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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Why do Liberal Areas/Counties (cities and/or ports of entry airports) support abortions?

Recently in the news, a red flag came up.  This belief is that abortion, even after a child could potentially be viable is a good legal decision.  post 20 week abortions of a beating heartbeat essentially.  MANY MANY MANY people who immigrated to the USA came through the port of entry most common many many years ago (1 century or so ago), NEW YORK.  As a result, many do not realize that the "trail of sin" was following them as they entered.

New York is still a port of entry, only it is more likely by air-plane or by boat these days.

There are a few reasons why they cater to far-extreme abortion practices.  Mainly the foundation of their thinking and advocacy for such is instability.

-Constantly change (economy constantly changes)
-Multiple languages and communication
-Child-Marriage immigrants
-Cousin-Marriage immigrants (1st or second cousin doubles chance of fetal deformities)
-Ports of entry into "our body" (biological) = infectious diseases and germs
-high housing costs/high homelessness/heavy land ownership restrictions (certain homes are not allowed like tents, tee pees, shelter shed appearance)
-drug cartels
-higher population per square mile
-low family connection (cousins, parents, grandparents etc) only meet by electronic device not personal face to face.
-non-judeo Christian values
-heavy womanizing practices (gentlemen's club, strip club, pornography etc.)
-fornication/sexual impurity practices in dating relationships.
-catering to extreme or unusual relationship practices in marriage and out of marriage
-limited understanding of "gender roles" (women run home, men fix things)
-Medical extreme practices.
-no knowledge of natural behaviors of animals to illustrate reality (cattle, deer in the woods, wolves, buffalo etc)
-economically the poorest are not going to send their children  to a private judeo/Christian school in these areas, so improper values will be taught to the next generation.
-The richest people will not "care" about the people of average skill and ability, so they will assume abortions will fix ALL tricky situations.  The more wealthy people will end up having "political control" of these areas.
-no knowledge of natural herbal remedies (from herbs that can be grown in gardens) for sicknesses and health improvement. (everything needs to be done through a big-pharma doctor)
-higher concentration of women under age 40 who "look good" and do not consider modesty.  Lower numbers of women in rural areas = less "looks" to go around, so modesty protects young women from making poor choices.

so on and so forth.....


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