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Sunday, October 4, 2020

No wonder Jesus died under the burden of sin....

The sin of assumption....aka man believes he can thrive and make this world a better place on his OWN  terms, instead of reality in WHOM created this world and its people that TEMPORARILY inhabit it. 


a. Laugh at the people that don't support abortions

b. Tell people to never re-boot the economy and stay home because of the Corona virus

c. Tell the govt' to pick your family member's lifestyle and personal choices that they make everyday (aka more money for education, social work packages)

d. Black Lives Matter

e. Donald Trump is an idiot when it comes to dealing with pandemics


a. Women's rights involve supporting the woman to whom her life ended at the steering wheel and her baby (a female) survived the incident.  Separate features for each passenger involved.  I thought we already learrned what happened in days of slavery when features of the parents don't look like the child in the womb???

b. Healthcare workers drive cars.  Enough said.  Thanks man who changes oil.

c. More money given to strangers who don't know the child's grandmother's last name and her original ancestry background?  Since when do we give so much say for the govt' to decide when and where a 90 year old woman drives her car.....even if its to the local school to teach them about Anne Frank?

d. As the other topic of Woman's Rights......The features of the child are the child's features.  If the future for the person with a NOSE and EYES at 40 weeks (err um wait....yes still borns at 40 weeks do occur....40 DAYS.....get that right....no matter the ancestry DAYS!@@@!!! ancestry features start small) doesn't matter, whom are you to say anything under the sun that matters?  Moses was a babe too ya know hiding in the reeds in Africa.....those bloody family tree data sets telling us "the way I am" as the I AM says he is.....to give life MEANING.....m.....should stand for MEANING.

e. Mean while they didn't really want to visit their grandmother at the nursinghome and even attempt to get hangers for her coat.  They got the "hangers" part right for their version of "doing right"....but it was only after Ruth Ginsberg died....and they still have yet to fully understand that aspect that Ruth was a redeemed Moabite.....in the bible.  Jesus said it like it is, it is better to obey God's laws than to idolize one's own mother.


I have yet to say that either party is right on the money when it comes to things under the sun...but a person should be able to get the BIG PICTURE....eventually.  Life and death happens to ALL under the sun.  Beware lest ye be found guilty in the ER.......(that one healthcare worker who's mother didn't choose an abortion.....err um yet we still KNOW that Bathsheba went through some still-born issues)


the problems with the Republicans are next.... 


A. Laugh at the woman who couldn't keep the relationship with her boyfriend together and has one (or more) child(ren) to raise

B. Believes that all who ended the economy are hateful people who don't care about anyone but themselves, especially if they work in another world called "the media" during the Coronavirus.

C. Forgot that that child's mother only had an 8th grade education and the child's father was in a car-accident.  They didn't have a way to boost their child's success rate in society without proper education.  Still speaks English and expects the same out of everyone else.

D. Cops are the only ones with value.

E. Donald Trump knows what he is doing when dealing with the Coronavirus, only he understands it fully.


A. The woman's boyfriend's mother was a racist.  The woman was black.  Go figure that one out.  Stress on the woman's body, is just that.....stress.

B. The person who ended up in the ER the other day, was a person from the media's mother.  She had breathing problems.  The economy doesn't always depend upon "art stores" to save lives, but free speech keeps things in the right order in our society.  Kindness works and makes a difference.

C. If the children's parents have drugs, infidelity and alcohol in the home, the child's chances of successful life go even further down the drain.

D. Do you know that guns are not needed to help find a kidnapped child in every situation?  That boy that was killed the other day by a cop was a white boy hanging out with his step-dad who is a black cop.

E. Show me the number of times he has put on PPE to support patients such as THOSE (dementia, cancer, car-accident etc)?


In the end of it all the facial features and being close to those you love.....mean a lot in the end of the BIG PICTURE called life.  Deal with it the way the CREATOR MADE IT that way.  

the man in the womb keeps his features (Jesus was a man in the womb....related to John the Baptist) until he is 30 (if there are no incidents with something).....then he bears the burden until he is 80+ years old and tells us the stories of xyz....the 2020's......so long as his mind is working correctly.  Keep it real or reality will find you out (aka you reap what you sow....in the election booth and in your future family)

****No wonder people get confused about whom JESUS actually was....in features and in CLOSE NEED for support in our human dependency .... PSALM 23**** Family tree features are in US...in the USA.

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