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Thursday, June 4, 2020

The phrase "I don't see color" is not a good statement....

The phrase "I don't see color" seems like a "nice" thing to say....but in actuality it is denial of the person hood and the fullness of human history.

(Note: Yes I have read the book .....The color of Water......in college)

If we "don't see" then we are blind.....we can only call paintings entirely colored.....clear.....or .....white....or ..... red......or.....black......or......brown.....or.......(basically ONE color.....fully) grand art work....but the girl with the pearl earing.....is what she says she is without saying a word and we know her earing is a pearl.....not a ruby. (the colors on the priestly garments in the tabernacle/ temple JErusalem....what were the colors of THOSE gems???)  does anyone remember Grant Wood?  Or shall we get into the TRUE colors of Iowa????..... the family tree colors????

If we actually believe in the statement then we will end up creating another WW2 scenario.  A situation where the weak and vulnerable are put into concentration camps simply because of their heritage (which they could not choose).

Fact: The website JewornotaJew does NOT contain ALL Jewish people known to man-kind.  It is KINDLY revealing only CERTAIN celebrity and slight celebrity figures...aka Sid Roth reveals his heritage as does Dr. Michael Brown....but they are not listed....Einstein is listed.....for various purposes under the sun.

Do the research and people will find that various "heritage features" were identified among Jewish people, even ancient Jewish figures.

History ends up repeating itself if a person is not wise.  (In the current protest situation JEWISH shops were vandalized and some even had specific anti-Semitic vandalism....look up current internet websites)

Jewish people are of various skin tones, even from the ancient day during the Roman Empire..... (Ethiopian tone, Egyptian tone....Jesus lived in Egypt for a time, Arab tone .... wise men came from the east, Eastern/Asian tone..., to the common Roman Empire tone with its variations)

On the modern day ancestry tests (23 and me) there are definitely VARIATIONS despite heritage and VARIATIONS in skin tone because of ancestry.  For example, an arab muslim (safety and reason about this needs to be applied..... link below) person will share his ancestry.  He is darker toned, but not completely dark.  In his ancestry may be somethings like 80% Egyptian, 10% Jewish Ashkinazi, 5% British Isles, 2% Ethiopian, 2% Asia Pacific and 1% Mixed variations Native American and Latino.  Maybe he suspected the heritage because his father was 100% Egyptian but his mother appeared Arab but knew she wasn't fully from Arab culture.  Another person with very similar heritage....could have entirely different skin tone and appearance.

The stories of the bible include people of various tones and shades.  Sure there are definitely the "bad guys" from this or that group (Edomites, Moabites ....) among other things.  God never mentions the tone of the skin of these bad groups.....he ONLY mentions the behavior.

But truth is truth and HE alone redeems us, not the skin tone per say.

Basically it would be better to say "I see skin tones that matter," "All human history matters" etc etc.  Now is everyone "black"????  Do they all come out of Africa?  No.  This is mythical, and uproots the goal of what it means to overcome racism as it applies from within (re-read the story of Moses and whom he married), but the story of the PASSOVER remains in our hearts and minds......perhaps we need to reengage in the tower of Babel Story as there are appearances that look like Turkish and Latino culture have things in common.

Here is a little graphic image of the division of nations....

current protest situation (has explicit language)

If you are absolutely bored and need to find something to talk about.....besides biblical themes ....from Old Adam and beyond....


to say we agree with sin (letting the woman caught in adultery continue in her sin) we are denying that we are actually designed to live somewhere beyond the grave with loved ones...ancestry is developed in the WOMB....and that includes WHOM is related to WHOM (as JEsus was related to Elizabeth, Mary's Cousin etc etc)

(play video in the background)

Play this video on mute with closed captioning


Learn to TRUST HIM in the SONG....because he already KNOWS the SONG OF SOLOMON (birds n' bees conditions n' proper purity/safety).....and the beginning to the end...we are meant to live with HIM in eternity.

Speaking of family.....

What in the WORLD am I talking about when I say all these different people are in our family tree from this or that background....

(these are the folks listed to the 10th cousin range.....highest % at the top and the ones we share most closely at the top the variations lower towards the bottom).....

These are the results from our family tree ancestry test....... and OF COURSE there is MORE.  These tests do NOT reveal the FULL extent of family life and influence (Moses was in that basket on the river.....and had NO CHOICE in the matter.....especially regarding anti-semitism.....innocent babes don't over react....but grown man Moses of about 20 ish or so over reacted....anyhow...read bible to learn more details.)

Full details, names and % left out for privacy reasons...people will CHOOSE to post their details as desired

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