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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Venus(Morning Star) to indicate Abib start date on Qumran Calendar

Ok.  So this chart doesn't look "that special" and has some errors but assume that a person wanted to find out how to find the "month of Abib" while using a Qumran Calendar.  It really isn't that "difficult" to understand, once a person understands the patterns associated with the *Venus Cycles.* Typically, a public school will NOT teach *Venus Cycles,* because it uses Gregorian Calendar to find the "solar calendar date" and that is all that matters for economic purposes.  The bible calendar DOESN'T have ANY economic purpose.  Unfortunately, there is absolutely NO indication via astronomy (stellular time), which will tell us what YEAR it actually happens to be.  In other words, a person in the middle of the wilderness would not be able to find the YEAR based off of looking at the "heavens" when considering a "gregorian calendar."  The bible itself ALREADY INDICATED this before the "gregorian calendar" was invented (Gen_1:14  And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:).

Here is the trick to understanding movement of the planets when observing constellations, each planet spends a "certain amount of time" at each constellation depending upon the axial procession.  For important reasons, the constellations were given names in the beginning of creation (languages and cultures have similar names).  To teach MAN how to find patterns which lead to Christ's first and second coming!

The bible itself does NOT tell us the timing of the creation story (give us information about when Morning Star was located in this or that astronomical position) or the signs of the MOON and the other features, however, we could still speculate that there may be an indication to this principle.....simply by looking at the patterns that follow.

In other words, the pattern of MORNING STAR as it is found near the constellation "aries" in close proximity to ALMIGHTY GOD (Jupiter) indicates a probable pattern which later points to the time when CHRIST was on the CROSS!  This image, above, is pointing directly SOUTH at NOON at the date: -4085 Apr 19 on the Stelarium computer program for the "speculative" time of creation (showing patterns in the heavens).  When Christ was on the cross in AD 31, 4-10 at NEW MOON, Aries was DIRECTLY over the SOUTH from the VIEWING POINT OF JERUSALEM!!!!!!!  so that indicates that GOD KNOWS the time when his SON was on the CROSS!!!! (image below)

Assuming that the VENUS (MORNING STAR) pattern fits into the JUBILEE patterns, would be a way to indicate the start of the ABIB.  -4085 Apr 19  would be a good start date because all 5 planets are visible from Jerusalem from Noon to 3 (time Christ was on the cross 6th hour to the 9th hour) somewhere within viewing range.  Man was created to live on EARTH......not to live on "mars."  A mere "sheep" could NEVER move to mars and start "eating grass."  So we need to view things from "earth" frame of reference.

Considering the "common date" for the time of creation based on age of the patriarchs (approx 4000 years before Christ), one would know that the sun would have an astronomical position in the constellation Taurus (axial procession) at NOON soon after Spring Equinox....no matter what.

The planet "Almighty God" and the planet "Morning Star" as viewed similarly to the time when Christ was on the cross (visible at noon after spring equinox) can only occur.....in a certain NUMBER of times in a given time frame....

83 times in 1000 years....Almighty God.  But yet, dividing by 12 isn't good enough!  so the likely hood for Almighty God to be visible at noon (located near the constellation Taurus), is reduced down to a few selections.

125 times in 1000 years....Morning Star (as a TRUE morning star too)

So that narrows the speculative day of "creation" as visible from JERUSALEM down to a slim margin....especially if the Morning Star astronomical position is located in the constellation Aires and Almighty God planet is located between Gemini, Taurus and Aires.  As the sun would be in the astronomical position of Taurus about 4000 years before Christ was on the cross.

The YEARS where this occurs=
-3893 -3917 -3941 -3965 -3989 -4013 -4037 -4061 -4085 -4109 -4133 -4157

Those are the only years where this occurs.  To narrow this down EVEN FURTHER, consider what years a "Jubilee" would occur or 147 (3 Jubilees) pass.  As a result, the ONLY year that occurs in a 147 (3 Jubilees) is.......-4085 (gregorian stelarium calendar year)

Now, considering that MANY MEN have died in CHRIST before knowing anything about the Qumran Calendar or having access to "stelarium" which would show a reference to the "spring equinox lamb at noon" (scar in the side of ALMIGHTY GOD) visible from Jerusalem, a person shouldn't force the beliefs in this relationship between Astronomy and Qumran calendar, but rather allow men to see the reality of what it is.....patterns in the heavens and all.  Furthermore, simply having BELIEF in him is all that has EVER been required to get to heaven before access to the Qumran Calendar was allowed (John 3:16).

NO MAN....can live on bread alone.....nor can ANY MAN recreate the "heavens" in the way a "man" wants to design it.

In summary, based on this information, one can predict a QUMRAN CALENDAR ABIB start day, simply by KNOWING the location of the "morning star" every so many years.  Assuming that the BIBLE itself is quite adequate, pick 3 JUBILEE's later or the age of JACOB's lifespan!!!!  147 years!  As a result, one will in fact find a way to determine the ABIB start day......beginning from a speculative "day of creation."

The pattern itself cannot be broken, because the HEAVENS are not created by "men" but is created by GOD.

As adequate as this calendar happens to be, there is STILL a possibility of "error" (but the math and astronomy fitting with the location from JERUSALEM "aries at noon" does not fail).  The error is that ever 18 Jubilee years, the FULL MOON location and spring equinox location do not "mesh" very well.  As a result, the FULL MOON ABIB start day, needs to be moved back to fit into the spring equinox time, instead of moving further into the summer months.

Go ahead, use the chart given above, adjust as needed.....assume the speculative "day of creation" occurred when the MORNING STAR and ALMIGHTY GOD planet were both visible at NOON from the viewing point of JERUSALEM.  The MORNING STAR planet was ALSO in astronomical position of the constellation AIRES.

Now, just imagine, if the heavens declare his glory from "noon" from Jerusalem in the time of CREATION and at the time when he was on the CROSS!!!!  IMAGINE what it will be like when he COMES AGAIN!!!!!


Find more ways to develop greater understanding and rhetorical skills through post-secondary education in our demanding world, while still maintaining a strong biblical world-view.  Find a way to build confidence through frugal and effective post-secondary education, without compromising values.  My book may be purchased through amazon.com.  More information found here.

Remnant Education by [Spilde, Laura]

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