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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Saturday, February 25, 2023

our government poisoning "our blood"

 our government is poisoning "our blood"

--> Oh, the east pale-einstain-ed with blood obvious PRIDE laced derailment.  His "marriage beliefs" were more "pure" than reality... Jesus himself described ---> LEAVE a toxic relationship in LUKE 20, the value of the Eunuch who doesn't get married (isn't THAT a diversity condition or should you force it...enslave it?), etc etc.  Its not the BROTHERLY LOVE that caused the derailment.... as in same sex love... its the PRIDE and lack of response!!@#@

-->The electric car industry?  looks good on paper... and sure if someone WANTS to actually pay the money... I'm not going to hold up a paper and say they are wrong about owning that vehicle.... but the BLOOD required to build that thing?  really really really ASK where and who put together the vehicle.. the govt' types that were needed?  battery potent conditions which don't disolve in environment etc?

--> abortion industry?  say what again!  those POOOR POOOR POOOR woman's health needs "require" abortion?  what?  since when do we suddenly avoid the term HELP WOMEN.  meaning the definitions of MID-WIFE is to ASSIST women in her BLOOD conditions.  pushing this idea that life doesn't "begin" at conception as in the ULTRASOUND wave length is the same as denying that a microscope just showed you that there was a bacterial infection and the root was "raw chicken juice" from the unwashed hands at the restaurant.  Ummmm ultrasounds DO show... BLOOD TIMELINE since conception.  the bible says CHOOOOSE LIFE.... its doesn't say FORCE LIFE (so YES, sometimes things NEED to be done to save the bleeding woman).  so YES support ALL WOMEN means BE THERE.... as in MID-WIFE that doesn't CLOCK OFF and walk off the RIGHT JOB when a miscarriage takes place and be THERE when the (go back up to the issue of east Pale-einstain-ed topic) septic system of the woman's liver gives some signals.   FACT: there is proof that women who consistently pump hormones through their body to stop pregnancy have more long term effects on cancer issues by the books... like female related health problems.  The solution?  It should DEPEND on the DEPENDENCY level and what the woman can actually handle.  ADOPTIONS work.  Young Teenage pregnancy?  what works is the same as it did back in the day... they USED the term "marriage" even for the young.  Under age 21 is not too young to marry?  17?  is "young".   for some odd reason abortion industry from the babyboomer era and STD rates walk hand in hand.... pumping even more strange things through the blood stream.

-->"f"ventin-y'all.... fentanyl poisoning.  They do GREAT THINGS when they love their "immigrants" but say NOTHING when they don't CHECK the HEART of those creatures of the night.  But its ALWAYS those "evil white male" racists that mention these things?  what planet do you actually live ON?

-->folly junk marriage beliefs?  what in the world do surrogates and folly junk have to do with anything?  pumping more pregnancy ontop of an already existant one?  claiming this is BRAND NEW under the sun?  but WE TOO are pro-life?  ummmm really is this REALLY the type of PRO-LIFE the God of the Bible is mentioning?  When the marriage itself obviously will bring forth "no life" its not going any where when they ALSO add to their ideas a surrogate or two for "show" to the the whole world.  Especially if its a "brand new" way to bring life?  Gender re-wired, double mastectomy... only the womb exists?  what?  Even PHARAOH of the bible had children... and they DIED.... at the PASSOVER.  PRIDE is PRIDE....friends.  miscarriages and other terms exist in other "of age" pregnancy.... and themes of variations... even AGED WOMEN who have their NEW IDEA.... of AFTER MENOPAUSE pregnancy?  ummm... well... yah know.  maybe the PRIDE in the FLESH is a clear living existance these days.  They ALLL said that these things would make the problems of ADAM and EVE in our society go away... you know like Cain murdered Able... AFTER being born, and never before.... cough cough.  (its all pumping hormones... and the innocent in the womb.... are going to eventually go to the tomb one day)

