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Welcome to the Raggedy Cottage and Garden. As an effort to promote home style creativity and genuine old-fashioned character, I have starte...

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

They have already SEEN the results when people don't get ACCESS to this DOCUMENTARY

 I was thinking about putting together this documentary:

***Kinda named like this thing that Ben Shapiro is promoting...but EVEN more wisdom attached to it.... as in BEN SHARP-HERO is thinking bout' Harvard and his alumni types of things***  And I'm like.... I went to _____uth-er college and graduated as a WOMAN STEM-MAJOR...

------>"What is a Chicken?"<------

And I know that people like to ADMIRE different FACES on this planet.... as in... I didn't know so and so was YOUR BROTHER or NOT.... YOUR BROTHER....  BUT.... ummmm yeah...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX9bllb9kJ0  AT FIRST SIGHT.... they understand....but it takes ANOTHER story to FIX these things!

Where is the Mt. of OLIVES?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSVqHcdhXQ  ***SHE was trying to EXPLAIN the extra LBS of obvious...but TAYLOR SWIFT and PARIS HILTON just said what they needed to by existing in 5'8" ish body frames....***


OUTLINE of topics:

***Sound of Music ---- Well who would or would NOT be able to PORTRAY the people in this HISTORY/MUSICAL.... as this or that CHARACTER?  to make the story line WORK?  Quiz

***Bob Ross ---  Can you TELL what he painted?  If you CAN then the LUMEN strength in your eyes works FINE....as in ALL NATIONS have EQUAL LUMEN levels!

***Heart -- Learn how BLOOOOOOD FLOWS through the HEART of a person....and that it is an actual person and the direction it goes.

***SNL ---> stands for SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE....funny events where they ASK CELEBRITIES to portray the participants on SNL.....  CAN NOT be re-created without SUPER ELEMENTS of OBVIOUS in THIS ERA!  THERE are many with ERRORS...in the HEART these days!  DEMENTIA PATIENTS can PASS this you GUYS....and GALS!   &&& HEADLINES on the BOARD?  SILHOUTTE (chicken, dog, cat etc), PLANETS, ASTRONOMY ("red planet," JUPITER, *rises in the EAST* etc)

***Akuna Matata --- Lion King.... what does this MEAN?

*** Lion Faces .... look at a series of LION FACES.... a LOT of THEM!  Take it SERIOUSLY!  as in I kinda went on an adventure and didn't know that WAS that way until someone EXPLAINED it THAT way... and then I'm like .... OH.... YEAH... that IS a LION FACE....

***Rooster Crowing ----> ummmm lets just say that is the opposite BEHAVIOUR of CHICKENS....BEHAVIOUR BEHAVIOUR!

***Computer AGE.... we are in that AGE..... no it doesn't spell ABE..... it spells AGE.... look up ABE of the bible on a search engine.....if the computer works....then WRITE down the BEHAVIOURS of ABE of the bible....  Who in the CLOSE family was FAIR-FINE loooooking.... now.... WHAT types of THINGS do SONS of ABE actually DO with ..... well.... the FEMALE kind?  HOW did they TREAT so and so?

***Flint, MI

WATER QUALITY MATTERS...... go back in a CANOE and ROE..... a little bit more WISDOM!  as in I didn't KNOW that was THE ultimate issue and ELIZABETH of the bible....didn't keep a "WAR-IN"-SIDE but THOUGHT of MARY....  LOCAL water-ways for those "bitter waters" (NASO BIBLE PORTION) when the LIVING WATER....wasn't AROUND!~  ACHARAI MOT section of the bible says and I quote you correctly: LIFE of the FLESH is in the BLOOD.....  IF the combination isn't supposed to SEE that....then....don't DO THAT and other supportive WISDOM renditions in KNOWING that if THAT is TRUTH....about THAT combination...then THAT is when LIFE begins!

***Go back and re-do the study of the HEART BLOOD FLOW and the direction it goes through the body..... PSALM 119.... LV = HEART in HEBREW...... then go BACK up and RE-DO the SOUND of MUSIC and where all of THIS is coming from!  AS in HEBREW language..... belongs..... HERE and there and HERE and there....the HAIR....spells things sometimes!

***Ojibwe people's dictionary....because it matters when they SAY BLACK LIVES MATTER...but then they forget to PUBLISH the results from this AREA...and why GEORGE FLOYD....was a person...but the other one's didn't ACTUALLY CARE!  We know what we know about DAVID DORN... https://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=chicken&commit=Search&type=english  search results: Sheep, Almond, Olive, Goat, Chicken.......

WHAT did you GET?  Ummmmmm ok.  so LION faces....  LION and FACE?  sure sure yah sure..... ya betcha.... errr um THAT is SCANDINAVIAN!

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Songs of Love and Hope