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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

something HAS to GIVE....

 why did they actually BUILD auschwitz?

The SAME exact reason:

*they put the native americans on reservations and then left them "nothing" except they "convert" to a far-left version of Christianity (that darwinism junk back in the day) rather than GIVING the basic FACTS about CREATOR of EARTH.

*the same reason "frederick douglas" had to reveal the wickedness wasn't in "White man" but in slavery itself (he married a white woman)

*the same reason they build these plans to create a "safe haven" for colorful flag people from the "nazi's" but we can SEE... that "drag queen story hour" is AGE inappropriate from day one.  Check the SHIN BONE size of that ADULT vs. the CHILD.  (sodom and gommorah we KNEW it was a problem all along beCAUSE of the CAUSE of REDEMPTION and the NEED)

*the same reason they put a woman "caught in adutery" kinda like Paris Hilton documentary... but only revealing that THING called "religious values" were misinterpreted.  she isn't safe when she is 5'8" then there ISN't any safety for any one born "a woman" at that height.  --> this is not to promote the stuff in CELEBS that they do right now, but just general illustration about the NEED for "living way" "living water"

*the same reason they claim woman's health (that thing they call "saving" by destroying life) while REJECTING the NEEDS at the OB department (helping that woman in 12+ weeks along to 12+ weeks NICU care).  Aka they walk on campus... claim a payment of money, don't do the RIGHT THING and then walk off.... --> septic problems applies to ALL possible descendant of Adam and Eve.  And ADD to that "surogate beliefs fix marriage liscense" belief.... POURING junk into the local water supplies.  --> If the HEN can't handle that... then don't go blaming the CREATOR..... when he ALONE says NO to strange women and "strange mutilation" when entering his PRESENCE at the TEMPLE.

*the same reason they build these play-pens they call good for the soul, but its only a place to CREATE higher rates of STDS, suicide and LIVER DAMAGE...  hideaways for the "sexually impure" (YES, some were abused as... you got it.... children... but reality speaks when the STROKE victim can no longer MOVE his legs to approach the place any more, but he has access to TRUTH.... via gospel... for REAL LOVE and social support)

*the same reason they build places to encourage trafficking in various ways.

*the same reason they build EASY ACCESS to fetanyl for very real and very dangerous criminals.

*the same reason they KNOW TECHNOLOGY but they USE IT against that MAN... who would eventually end up with .... who knows what... hindering mental information reality that is declared.  BASIC FACTS, BASIC TRUTH is "tracked down" like a HAWK that CARES nothing about REAL CONDITIONS and REAL SOULS on this earth that MOVE and CHANGE and GROW.  my we FIND REST in our spirit from these EVILS among us (those evils of TRACKING every little move of "an ancestor" and the storyline that becomes US... today)

----> The psalms and proverbs CONSTANTLY reveals "the enemy" and what to DO with "the enemy"  Not even "Jewish people" themselves FULLY reveal whom or WHAT the enemy happens to be (but even under Orthodox or other stored up wisdom of history... these things operate in = storyline).  THe GRIEF is in PSALM 119... and the LACK of LOVE for TRUTH... from the CREATOR in the BEING of the FLESH that came for SALVATION.

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