-->features are the teacher?  Ben Shaprio looks like Ben Shapiro.  he was born.  That should be ENOUGH SAID about what pumps through the body to produce the features.  But some don't GO FAR ENOUGH?  they face the facts about life... and ACTUALLY believe in their "fake" ancestry results on the charts.  UMMMMM..... didn't we already mention that ww2 actually revolves around HATRED of ISRAEL..... why don't we just go with that.  YES, the ANCIENT israel is SCATTERED... but seriously.... Elizabeth War-inside.... really doesn't GIVE a RATS... about the RATS when they are near the OB department and mid-wife emergencies at 20 minutes drive or less... hint hint.  I'll just stick with the FACTS: being related to the people near the FIELD of DREAMS... movie... is a great way to TELL how important the TIME GOES.... while walking around on this ONE EARTH....   the social trails and cousin of a cousin and in-law of an in-law are among us too.... but not even a COMPUTER could tell us WHY that person KNEW that person over there... with "the hair"...

-->eggs stravagent.  A GENTLE giant that SPEAKS wisdom about our economy and the conditions of our environment.  never say never when they make those DOZEN super expensive... and the SIGHT of those eggs when something isn't right in the ENVIRONMENT..... as in the chickens can "eat" that feed to produce that... so someone someone please TELL ME WHY they are forcing these "big drugs" into the FEED QUALITY at EGG LEVEL... while the EAGLE above is still flying?  we think?

--> is that a shin bone or a SIN issue bone?  if the SIZE of the "shin bone" is somehow to SCALE for that of an under age 14 male.... what BUSINESS is it to CREATE a BUSINESS to SHARE such beliefs about "drag queens" to save the day... at a small town library?  the SHIN BONE size isn't beef bone size?  too bad... so sad.  what other kinds of JUNK they want to push into the MIND, HEART and the BLOOD?  it befuddles me to think that religion and freedom of speech "don't matter" any more......based SOLEly on the LENSES among us... the "little lenses"....  Buyer Be WARE of the SCHOOLING practice and what they "claim" is a famous way to prevent the evil "NOT SEEs" when they aren't considering the NOT SEES who planed someone else dem-size at a young age.....  for some odd reason in this season these DRAGS.... like to DRAG all the children to the supermarket... called HEAVY DRUG USE bars and stuff.... do people need to hate on these "colors... they claim ....of the wind"  no... but they do need to KNOW the connection between LOT and being a DRUNK after... well he didn't EVEN THINK about if THAT was his daughter.... aka HIS BODY was LIVER DAMAGE central as well.....his WELL wasn't a LIVING WATER.... that leads to LIFE.

-->pharaoh pharaoh?  where IS Pharaoh?  wait wait they were pumping blood around in EGPYT one day.. and said we are "pro-life" (go back up to the surrogate folly).... God steped down and TURNED the river to blood.....  KNOWELDGE is POWER... when it comes to the one who had the POWER to reveal the DARKNESS even in those days.  so little time to deal with these enslaved folks.... as they float around.... confused about ... well MOSES..... and the connection to LIVE-r or DIE things involved with the WOMB-an's liver....

-->"china" candy and garbage from afar?  well... I am human too... and live among the poor... just like cigarette smoke.... and a man that inhales the second hand... stuff... poor... and will... thatz all I can say.... about this day.  The children did eventually survive Auschwitz... but it takes the PARASHAH... to speak the volumes of BLOODY wisdom.  when they say... what do you MEAN BIG BROTHER child and technology is a threat to our inner woven circles we deal with in life (from the teacher at your school, to the librarian, to the banker etc etc).  Are you RACIST towards that GREAT EASTERN PEOPLE nation?  ummm fly a kite... from the "china store" near the power line... you may hit something.  douple ganger FAMILY photos don't ACTUALLY exist... everyday my friends... do the multiply probability accross in a row of boxes and SEE the unique trails in the MATRIX order.... among us... everyday!  cough coughing up BLOOOD.... at the CANCEL CULTURE alters.... they CALLED schools and educated working class?

