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Friday, March 15, 2019

Is it not Islamophobic to restrict immigration.....

Recently there was a shooting in Australia.  It does sadden me that there are specifically "white supremacists" out there.  "White supremacy" as a whole ALSO targets Christians (white skin tones) and Jewish heritage people (with white skin tones).  The "white supremacist" doesn't know enough about others and who they are targeting.....and why they have hatred in their heart.  White Supremacists may target women in white skin tones but wear modest clothing and even headscarves, but yet they are not practicing Muslim faith.  White Supremacists don't like to get to know a Jewish person and their family.  They are sneaking around and vicious against the normal grains and fabrics of humanity.

Sadly, some people believe that by encouraging more immigration from muslim countries there will ultimately be a "peace" between muslims and others involved.  This simply will not work.  "White Supremacy" will only INCREASE as a result.  Muslims need to be "checked" in their behaviour before entering this country or any other country.  The Native Americans were not given the choice to check for "white supremacy problems" in the immigrant, and they ended up perishing before natural death.  The result.  ANGER and RESENTMENT towards the immigrant ultimately.

Should we build walls to stop immigration and then protect the people inside?  Well, walls need to have conditions where they can be open and closed with gates.  The Native Americans did not "need" walls......but when white settlers arrived, the definition of a "wall" came with them.  Our body as a whole is walled in various ways.  The heart has an outer covering.....but it also has "gates" to allow free flowing of this and that.  If problems arrive at the "Gates" then the heart is not functioning right.  Walls are needed....but GATES need to properly function.

Yes, white supremacists are VERY scary, even to various Christian groups because of their innate desire to hate others without getting to know the truth or full family conditions.  But it simply isn't true that allowing "anything goes" to come through the "gates" will ultimately stop such things as "white supremacy."

Assuming that all muslims are peaceful is the same as assuming all "white christians" were nice to the Jews and non-Jews (indigenous populations etc)......sorry, this has not been the case in history.

Can you be friends with someone who is "middle eastern"....... (Jewish and non-Jewish)......ummmmm yes of course!!!!  There is no reason not to love someone because of heritage specifically.  The "muslim religion" is specific to a group of people who practice a specific religion practice, of which the majority come from the middle east, it is not a heritage or ancestry condition.  People who are "middle eastern" come from various faith backgrounds.  Can you be friends with someone who is "muslim"?  It will depend upon THEIR beliefs and trust in "non-violence" and/or trust in you as a person.  Just like anyone else.  If they sense a difference in religious values and choose a different path then they will come to know your style of faith in time.  Yes, even as a Christian, you CAN be friends with "muslims" on facebook or other internet platforms (the terror suspect posted his evil on internet by the way).  Like anyone else, if you feel threatened by someone, then you don't have to be their friend.  It is possible to share what you believe when they ask or the question comes up.  It is possible to share your faith with them as you feel is the best approach.

As far as the conditions of Ilhan Omar are concerned.....sometimes I do recognize the "nonsense" comments from supremacists, as they assume that Christians don't fall into these categories as well.....  ie. Wel-fare queens who breed a lot and use up govt' resources, Headscarf mumbo jumbo, Only stand up for minorities and exclude Jewish people etc etc.  However, the democratic party platform makes absurd comments about others as well.....the idea that all "white people" who don't vote for them are racist (ahem....how to tell a democrat that a skin-tone doesn't = full heritage)

Furthermore, there are various "former muslims" or "experiences with middle eastern people" out there.  They have a right to criticize a religion, just like an atheist criticizes the conditions of Christianity that didn't go right as they see fit.  In muslim majority countries that don't allow such free speech, then the person who was former-muslim gets attacked and belittled because of their NEW IDENTITY.  In Chrsitianity it is not islamophobic to have "free speech."  It is not islamophobic to "shun evil doers" from one's midst (fornicators, idolaters, extremely violent etc.).  It is islamophoic to "hate one's own neighbor"......and so forth.


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