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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

LIKE a "meat eating" per-meat-eating" GIANT

 the permeating "Rape" of America

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DO_6YGYPcSM  (basic FACTS about... anything biblical basically)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlie_Puth  (doesn't profess more conservative biblical values.... far from it... in "dirt life" promotion... BUT... he does have MERCY in his song messages... meaning flavors of "EVE needs HELP")  ---> elitists and mockery club "liberals" praise his songs... he doesn't seem to say he is "persecuted" by big brother/ big tech industries.   INTELLIGENT mirroring the "rachmoninoff" piano piece... and do THAT by MEMORIZATION.... = SMART

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai (professes more conservative value.  HAS a religious tone and understanding of the PHARISEE and SADUCEE.  HAS... REAL LOVE for the "pride people" as he EXPRESSES TRUTH.... underneath all the LIES that surround "the people"---> can anyone spell his last name... FIRST before JUDGNING this GUY.... please SPELL JUDGNING correctly~!  before notes on vaccines and stuff like that... I personally DON'T know all that there is to vaccines OTHER THAN reality from NOAH's storyline of thinking!  CLEAN vs. UNCLEAN animals = NOAH of the BIBLE was given these FACTS....way way way before covid 19#@~!@#  hence VIRUS die-seases originate from... you guessed it.... "unclean environment among biology conditions..... CREATED BY MAN.... in a lab"  THIS... is NOT NEW.... this is something from NOAH's DAY!  ... along with other GENESIS ACCOUNT approach to REALITY!  he is right about "Americans are going to go DOWN as ones who refused to listen... ended up with LOWER and LOWER LIFE-EXPECTANCY RATES.... let "pride" be the lesson plan... JESUS warned about that.... way back)

BOTH MEN... are born DEC. 2.  BOTH MEN would in certain sense of proper judgment a sort of "southern asian" type of feature.... in proper judgment... "shem decendant"... without the folly of DARWINISM.

What does a whip-poor-will say to the POOOOOR people found among ADAM and EVE decendant.... you know... the ones who don't own... 500 sport-scars... and can properly REPAIR all of THAT?

isn't there a proper TEMPO associated with BETHOVEN or people wouldn't understand that it is MUSIC... they are hearing... ..... BET-HOVEN?  HOUSE-HOVEN?  who knows if that has something to do with NAMES... and naming FEATURES that ADAM could see... but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOk8Tm815lE&t=1786s&pp=ygUVYmV0aG92ZW4gNXRoIHN5bXBob255


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Songs of Love and Hope