--> dirt and junk on the screen?  a "smart phone" that is smarter than the teacher?  um  what LUMEN LEVEL to your tune do you actually HAVE.  there IS a reason for the SEASON where they ONCE decided that things that can't actually be SEEN...... like AGE and STAGE before BUYING cigarettes at the store existed..... ummmm How did that LEG start short sighting on the PHONE?  is that an abused 13 year old???? male female...... ummmm yeah... I don't KNOW WHO that even IS on the OTHER SIDE!@#$#~!  be CLEAR about THAT ONE.... some see a celeb and KNOW that is the right one... but the OTHER ONES?  thrown around?  HAVE NO IDEA what or who that is!  YIKES! 101!

---->the tune of the story always go with the JUSTICE from his glory.... The FIRST DEFINITION in the BIBLE.... was the DEFINITION for LEAVE.... after they left the GARDEN of EDEN... I'm going with THAT order... first...because in the LAST DAYS... HE... will come back for his BRIDE.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i505KrFkcdA  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dG0QE-wLZ0  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6lnVkmwUrw&t=425s


our government is poisoning "our blood"

--> Oh, the east pale-einstain-ed with blood obvious PRIDE laced derailment.  His "marriage beliefs" were more "pure" than reality... Jesus himself described ---> LEAVE a toxic relationship in LUKE 20, the value of the Eunuch who doesn't get married (isn't THAT a diversity condition or should you force it...enslave it?), etc etc.  Its not the BROTHERLY LOVE that caused the derailment.... as in same sex love... its the PRIDE and lack of response!!@#@

-->The electric car industry?  looks good on paper... and sure if someone WANTS to actually pay the money... I'm not going to hold up a paper and say they are wrong about owning that vehicle.... but the BLOOD required to build that thing?  really really really ASK where and who put together the vehicle.. the govt' types that were needed?  battery potent conditions which don't disolve in environment etc?

--> abortion industry?  say what again!  those POOOR POOOR POOOR woman's health needs "require" abortion?  what?  since when do we suddenly avoid the term HELP WOMEN.  meaning the definitions of MID-WIFE is to ASSIST women in her BLOOD conditions.  pushing this idea that life doesn't "begin" at conception as in the ULTRASOUND wave length is the same as denying that a microscope just showed you that there was a bacterial infection and the root was "raw chicken juice" from the unwashed hands at the restaurant.  Ummmm ultrasounds DO show... BLOOD TIMELINE since conception.  the bible says CHOOOOSE LIFE.... its doesn't say FORCE LIFE (so YES, sometimes things NEED to be done to save the bleeding woman).  so YES support ALL WOMEN means BE THERE.... as in MID-WIFE that doesn't CLOCK OFF and walk off the RIGHT JOB when a miscarriage takes place and be THERE when the (go back up to the issue of east Pale-einstain-ed topic) septic system of the woman's liver gives some signals.   FACT: there is proof that women who consistently pump hormones through their body to stop pregnancy have more long term effects on cancer issues by the books... like female related health problems.  The solution?  It should DEPEND on the DEPENDENCY level and what the woman can actually handle.  ADOPTIONS work.  Young Teenage pregnancy?  what works is the same as it did back in the day... they USED the term "marriage" even for the young.  Under age 21 is not too young to marry?  17?  is "young".   for some odd reason abortion industry from the babyboomer era and STD rates walk hand in hand.... pumping even more strange things through the blood stream.

-->"f"ventin-y'all.... fentanyl poisoning.  They do GREAT THINGS when they love their "immigrants" but say NOTHING when they don't CHECK the HEART of those creatures of the night.  But its ALWAYS those "evil white male" racists that mention these things?  what planet do you actually live ON?

