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Monday, February 13, 2023

People that don't want people to travel



*anti-Israel people (anything to do with actually going there or culture or family etc.)

*"big brother" spy bots - China?  maybe that and maybe some other types too..... there are some in terror areas too.

*Vaccine pushers (no clear landing or testing, no explanation behind the origins of these virus and diseases, shady under the rug govt' practices)

*Drug traffickers

*Big-Pharma agenda gamers (don't believe in proper justice, testing, corrupt money trade etc.)

*Cancel culture mega bots

*Sodom and Gomorrah and worse (just as Jesus said and described in various ways) lifestyle pushers

-->carefully study "the mind" "the eyes" "the activities" of Lot and verses about this place

*foraging "lies" about --> backpain -->blood issues -->feet needs etc.  No "good Samaritan" story and action belief.... only come and go hit and run...

*Strange woman behavior  --> lust, wallowing, std's, multiple relationships, abortions promotions, handmaid's tale promotions, Dirt-traps, not REAL about 12+ week pregnancy issues that show up etc.

*know-it-all ancestry results --> less than 1% on a test for given minority, pushing all "indigenous people" to speak ONLY indigenous tongue, go without any "white man" inventions, stories, ideas

*anti-justice system nun-sense

*"Mordechai" of the bible.... who is that?

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