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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The idiot crowd.

 The idiot crowd:

Says to self,
I can't educate my own child.
Sends child to public school. Wishes more substitute teachers and other people were available to teach their child. There are plenty of retired teachers....but not during Covid 19 era.... Some retired teachers refuse to teach anymore because things are "too technical," "too hot-topic" or too much "name-calling to little things said in corners on the internet."
Complains when people are too racist, so happens to put a BLM poster on front lawn.
Issues and books are read discussing Black Lives and other minority conditions in public school.
A bible thumper says that Hitler didn't want people to read the book of Esther....and the first five books of the bible (aka. Moses and Esther are figures of speech in racial problems among men)
Continues to say their child is going to an Ivy League because their child is super smart and yours isn't. Complains when Margaret Sanger, Darwinism (background song....for those who truly understand) and Ruth Bader Ginsberg aren't given credit for the "things" they did for woman's rights particularly maternity ward issues. (RBG wasn't as far-left as people want her to be, so put away the coat hanger threats....ahem.....other Jewish woman are out there folks....just sayin. video a....video b)
Recognizes that there are many different white people in their school that have Nigerian Ancestry......gasp, sometimes they look like Anne Frank. Doesn't like white people.
Starts getting upset when people remind them that many rights we have today, including access to clean water, involve religious freedom and free speech. Sermon on the Mt. anyone?
Gets even more upset when people start saying that reading a bible is important to understand different things, including racism. Even a poor person with low standards of education can understand proper ways to treat others by reading a bible.
Starts promoting the idea that it is ok to loot and steal from white-owned businesses. Harasses people who look Middle Eastern and white in various stores and places where they work.....
Walks by a WW2 veteran's home and starts reminding the "black healthcare employee" not to help THAT man.....because he is white.....and he became a police officer.
Wants to ensure that his or her child goes to the RIGHT college like YALE (a former slave owner began this college) or HARVARD (anyone notice how the Native Americans were treated by missionaries yet?)....
Says to self that all people who complain about the MUSLIM world are Islamophobic, especially if they are speaking on behalf of women and proper rights historically and in a modern sense.
THE idiot crowd.
**lookin at the cars they drive.......say to self.....Henry Ford...... didn't have much of a good record on his case.....**
****note to self: Moses was a slave.....he was in a basket placed on the water under the age of 2. Psalm 23 applies to all man-kind.......so BE KIND.

The moment people say that 70 AD Jerusalem didn't happen and that kids can graduate from Cornell at the age of 2......is THE moment in TIME.

How did Ruth Bader Ginsberg get into Cornell???? and become an AGED leader....

Moses....Moses.....Moses....was under the age of 2 (he didn't choose his features in his MOTHER's WOMB).....Moses led the ISRAELITES at the age of 80+

If I see a SINGLE coat hanger on ANY facebook feed (or any law-chair diagram social awareness campaign) over the death of RUTH BADER GINSBERG.....errr um I meant LAWN-CHAIR (front porch chit chat.....cough cough)
I am going to FLIP.
you know why.....because I know more about education and where it comes from than YOU.....FOOL.
Screw driverr.......does the same "simple practice" under the sun...... in the mind of evil men.
Unscrew EVERY person in your closest family (then move on to your former teachers....lawyers....doctors etc) that sits in a wheel chair EVERYDAY.....and you won't VISIT THEM. FEED THEM. CLOTHE them......THANK THEM......on down to the WW2 veterans...and Hollocaust survivors.....you do NOT have the same features as THOSE people....and mother-daughter can have DIFFERENT features from skin tone, height and all that JAZZ too!!
Jesus said......I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE......


a job for the side..... incase people STILL don't get it. They were LOOTING from pharma-oh-he SEES everything......beyond the security cameras.....

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