-->folly junk marriage beliefs?  what in the world do surrogates and folly junk have to do with anything?  pumping more pregnancy ontop of an already existant one?  claiming this is BRAND NEW under the sun?  but WE TOO are pro-life?  ummmm really is this REALLY the type of PRO-LIFE the God of the Bible is mentioning?  When the marriage itself obviously will bring forth "no life" its not going any where when they ALSO add to their ideas a surrogate or two for "show" to the the whole world.  Especially if its a "brand new" way to bring life?  Gender re-wired, double mastectomy... only the womb exists?  what?  Even PHARAOH of the bible had children... and they DIED.... at the PASSOVER.  PRIDE is PRIDE....friends.  miscarriages and other terms exist in other "of age" pregnancy.... and themes of variations... even AGED WOMEN who have their NEW IDEA.... of AFTER MENOPAUSE pregnancy?  ummm... well... yah know.  maybe the PRIDE in the FLESH is a clear living existance these days.  They ALLL said that these things would make the problems of ADAM and EVE in our society go away... you know like Cain murdered Able... AFTER being born, and never before.... cough cough.  (its all pumping hormones... and the innocent in the womb.... are going to eventually go to the tomb one day)

-->features are the teacher?  Ben Shaprio looks like Ben Shapiro.  he was born.  That should be ENOUGH SAID about what pumps through the body to produce the features.  But some don't GO FAR ENOUGH?  they face the facts about life... and ACTUALLY believe in their "fake" ancestry results on the charts.  UMMMMM..... didn't we already mention that ww2 actually revolves around HATRED of ISRAEL..... why don't we just go with that.  YES, the ANCIENT israel is SCATTERED... but seriously.... Elizabeth War-inside.... really doesn't GIVE a RATS... about the RATS when they are near the OB department and mid-wife emergencies at 20 minutes drive or less... hint hint.  I'll just stick with the FACTS: being related to the people near the FIELD of DREAMS... movie... is a great way to TELL how important the TIME GOES.... while walking around on this ONE EARTH....   the social trails and cousin of a cousin and in-law of an in-law are among us too.... but not even a COMPUTER could tell us WHY that person KNEW that person over there... with "the hair"...

-->eggs stravagent.  A GENTLE giant that SPEAKS wisdom about our economy and the conditions of our environment.  never say never when they make those DOZEN super expensive... and the SIGHT of those eggs when something isn't right in the ENVIRONMENT..... as in the chickens can "eat" that feed to produce that... so someone someone please TELL ME WHY they are forcing these "big drugs" into the FEED QUALITY at EGG LEVEL... while the EAGLE above is still flying?  we think?

--> is that a shin bone or a SIN issue bone?  if the SIZE of the "shin bone" is somehow to SCALE for that of an under age 14 male.... what BUSINESS is it to CREATE a BUSINESS to SHARE such beliefs about "drag queens" to save the day... at a small town library?  the SHIN BONE size isn't beef bone size?  too bad... so sad.  what other kinds of JUNK they want to push into the MIND, HEART and the BLOOD?  it befuddles me to think that religion and freedom of speech "don't matter" any more......based SOLEly on the LENSES among us... the "little lenses"....  Buyer Be WARE of the SCHOOLING practice and what they "claim" is a famous way to prevent the evil "NOT SEEs" when they aren't considering the NOT SEES who planed someone else dem-size at a young age.....  for some odd reason in this season these DRAGS.... like to DRAG all the children to the supermarket... called HEAVY DRUG USE bars and stuff.... do people need to hate on these "colors... they claim ....of the wind"  no... but they do need to KNOW the connection between LOT and being a DRUNK after... well he didn't EVEN THINK about if THAT was his daughter.... aka HIS BODY was LIVER DAMAGE central as well.....his WELL wasn't a LIVING WATER.... that leads to LIFE.

-->pharaoh pharaoh?  where IS Pharaoh?  wait wait they were pumping blood around in EGPYT one day.. and said we are "pro-life" (go back up to the surrogate folly).... God steped down and TURNED the river to blood.....  KNOWELDGE is POWER... when it comes to the one who had the POWER to reveal the DARKNESS even in those days.  so little time to deal with these enslaved folks.... as they float around.... confused about ... well MOSES..... and the connection to LIVE-r or DIE things involved with the WOMB-an's liver....

