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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Integrity is needed for supporting the LIFE of the next Generation....

 We need to pray for our country. Not to say that [maternity] conditions don't have problems (every generation has these issues) and that the "prodigal son/daughter" doesn't need hope (like those celebrities on down to our everyday family member), but to say that our country TIRES its hardest to claim that the CREATOR didn't make [maternity] conditions.....but he did! The CREATOR put the [womb] together so that our faces appear BEAUTIFUL in so many ways! (God's word mentions the fair and the plain faced person as BEAUTIFUL)

As a general rule, we cannot stop EVERY single [maternity] problem from happening...but we CAN take a stand and say we support the gift of life. We support things that encourage such, like clean water, clean air, proper shelter for women in abusive situations etc. We support women's INTEGRITY in education....not her FOLLY. College isn't for fooling around...but for maintaining integrity and support for others in their situation.

****I do NOT like political things when it comes to this topic because life is valued by the one who created the number of stars in the Universe****

***If I was writing this in a German Newspaper in 1939.....replace the word "maternity" and "womb" with [ancestry/family] , it would wake the people up and showers of support for Abe and his descendants???*** Imagine the lives that would have been saved!

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