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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Identity politics will not "cure" humanity flaws and weakness.

People are identified in many different ways.  Sometimes people "assume" they can identify someone by their outward "skin tone" not recognizing that a -PERSON- is more than just skin color.  That person is a -social being- from the time he or she is born.  That person was molded and shaped by family members and friends for many years.  When that person whom the person -loves- and -trusts- suffers, the HEART of the person is also suffering.  I have felt this condition of feeling another person suffer.  For example, a college aged african american girl, whom I wasn't supper close with but reflected similar beliefs, came from a country with high terrorism.  The girl suffered and died in her country when she returned home.  I feel the PAIN that she went through, even though I have different skin tone and culture.

Jesus was "identified" as being Jewish.  EVERYTHING he did in his life would reflect that.  Even the condition of being wrapped in swaddling clothes was a "middle eastern" practice of the time, perhaps even still is today.  Jesus identified with Lazarus suffering.  Jesus identified with John the Baptist suffering.

The common assumption is that by "improving" the political atmosphere for certain people in certain groups, humanity will improve.  This is a lie.  Some people in some groups want NOTHING to do with political discourse.  They prefer social-justice by means of "separation" from the common conditions of "men."

I won't go into further details, but I can assure you that a person is most properly identified by their identity from the -tower of babel- and then at the redemption through -repentance.-  Anything more than that is just playing with the hearts of men and women to do things that is in opposition to how he or she was created.

One very clear example that "identity politics" doesn't cure humanity, but only burdens the heart and soul is the condition of beliefs of "religion" among the indigenous tribes of america and sounding Latino culture.  There is belief that it is "wrong" to FORCE others into a certain religious belief, even if that person never subscribes to a belief that is apparent in the majority.  In other-words, the timing or calendar use, the repetitions, the specific language, the foods to be eaten and the ways to pursue ultimate supernatural being are NOT to be FORCED or COERCED.

So in that sense a person may follow a "type" of Christian belief even if the surrounding people celebrate that Christian belief in a different way or have no Christian type of belief at all.

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