-->"china" candy and garbage from afar?  well... I am human too... and live among the poor... just like cigarette smoke.... and a man that inhales the second hand... stuff... poor... and will... thatz all I can say.... about this day.  The children did eventually survive Auschwitz... but it takes the PARASHAH... to speak the volumes of BLOODY wisdom.  when they say... what do you MEAN BIG BROTHER child and technology is a threat to our inner woven circles we deal with in life (from the teacher at your school, to the librarian, to the banker etc etc).  Are you RACIST towards that GREAT EASTERN PEOPLE nation?  ummm fly a kite... from the "china store" near the power line... you may hit something.  douple ganger FAMILY photos don't ACTUALLY exist... everyday my friends... do the multiply probability accross in a row of boxes and SEE the unique trails in the MATRIX order.... among us... everyday!  cough coughing up BLOOOD.... at the CANCEL CULTURE alters.... they CALLED schools and educated working class?  for some odd reason and season not EVERYONe shares the EXACT SAME BIRTHDAY.... in their GREAT-GRANDPARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, and PARENTS.... list all the birthdays... get a few COMPUTER NUMBERS.... and BAM... the AGE GAP between your PARENTS... there my friends in LIVING COLOR... is the UNIQUE VARIATIONS among the FAMILY TREE!  don't you SEE!

--> dirt and junk on the screen?  a "smart phone" that is smarter than the teacher?  um  what LUMEN LEVEL to your tune do you actually HAVE.  there IS a reason for the SEASON where they ONCE decided that things that can't actually be SEEN...... like AGE and STAGE before BUYING cigarettes at the store existed..... ummmm How did that LEG start short sighting on the PHONE?  is that an abused 13 year old???? male female...... ummmm yeah... I don't KNOW WHO that even IS on the OTHER SIDE!@#$#~!  be CLEAR about THAT ONE.... some see a celeb and KNOW that is the right one... but the OTHER ONES?  thrown around?  HAVE NO IDEA what or who that is!  YIKES! 101!  (porn garbage and trash in the image bearing condition,,,,,,,  <--- those were the REAL trail of tears)

---->the tune of the story always go with the JUSTICE from his glory.... The FIRST DEFINITION in the BIBLE.... was the DEFINITION for LEAVE.... after they left the GARDEN of EDEN... I'm going with THAT order... first...because in the LAST DAYS... HE... will come back for his BRIDE.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i505KrFkcdA  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dG0QE-wLZ0  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6lnVkmwUrw&t=425s  the creator of ALLL of these stories among us.... even from the smallest of birds.... on the ark... to well.... yah know.....

-->  oh yes, the big brother system big Pharma company scam art among us?  Ttthhhey use those artists (said with a stuffy studder)... who speak so elloquently.... to push a vaccine booooooster ya knoa ... like old noah....   how may-n vaccines did OLD NOAH need to get on the ark?  ummm there were only 8 rescued and the animals didn't spread die-seases.... ohhhhh so thatz how it works!@  Ham Shem and Japheth looked at each other in the gregorian calendar year 2023... and said... I just NEED a different BROTHER to flood the earth...... with BLOOD or something?  that will fix the MATRIX ORDER?... those humans have... off and on here and there.... laced with hair...... Is that THAT MAN's NATURE-REAL hair or not?  ummm immune system will tell us... if it is or not?  Nature-WILL win... immunit-TIE... that binds.... soul to REALITY..... THINK FAST and FURIOUS....(the face that covered the earth!) ohhhhh so then they start thinking that EVEN NOAH... KNEW the clean and unclean... "bat blood"... ofh fff**** shem was goin the right way when he wrote down Parashah Sh'mini.... 

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Songs of Love and Hope