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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The truth about Justice in Minneapolis.....measuring line....scripture.

I am a few yards from Minneapolis...the ENTIRE GLOBE was watching as....

the city loved Nero (history behind this video is etched on HIS heart and will face HIS judgment seat at final judgment)....more than the true hope of redemption. (ancestry inclusive...listed in THE gospels)

Yards....yes....definitely I count the number of YARDS on proximity.....

I counted the number of MOONS since the heavenly father put the king of kings on the cross....

1990 years since he was on the cross???

Now put it this way...there are about 37 moons every three years.

1990/3 = 663.33..... then do the simple math of calculating based on every three years --->

24,543.33 moons ago JESUS (Yeshua) was on the cross.....

Calendar specific bible will tell us when the seasons happened, when Noah landed the ark and other sorts of things to THINK CLEARLY about.....

No man is conceived on planet earth without "a mother" and mother's as you know have "monthly cycles" (I don't know the full heritage of EVERY SINGLE WOMAN on planet earth....even in the era of facebook.

How many yards am I from Minneapolis?

Miles = 163 miles from mapquest information

1760 yards in a mile.....

1760 * 163 = 286,880 yards from Minneapolis..... The details are LAID in STONE....

It is FAR EASIER to yield to THE TRUTH (calculate the time of JESUS and what he went through) than to walk.....to Minneapolis. Shall we walk in unity with his redemption? Ask your self WHO made man in his image so that he would walk a MILE in another man's shoes...and see THE WAY, THE TRUTH....THE LIFE....

Use the scripture as a measuring line folks.....or NO JUSTICE.....

How would you approve of being THE Mayor of Minneapolis...not look like the persecuted people of Minneapolis....he emphasizes by his own flesh and blood that he relates to their situation....but THEY want to remove TRUE JUSTICE from their land area in close proximity.

Just as a side note.....and under Ray Comfort's style of revealing internal sin (yes he's Jewish the 180' movie will reveal everything just as JEsus' ancestry started in the womb)..... issues (its not skin issue by the way....due to blood heritage interaction with so and so)....the claim by even Ivy LEague folks that it is now ok to "loot" (meaning break commandments) just because of so and so appearance/heritage.....is about like denying the reality of what TRULY happens under pressure.....post generational pressure that is.... It seems they are CREATING the lie that all white people did ALL the bad things that ever existed on planet earth.....which just won't be the case. ONLY the blood of JESUS can judge ALL of .....ahem...that....Roman heritage is a real thing....this way and that way. So if JESUS' won the victory....despite the suffering of ISRAEL (his own heritage)....he should have been allowed "to loot" to establish justice....this premise shuts down theories of evolution stemming from IVY LEAGUES.

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