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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Christian Liberty: Domestic Relationships (1)

*Information in this article is not intended to replace proper wisdom as directed by people who are experienced in dealing with symptoms.  Any information given and used by the individual, if it was done in a way that did not work, may not be used against the writer. Christian Liberty : Christian Liberty Introduction

Pick up the bible.

Seriously.  Pick it up.

Find the names of the different people in the bible.  Anything from Adam and Eve to Jonah to David.

If you want to know what to do in life and how to react to various stress in life, consider the LIFE conditions of the people in the bible.

How in the world did Abraham and Sarah "get along" even though Abraham slept with other women?  What about the time Sarah was sent to another man's house.  How did she get along with all the drama.  Look at the "little details" of how they handled the various situations.  Don't let a political black-white scholar tell you everything you need to know about the life styles and ways of being in the scripture.  One actually needs to study him or her self.

Secondly, study the conditions of nature.  Study it well enough so that it seems that you can identify with the plants, animals, creatures and other types of "beings" that are created on this earth.  Adam was given the opportunity to care for the creatures.  In some ways the creatures "teach" us proper moral judgment and ways of existing.  Don't assume you know about the buffalo until you actually meet one.  Don't assume you understand how to take care of sheep in the desert until you have actually tried it.  Animal and nature behavior can point to truths about how to handle "hot" or "difficult" situations.

Essentially considering both the bible and nature, a person can learn how to function better in domestic relationship.  The bible says that a "covenant" marriage is not always black-white one-man-one-woman.  That is a sort of "identity political" thing.  Which is not true redemption quality.  It doesn't exactly bring a person to repentance or redemption.  It is also apparent that when working with animals, the condition of throwing "rocks" at an animal scares it.......so to in the domestic relationship!

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