spotted after Spring Equinox 4-7-2020. A full moon was below Virgo 4-10-2020. This makes the calendar cycle true. 226 (cycle 1)
Use NASA for information about ECLIPSE DATA as DESIRED. This can become complicated for some, but its
basic information to point to “signs.”
Some state the “solar eclipse after spring equinox” in the year 31 AD
was covered up to purposefully hide real data.
Month/Day: 9th month. Signà
Full moon AFTER the Winter Solstice.
Takes place 12-29-2020. On 12-29-2020
is the biblical Qumran calendar day 24.
Rule: The Winter Solstice of the Qumran Calendar would NEVER take place
before the Winter Solstice of the Gregorian Calendar.
**Notice astronomical position AD 31 vs 2020 of the full
moon after Winter Solstice. Lions mouth on
1-16-32 (prior year full moon in Gemini fulfill John 10). Near Gemini 12-29-2020.**
Summary: Hebrew Calendar Year: 6105, Qumran Calendar
Rotation Number: 226(1), Month/Day Signs: 9th Month, 24th
Day of the 9th month a full moon takes place (Gregorian calendar day
Chislev -9: Month mentioned (1 Chr
27:12, Jer 36:9, Jer 36:22) Day mentioned *4: Zech 7:1 - *20: Ez 10:9 - *24:
Hagg 2:10, Hagg 2:18
Holiday: Hanukkah (Dedication 8 days) 1st Shabbat
- > Zech 2:14-4:7, 2nd Shabbat - > 1 Kings 7:40-50, Any time
-> John 10 (22-39), Dan 11, Haggai, Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 11
(Full Moon Near Gemini during Jesus time on earth, the two witnesses), other
passages in Revelation (tie all to End Times from other passages in the bible)

Image above: From Stellarium. FIRST FULL MOON following Winter Equinox in
the Gregorian year 2020. Remember that 2020 had the "Christmas Star" which was actually alignment of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice.
Some things in these videos that may explain things below. I don't follow EVERYTHING he describes, but I simply pay attention to the basic methods of calculation (How to record astronomy data) and the timing of biblical feasts aligned with scripture(how the bible arranges passages).
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