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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Christian Liberty: Social Justice and Righteousness (2)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

Social Conditions from the Gospel and New Testament, Overcoming oppression

The beatitudes are a key focal point in the message of the gospel.  Without the beatitudes, man-kind would continue to feed on oppressive religious regimes.  I don't think it is necessary to write out the beatitudes for any man, as they are already written in the scripture, however, I believe it is good to consider these words to help build strength in understanding the gospel message and its purpose for humanity.

Here are some of the blessed's of the beatitudes (Matt. 5): Poor in spirit, they that mourn, the meek, they that hunger and thirst for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, persecuted, and those who are reviled.  Those who know the law portion of the bible and understand the psalms and proverbs pretty well, can more thoughtfully and thoroughly grasp the beatitudes.  Social justice and right living in God's eyes is established by mere knowledge of the beatitudes.

There are other social conditions and choices that help build strength in social justice from the gospel message.  Consider various places where Jesus gives advice to the people to "resist not evil" or "give a cup of cold water."  Not only these things but we are told by Jesus to keep his commandments in John 14:15, and John 15:10.  Doing these things builds social strength for humanity through Christ.  Doing these things for others with joy is even better even in the face of persecutions.

What about the New Testament?  The New Testament gives us a clue that the Old Testament, even the first five books of the bible, reflect on the need for God's goodness in the world through his law.  Right in the book of revelation it is mentioned 3 times that people who keep the commandments are blessed (Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12, Rev 22:14).  The more people know his laws and commandments, the more the passages in the New Testament will make sense.  The more these passages are accepted the more the commandments are accepted and obeyed, through the spirit, the more likely social justice and righteousness will prevail.

The world in which we live has many people who "twist" the scripture to fulfill their own lust.  They may have -truth- or they may have -love,-  which only leads to lust or even self-driven desires, but they need the simplicity of both truth and love in order to fulfill the great cause of redemption on this earth.  Teach and share the gospel with all mankind if you have found such great love.

What happens in severe oppression?  In those cases, Jesus said to flee persecution.  He also said to protect the innocent when there is terror in the land.  Prayer can overcome much evil in men's hearts.  Same with people who are deceived by giving in to the ways of the world.  Continue to show the love of Christ, despite their hate-filled or law-less chants.  The more we know his word, the more his love can fill this world even in cases of oppression.  Rejoice when these men persecute the believers.

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