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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A message to those who believe in the line "defund the police/Justice Systems"

To all those who agree with the "eliminate the justice system" (defund the police rhetoric).....
Let me tell you a story. Go to the ant thou sluggard and be wise.... go to the scripture and learn therein. Solomon was confronting two women (heritage not listed). One baby died under the household....the other did not. Solomon addressed the HEART of the matter and said.....divide the child who is BREATHING in TWO....right now as we speak (this is happening INSIDE USA borders...PP sounding tones to the song of solomon without reality of what TRULY happens in the womb)
So.....we move into the modern day era.....
Two individuals (heritage not given) are in a domestic violence dispute. Wait....you thought this story ends when the one person calls THE POLICE.....
That is NOT where the story ends.  The Justice System is not trustable.  THEY SAID.
One individual was sent to the ER......he didn't dial 911.
The physician shows up and says.....who did this to you?
The physician notices that the appearance of this patient does not look like HIS OWN heritage background and conditions.
He over drugs the patient, he doesn't give the patient privacy, he shared the patient medical records all over the community because he KNOWS the background of the patient victim and didn't care for THOSE types of people, he allowed the patient to suffer and return to the rape culture from which the patient came etc etc etc.
No police, no violent nonsense.....just one plain old ROTTEN OLD ADAM physician....... The physician that DIDN'T CARE.
The patient ended up DEAD.
Go back and re-read your stories and reflect therein. Biomedical ethics in college class anyone......??? or need more courage to admit this is TRUTH??? RIGHT HERE in USA.....

1 Kings 3:28

"1Ki 3:28  And all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to do judgment. "

Does our ancestry and conditions of who is who in our family.....come from THE WOMB?

Video on mute.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fndeDfaWCg&list=RD4fndeDfaWCg&start_radio=1

(message on the song)

video on mute (switch tabs) ..... not a "mistake".... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y2KsU_dhwI

video on mute (switch tabs) ..... we are whom HE says we are in innocence.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1VL-y9JHuI

background song.....

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