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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Is Charlie Puth white?

I mean....some folks say the things like ..... oh I don't see color as a way to say that they aren't racist....


In actuality......

They are portraying themselves as just what they say they aren't.

Charlie Puth is not "white" in the definition from 1935 Germany and surrounding regions.

There is more to the story of the Jewish people....than I could describe in one post.

He shows the face structure of a person from the middle east.....that causes him to not be "white."

Brown people are more common in the middle east.  Jewish people came out of Egypt.

Like I said before, the people who say, oh I don't see color are the same people who say, I don't see the full person and their full background.

Here is an African American family having a conversation about skin tone and their heritage.

But wait, what about the full background of these folks.  Sometimes African American people have lighter tones?  Perhaps, and sometimes the tones blend in with the folks from the middle east......  And even a darker toned person would have the potential to have a 100% white mother or father??


The conversation about, is Charlie Puth white......actually goes like this.....

He is white based on his German heritage.  But he is middle eastern (of some sort of background from his mother?) from his other parent (celeb information online).....  because of his full HERITAGE alone, he is not white.

Tone of the skin?  If story of who he is went a different way he could have darker skin tone?  I don't know per say. (Be thankful for privacy laws in general about these things.....medical community, education and beyond)

Martin Luther King Jr. said correctly, judge by content of character not the color of the skin.

Would that be inclusive of other features?

Yes.  I don't see why not......  Character means a lot and protects the vulnerable in community.

Nose features, eye features, hair features, height features and more.

Yes, there are areas in Africa where they never see a white person in months......maybe they have never seen a person of native american heritage?

Just think about the temporary time we have on earth.

Focus on his truth, because justifying that the battle is about "skin tone alone" isn't a correct definition....

The battle is NOT flesh and blood, it is principalities.

To get back to the idea....of the folks that say, oh I don't see color.....  in reality if they are TRUE people of God....they will fully and confidently say without fear (true love casts out fear)....  I see a person who is descended from Noah.....this person has features from xyz continent/region during the time when Jesus was on the cross.  The ancestors needed redemption at the time and now here we are, FACING the TRUTH (the face of Charlie Puth).  This person from xyz community is here to speak on behalf of his blood and redemption power (Jesus' ancestry is fully the color of skin tone and features tone he acquired at the time)


most thugs are in bondage to sin.....

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