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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How to hold a garage sale during a pandemic....ideas


I have not actually opened up my "small business"

However, I know that some people will not have the ability to afford constant high price items "made new or made like new" in specialty big market grocery provision stores.

If there is a STRICT stay at home order in your state, see if you can get that adjusted for economic provision needs among households.  Meaning, if a person in a STRICT stay at home order location is told that they may not buy and sell materials online at this time (craigslist, facebook etc) then see if that could be changed.

If local fruit markets are open, with direct sale from the farmer, then that says your location isn't as strict.

Basically, I am not one to say that the people which protest without masks or protection n' distancing are safe and right in their economic mind.  I am one to say that "small stores" and "small business" should be able to operate in some way (unless there is direct or close contact issues) despite the issues at play.

The first thing to do is consider the customers understanding in how to approach your property or sale area (if you choose to move items to a different location than personal garage).  Have duct-tape/chalk/rope lines separating the customer(s) from the seller.  Ensure that the customer WILL be officially safe by stepping on your property.  They should NOT have to touch ANY thing except exchange of goods when paying.

Prepare signs which say to pay by paper check only, proper payment cash only or special means available (credit card machine, trading, charging to a local person etc).\

Create various signs which tell customers things you have done to ensure their (and the seller's) safety.

Other things to consider:

*Cover all items with a clear shower curtain.
*create a box from cardboard or tag board.  Create little windows from Saran wrap, clear plastic shower curtain.  Display items in the box
*create division areas with shower curtain attached to posts or tent pegs.
*Do NOT have the customer touch the objects for sale.  ASK them to wait for YOU to bring the item to the purchase table and then receive item AT PAYMENT ONLY.
*Offer hand sanitizer, wash basin and spray station
*ensure that all customers wear a mask (offer at least a paper-towel style mask with rubber bands for those who need it)
*spray the area with vinegar spray/lysol/bleach spray after every visitor or 1/2 hour (communicate that this is practiced)
*Put all items on DRIVEWAY instead of in the enclosed garage for security in purchase.
*WRAP all items in Saran wrap!  This way if anything is touched, the customer will not have to bring home any hard to wash surfaces that should be disinfected. Give instructions to LEAVE the item in Saran wrap for a number of days if intentionally plan to avoid any sort of infection (usually no oxygen on a surface = no growth)
    (Adult clothing? - Display a picture and tag information but then fold, large blanket? have a picture showing size compared to a door.... etc)
*a better quality sale location will ensure that the area separating seller and customer is like a bank-teller or drive through at the window.  The only point of contact and exchange of goods is through a special drawer.
* Have the customer bag their own items at a bagging location away from the area to exchange goods.  They may purchase a brand-new "tote bag" for a certain amount or place their item into their own basket at a separate marked off location.
*Have customers choose freely to "wash items" before bagging.
*exchange money in "baggies" or "envelopes" so no one needs to touch the money.
*take a picture of the items and put onto a sticky note.  All the items for sale are behind a curtain.  The customer gives you the sticky note and you retrieve the item.
*ventilation fans to remove air particles......

Of course this ideas list can be adjusted for selling items.  Maybe a furnace filter can be duct taped to some sort of window of a camper trailer and you could simply create a buying area and listed items can be displayed.  The choice is yours.

If your state or area allows "real-estate sales" then they may also allow garage sales!  So consider wisely and stay safe!

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