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Friday, September 8, 2017

Discipline for people living in sin..... "repent"

So, a person may say, xyz group of people are awful people.  They have incest problems, they have infidelity problems, they have rape problems, they have issues with staring at pornography, they have xyz problems.  The list goes on and on and on and on.  It is obviously THEY.

However, look at your own ability to remove sin from your life.  Have you ever thought about doing something that is not godly?  Even thinking of something that is bad is sin.

So would changing your diet remove sin from your life.  a. Yes, definitely b. No, probably not.

Would changing the places you live remove sin from your life. a. Yes, definitely b. No, probably not.

Would changing the things you say remove sin from your life. a. Yes, definitely b. No, probably not.

The answer is this.  All have sinned.  The puritans.  The xyz tribe.  The atheist.  The Jews.  The gentiles.  We've thought bad things.  We've done bad things.  We've avoided things we should have done.

We are all on the same planet.  We all breathe air that the creator allows us to breathe.  As long as we are alive on this planet, we will have to deal with sin.

So what do you do with men or women who are tempting you to.......live in sin?

Answer: Show them love.

Jesus said we should, he showed us how to love.  So go and do what he says.

When we live in hate and all the other things that go with it (scorn, bitterness, unforgiveness etc) we deal with people's sin as if we can control and divide them ourselves.

When we live in love (Jesus kind of love) and all the other things that go with it (kindness, mercy, joy, peace etc) we deal with people's sin as if JESUS took control of it and can keep us in his heavenly presence.

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