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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 *Missionary needed:


---> HOMELESSNESS is SKYROCKETED in certain pocketed areas.... work on the HEART of the POLITICAL CLASS.... working to DECIEVE the people in house-related issues!  TAXATION and other things that leads to THIS!

--> COLLEGE CAMPUS is a HOT SPOT these days.  Not because we don't ACTUALLY NEED future MATERNITY WARD workers....who ACTUALLY WORK with "bleeding woman" and her problems...but because we ACTUALLY NEEEEEEED to know WHAT IS a WOMAN? (thanks Matt Walsh for EXPOSING this DANGEROUS LIE....what in the world is THIS stem-student's needed for the future-featuring-from?  top answer may simply be PORN INDUSTRY!  --->aka EYE-DOLL-ATRY!)----> did someone just SAY that that was "freeeeee college" (paid for by WHOM?) while that man in the window can't tell you what side the SUN RISES..... as well as the "morning star" rendition....and WHO CREATED THOSE ELEMENTS in the UPSTAIRS department at the DEPAREMENT STORE called "creator's choice"????

--> speaking of women.... the pro-life.... pro-choice theme isn't REALLY the foundations of CHRISTIANITY because non-Christians do practice "pro-life" and non-Christians DO GO THROUGH the "pregnancy problems" situations which lead to "in the womb" death.... RATHER it is the DEFINITIONS and STORYLINES..... which CHANGE the HEART that is NEEEEEEEDED so desperately!  ACHARAI MOT SECTION of the TORAH.... they don't even KNOW the WORD to begin with!  "life of the flesh is in the blood"... so HE alone SEES ALL LIFE in the BEGINNING!  what does the WORD ITSELF actually say about BEINg in the WOMB  "knitted and molded"!  WHAT does the WORD ITSELF say about MATRIX ORDER or order of BIRTH in FAMILY TREE....does HE actually SEEEEEEE those extended FAMILY conditions!  (YES!) .... the bible itself and even JEWISH CULTURE itself will teach simply put.... "choose life"   and MARY and ELIZABETH of the bible TRULY PRACTICED JEWISH CULTURE of THAT DAY!

--> Post WW2 society?  Yes, we are OK with knowing the stories of WW2 and the horrors!  WOW.... these are STILL REAL PEOPLE... and they STILL are on-line in celeb and non-celeb form.... and the HOLLOCAUST MEMORIAL society is right about many things to address!  ANSWER CORRECTLY: a "just" society can go without JUSTICE?  Is this statement TRUTH?  (NO!).....  we do NOT need WOKE to fix racial things!  REFORM definitely because "big brother" and "records" are HERE for a reason.... but.... hmmm think carefully about FREE SPEECH these days when it comes to topics addressed from BOTH SIDES (political spectrum)!

-->marriage banquet?  Who said that marriage is ACTUALLY defined that way.  HMMMM that should date the HOUR we are IN.... and its NOT ALWAYS all about Male and Female IN the marriage... there are BEHAVIOURS along with the line and likes of this thinking.... if MOSES isn't on the BOAT... then.... well... a person COULD JUST FOLLOW MOSES and be fine... but FINE TUNE what the KING of the JEWS actually SAID about MARRIAGe and HOW he ACTED around certain groups and situations!  (hint: the brother marriage One Bride for Seven Brothers (Luke 20:27-40)....thing... he isn't SAYING that it is BAD to actually GO THROUGH this type of MARRIAGE...as THIS is a JEWISH culture thing.... he is SAYING that its NOT FOUNDATIONAL!)

--> FOODS and FASTING?  UMMMM who KNEW that you could actually LIVE a "green life" on greeeeeens..... and FAST.... I thought that was only the LIBERAL WAY of LIFE?  No, I'm just talking about the TEMPLE of the BODY.... GLUTTONY.... is STILL GLUTTONY!  The cornerstone isn't actually food itself... but it is STILL the CREATOR's DESIGN.... so the cornerstone of the SCRIPTURE.... may ACTUALLY be the SH'MINI portion of the bible... the CREATOR knows his OWN people.... and CREATURES....  (hint: when people EAT and work with UNCLEAN animals..... virus and other diseases spread faster and a VACCCCCCCINE industry WON'T keep up with ALLLLL that JAZZ!)  Moses  Moses where for ART thou MOSES... you WROTE... about SARAH and ABE.... and SARAH had "fine features".... hmmmm thought about it for a little second or two... but SHE SURELY was MADE of the BONES and themes of modern man to accomodate that STATEMENT!  WHAT did 80+ year old Moses do while writing that statement: FASTED with NO FOOD.... OR WATER!  (no water isn't recommended especially at 80+ years old!.... no food is probable and possible at 80+)   ----> this thing called FDA regulations?  ARE they FOR REAL... or do WE need to DOUBLE CHECK their RECORDS!  POLITICAL THEMES and the AG INDUSTRY.... that's a long story about HUNTING AND GATHERING as the "more fruitless" way of life.....

---> Big TECH.... speeeeeech.... for the elderly.... Speeeeeeech for the middle aged ...... Speeeeeech for the young and the restless .... SPEEEEECH SPEEECH SPEECH for those not yet 21 years old..... Its either big brother ATTACKING that IDEA....or its a SQUIRELL that wants to speak about his life.... which one its to be determined... and RED-HAIR TO THIS DAY... is only on SOME HEADS and GIANT CELEB LOOK-ALIKES (CONAN O-BRIAN)... yes, the medical MODEL solved "some" of the issues with INFORMATION going TOO FAR.... as DEMENTIA exists.... but.... but but.... WHO WILL LISTEN to THEM (DEMENTIA PATIENTS) when..... they are simply speaking---> "I NEEEEEED WATER"  (speaking of the sermon on the mt... and parables)  Someone else said that 5g technology.... but NO ONE wants to ADMIT... what it takes to work in the MATERNITY WARD.... or with the ELDERLY LADY down the road.... says somethings need CHANGE!  Go back up to "What is a Woman" theme by Matt Walsh

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Songs of Love and Hope