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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Stop romantisizing abortions.....

Ok.  I am using the "mental illness" video as an illustration...because midwifery and psychology are both medical topic and area of expertise.  Abraham faiths....and the sacrifice of a child......one child from a womb of a woman.....who only gave birth to exactly ONE child.

Ok.  Pregnancy has problems.  It has been this way since the beginning of time.  In the bible it SPECIFICALLY says that Eve would have troubles in "bearing children."  What?  Does this mean that EVE can NOT become a strong woman....and be strong enough to continue doing this and that immediately after giving birth?......


The reference to this "child bearing trouble" is deeper and more meaningful representations.

1. A woman is given her specific DNA heritage.  BEFORE her conception.  Yup.  Daddy had xyz hormones and xyz heritage too.  What is the height, weight, behaviour etc etc characteristics of DADDY.  Then momma.....laddy da......ta da.  Same thing.  She has specific heritage, height weight etc.

Ok.  So we already covered the FATHER and the MOTHER.  Unfortunately one's biological parents does NOT equal the same values which can and should potentially be shared by the children or the appropriate environment in which to raise a child.  Some mothers and fathers were severely persecuted and couldn't raise their own children.  Adoptions have taken place.  Some children never know their own biological parents etc etc......so they don't know the sound of their voice on the phone.

To romantisize an abortion is to romantisize.....a sort of strange way of wishing a person.....before they were EVEN CONCEIVED in the womb.....were "aborted" themselves......aka....they never existed.


Some people were conceived in "bad ways"......and no person who was conceived in a womb EVER had a choice in their origins.  If you ask general people in public how they came to be......some may say some strange stories.  Some may say that their ancestors were slaves and the "white man" owned them and so forth.

Does this mean that all people are now valueless if they are SURVIVING outside of the womb (heritage) of origin?  Even if there were historical horror stories?


Every woman's body has NATURAL milestones!  Yes, there is a statistical thing that a woman's body goes through.  Only such and such numbers of individual's in the womb will pass through the 1st trimester of pregnancy.  Only such and such numbers of individual's in the womb will pass through the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.  Only such and such numbers of individuals in the womb will pass through the 3rd trimester of pregnancy to the point of birth.  And only such and such numbers of individuals in the womb will pass through the birth to first week of life stages.  A heart beat is a heart beat and it can ONLY survive if circumstances are correct!!!!  Don't assume it is GLORIOUS to look like the heartbeat doesn't matter.

Midwives have had remedies for CENTURIES on how to deal with problematic pregnancy where the heartbeat was lost.......from miscarriage to stillborn.


Nature itself teaches humanity how to respect their own offspring!!!  When birds raise their young in the spring....sometimes a GIANT windstorm will throw the young out of the nest....and the young die before they can fly.  Sometimes eggs don't hatch right.  If birds themselves don't even create "glorification" of their own "abortion" of their own offspring.....why in the world are human's inclined to do so.  Furthermore.....unnaturally dangerous conditions (like chemicals) ruins the furtherance and survival of particular species of birds.  Wouldn't certain allergens in the environment of a woman's body also prevent such existence of a certain type of woman.....maybe of a certain heritage.


Minority women have SUFFERED immensely under strains of "medical experiments" and "eugenics" fads.  Many were NEVER given proper and caring anesthesiology.  Many were forced to endure mockery if they give birth a different way because of culture.  If other people they grew up around didn't like the facts of heritage of the future children, the women were FORCED to undergo abortions against their will.


Love doesn't always come from "sleeping with" a man or "sexual impurity" practices.  A person loves their extended family.  A person loves someone who "looks like" someone else that they love (ie. children suffering in a different part of the world).  A person may love to look at someone who looks like their own spouse (like a singer, actor, influencer etc.  ) In other words.  LOVE itself is NOT taught to others by practices of abortion to "keep the home happy" and "child free."


Love covers a multitude of sin.  Rape is a common excuse to abort.....but would we be expressing the idea that rape is GOOD if we abort children?  LOVE would overshadow the HATE that a certain man practiced on a woman (or even child in some cases).  


Teen pregnancy isn't evil.  Stop believing the lie that anyone under the age of 20 couldn't possibly raise a family and child.  Sure....they are not morally foundational until at least age 20 (for the strength of a long term relationship), but they CAN and DO know the basics of how to practice bringing forth their own offspring.  A fourteen year old who chose to keep her own child after she messed around with her boyfriend, will in the END of her life have a HAPPIER home and with NO REGRETS.  As good as "teen pregnancy abortion" sounds.....it is actually contrary to human nature.  A teenage woman is going to be "about the same size" as she will be when she is done with the possibility to bear children.  If she was 5'5" at the time of her first cycle....she will be 5'5" at the time of her last....and each child she has will have that same effect.

In other words, teen pregnancy is "old fashioned" as the creator made it that way.  It is "socially contrary" in a economical and moral perspective....but in and of itself....it is not evil.

It is only "evil" if the veil of infidelity, slavery, rape and so forth are mixed in.....but if it is boyfriend who "messed up" then it really isn't an evil.....especially if they plan to continue the relationship. (ie. our grandparents before us were married at age 16....and had pregnancy before marriage)


The unborn child takes human form very early on in pregnancy.  Arms.  Legs.  Head formation.  Body formation.  If a gingerbread boy.....appeared and the people that came before us.....knew about a "gingerbread boy" and called him a "boy".....then the human form starts off extremely early!  Searching through the "rubble" in a trashcan......and treating the "human form" as a piece of garbage......is about like treating the "gingerbread boy" who didn't come out of the oven in a nice way.  Sure the gingerbread boy is a fantacy.....and some "gingerbread boy" simply will never come out of the oven appropriately.....but the way a person TREATS the gingerbread boy......means a lot to the CREATOR....of the "human form".....  

Any grandmother who baked cookies ought to know this......


Genocide isn't romantic.

Sex Trafficking isn't romantic.

Generational Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does exist.

Medical people NEED to report and stop evils when they are around.  GROW UP........get a medical degree and work with REAL PEOPLE....if you REALLY WANT TO DEAL WITH these things!


STD's READ us like a COLORFUL FLAG.....all types pass on and lead to an early death....no one ever regretted saying NO.

Rejection of relationship TRUTHS.....based on biblical standards (put JESUS first with biblical laws standards......) will NOT stop STD conditions or other sexuality related problems.....even as they are ingrained into the minds of children of parents who practice or encourage such and such conditions in their own children and offspring (ie. giving a child a transgender hormone).

A child who is influenced to PRACTICE and encourage "sexual impurity practices" will be a child who CANNOT escape the NATURAL JUDGMENT that comes after.....including higher suicide conditions.

Stop listening to lies.  Sodom and Gommorah was actually destroyed.  Look it up.  Research it yourself.


Taking a SPA BREAK is better for women than ......going to get an "abortion" just because she has the NATURAL ABILITY to bring forth children.  Read a book that encourages.  PRay.  Relax.  THINK about the BENEFITS of being a mother.  A woman who assists.  A sister of your will be an aunt.  A woman's own mother will be a grandmother.  A female cousin who is a successful woman in career and education will be a cousin-once removed....and see a new person in the family tree at the weddings and other family events....


Accidents happen.  Car accidents.  Workplace accidents.  Seasonal weather accidents.  So forth.  Do we glorify accidents when they happen or do we help our neighbor out.


Love thy neighbor as thy self.  Does this apply to ALL heartbeats?  Yes.  Definitely.  Anyone with a heartbeat counts.  Imagine all the children born into homes where the child was born with a disability soon after birth.  Do heart changes towards the disabled start before or after a baby is born?  Often if the heart isn't changed to accept the child BEFORE the birth (even if born with severe disability) then it surely won't occur after the birth.....when the child is hit with a baseball bat by an angry bully on the baseball diamond.  That angry bully had such a temper he threw his bat into the audience and the two year old child was hit with the bat!! Yikes.....life threatening injuries.....all over an "angry tone" towards the human being that is created.....in the "womb" and simply "watching" the game.


Eternity is forever.  If he (the king of kings) created the earth.....then he created the "blood line" supply that supplies all life to humanity.  If he shed his blood for our sins and says to pray for "THY KINGDOM COME....ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN".....then that would apply to all mothers (women who bear children .....using the blood supply) and fathers (men who use their own blood supply to decide to create children in the womb....else they couldn't make those choices to be with women).  All religions from the people groups around the world will give up their "impure religious" beliefs in exchange for his blood supply line....and determine to make this world a better place....free of anger, hate, lies, greed etc....filled with love, justice, truth, redemption etc.

PS.  Remember we are ALL descendants of ADAM and EVE....so the "maternity conditions" and its trials and errors have the SAME DNA supply as our g....ggg grandparents who were in the GARDEN of EDEN with the CREATOR.......it simply DOES NOT MATTER the DNA heritage of the person....just the "language" and "culture" difference occurred since Tower of Babel....and the different ancestry related to tribal differences.

OUR indigenous heritage.....is and can be related to WHERE our ANCESTORS were buried and what they went through.  Under persecution or not.  100 years ago.  200 years ago.  400 years ago.  1000 years ago.......2000 years ago (time of JESUS) and .......the time of Abe and Sarah....4000 + years ago.....

Sarah.....was buried in a specific place and at a specific time.  All her energy was spent.....doing this and doing that to HELP Abraham.  As a result.....ISAAC was miracle promise which came....and then SARAH eventually died.  HER significance is GREAT because SHE is the ONLY WOMAN with a given LIFESPAN (100 = wise, 20 = strong, 7 = innocent....127)....in the ENTIRE BIBLE!  Not even MARY was given this great honour.  SARAH.....the MOTHER of ISRAEL so to speak....tells of the NEED for redemption and freedom from "antisemitism" time and time again....as ALL WOMEN face this and that during a pregnancy.....since the time of Adam and Eve.....even until today.  The age of Sarah holds absolutely NO political value....only FAITH can prove this and that....(Hebrews 11 summary).

Here is a brief (slightly inaccurate as Isaac could have been an adult by the time he was taken to be a sacrifice and the tribal culture of that day ENCOURAGED.....regular "sacrifice"...."terrorism"....in a sense) overview of what actually happens....as ISAAC was SARAH's ONLY son that she gave birth to in her entire lifetime (modern women should know that she could give birth...and then suddenly die in a car accident)

It took time to "write" the "son of God" music album.... so too does it take time to "build" a little hut in the wilderness.....or a little "tent" in the wilderness to raise a child......just a "tent" doesn't make a person more insignificant....

(This video....will make the claim that all women who bear children will be able to raise them, and that all mothers deserve to be loved...but it could come and go....as the heart comes and goes....more often....tribal local family support is needed in some way or another.  Time will show us in all cases that JESUS (yeshua in Hebrew) is the solution to problems. )

This is pretty good explanation about what happens when a pregnancy isn't really working very well and what actually happens.  YES.....a PRO-WOMAN (with pro-choice mindset)....type of woman...who believes in "choice" may FREELY make choices as necessary (like a midwife taking care of still born)...but it is for the BETTERMENT of the women and her physical condition as well as RESPECT for the child who couldn't visit for very long.  She still loves her FAMILY....I would hope...so she should be encouraged to love her FUTURE family too.


There are better things to discuss


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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